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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by dkunkler

  1. Another gold vise. http://cgi.ebay.com/Vise-Antique-1800s-/380263060205?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item588971d2ed
  2. Click on save just below the lower righthand of the photo. That should open it in a new window.
  3. We need a $0 option in the poll. It doesn't let you vote if you don't select an amount paid for drawings.
  4. It's a 8.98 Mb pdf file, so it may take a while to load.
  5. Per Clay's plans- On a dirt floor bolt to a wood base 3 1/2' wide with 4 1/2" bolts washers and lock nuts. The base is made of 10 pressure treat 4x4 at least 3 1/2 feet long bolted together with 1/2" all thread rod and dug into the ground.
  6. Good advice Robert. Did you mean 1000 CFM instead of 10 CFM ?
  7. If you subtract 72 from 180 degrees you'll get the correct angle of 108 degrees. For Regular polygons the interior angle is 180-(360/s) where s is the number of sides.
  8. Yes, that can be dangerous. That explosive gas bubbling off was hydrogen.
  9. dkunkler

    press idea

    It would work, but you would only get 1 or 2 tons of squeeze force.
  10. Sounds like a great buy. They make good horseshoeing anvils. Compare it with their new anvils here. http://www.nctoolco.com/pages/anvils3.htm
  11. Way down for one day only, but too late we missed it. http://cincinnati.craigslist.org/atq/1785124328.html
  12. Excellent job on the lock Dan. Thanks for the email, I converted your word doc to jpegs so they could be posted.
  13. Is that Pete? We thought he was a toad. :P
  14. You can download a pdf version from googlebooks here. http://books.google.com/books?id=t_IRCzjTf08C&printsec=frontcover&dq=moxon&ei=Q0D0S4mtBaWCywTlvrjUCA&cd=1#v=onepage&q&f=false
  15. You can use copper patina on tin/lead solder. Like this. http://www.amazon.com/Super-Brite-Copper-Patina-Solder/dp/B000N64PDE I've used it on stained glass work. It leaves a thin copper plating on the solder.
  16. Here's some photos of a sickle grinder in a little better condition. http://www.goantiques.com/scripts/images,id,1302505.html#
  17. I think what you have is a Craftsman Model 109. See if this helps you. http://www.owwm.com/pubs/222/2112.pdf
  18. It was patented in the US by Stuart A. Hill. http://www.blurringlines.com/stuart.htm Here you can find the U.S. patent for this technique. http://patimg1.uspto.gov/.piw?docid=04631797&PageNum=1&&IDKey=C00E06F76901&HomeUrl=http://pimg-piw.uspto.gov/
  19. That sounds like an excellent idea for a headboard. Here's how to draw a 5 point star with a straightedge and compass. http://www.jimloy.com/geometry/pentagon.htm
  20. A taper attachment would be nice, but you can turn the taper with the compound. It will take a litle longer and more hand cranking.
  21. Do you mean pipe dies for bending curves in pipe and tube? More details on your pipe dies please. Pictures would be great too. Thanks.
  22. Good point Thomas. You've got to just keep on cranking or mix in a little coal to sustain the fire.
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