Go here on google.
To download the pdf, on the upper right click on PDF. It's about 77 mb.
Sorry Grant. I was refering to the ebay seller. Here it is.
They are also selling it as a buy it now for $16.57. You can look at several issues free here. http://books.google.com/books?id=kbLmAAAAMAAJ&dq=american%20blacksmith&pg=PR1#v=onepage&q&f=false
Most light dimmers are not built to handle motor speed control.
You can try something like this.
I came across this on ebay.
You may find this interesting.
Or this.
If you have access to a lathe, turn a circular groove in the end of a rod so that when struck it will make a dot impression surrounded by a unpressed ring(from the groove) then surrounded by a ring impression.
Mark has a couple of books out and is working on a third-
Not inexpensive but well worth the money. Book 1 would be a great help if you are getting started.