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It was a good two days and I mostly kept out of the way. They  measured more than 100lbs of magnetite going in and the bloom was 15lbs. 10oz. Evidently it wasn't producing enough slag to suit the master and he told someone to get some sand which they added to the burn. Turned out they'd taken sand used to make molds, brand name Green Sand which only fused together into a cap over the tuyere. The silica sand melted and ran off it like water after that. The guys didn't know Pat had special won't melt in a blown charcoal fire type sand and Pat wasn't handy to prevent the mistake. Stuff happens eh? The bloom was without voids and sparked like mid, low medium carbon.

 It was still a good event even with the problem. Won't happen next time.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Was able to light the forge today felt great. Made a punch or what I hope will be one pictured in center. Then got the first bracket to hold my anvil down made got to do 3 more but need make a jig now that I have one be way easier to bend. Then finally started to mess around  with making a skull. Got the metal bent over little too far I think but will get back to it next go arm got tired.


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Not bad Gandalf. What are you wanting to punch? Being tapered like it is it's more of a drift as is. Planned it that way, just got the name wrong. Right? ;) 

Matching things like your bracket doesn't need a jig, just make all 4 at the same time one step at a time. One 90* bend 1" from one end on all 4. Then a 90* bend the other direction 1" in on all 4. Etc. On occasion when  the form allows I tack weld the different pieces together and make the bends in all of them at the same time. They come out very even with a minimum amount of hassle. Doesn't work for everything of course but making 4 hold down brackets is a perfect opportunity.

Started making a skull but got the metal bent over too far? Lost me there Bud.

Looks like a good day getting back in the saddle, don't overdo your arm!

I see we're typing at the same time Scott. It was a really good time goofs and all. The battery on my phone was dying and most of the pics I took didn't save, dumped the first in. <grrr> The pic that saved, he was beating on the axe with a splitting maul.

Artists! <SHEESH> Don't they teach people NOT to hit hammers with hammers anymore?

Frosty The Lucky.

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Thanks for that info on the bracket I shall attempt that on the next 3. Yeah skull is just something been wanting to try. More art than anything.  Forgot to say bracket started off as round bar stock little under half inch.


And your probally correct a drift not a punch my vocabulary is not the greatest.

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2 hours ago, Frosty said:

Started making a skull but got the metal bent over too far?

That's what I was talking about smashed it too flat. need it more rounded like back of a skull. Squared off 1 inch round then folded over to start but went to far.


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Any time over the anvil is good, if you’re learning something. 

I reforged the brackets on the railings, made some lateral braces to attach to the porch, set everything up in place, and did enough welding to hold it together enough to get it back to the shop. On to the final welding, cleanup, and paint!




The addition of the lateral braces was a good idea, and thanks to everyone who encouraged it. 

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well people it is official I am finished grade 11 as of now

had a car-show in town Sunday got to take part in driving a car (the jag below). There was over half a dozen Model A's ranging from 1927 to 30 in both the coupe and 4 door versions all the way through to 2022 cameros and mustangs. well over 100 cars came from up to 500km away


The crew I went with also had this 49 dodge coronet


There was a large number of trans-am firebirds and Cameros but this one stuck out, one of five 1995 Cameros made for the rcmp decommissioned in 2002


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Good Morning,

I remember driving one of those Dodge's. Fill it full of people, hide a box or 2 of Beer in the trunk and head for the Drive-In Theater. The entry was by the 'Car Load'. Now, you can't find a 'Drive-In' that is working. Lots of old ones, though. There used to be one beside the highway, just north of Williams Lake.


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I remember when i was a teenager and my buddy had a Ford LTD, huge land yacht, giant trunk, and a bunch of us would get in and sneak into the drive in. Good times. 

We also had a local drive in that showed adult movies. There was a sand and gravel company behind it and you could get up on the gravel mounds and watch the movies. 

Car shows are pretty big here. 5 or 6 times a year our down town is closed off and there is a car show. People here love cars. We even have spontaneous car shows where a bunch just end up in big parking lot. Frisch's Big Boy used to be the hang out on weekends till it closed then it became the Taco Bell parking lot. Dont ask how i know that 2 of the traffic lights on that road with the Taco Bell are exactly 1/4 mile apart. 

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I don't participate but there are regular pop up car shows at the Big Boy near my house. I assume pop up anyway. Definitely more than once a month and no extras like food trucks and banners and such. 

My first boyfriend had a '77 Chevy Nova. My first girlfriend had a 60s Ford Falcon. I love looking at the pretty cars but never caught the bug of having them myself. 

Used to have someone in our neighborhood that did dune buggies. Had them all lit up along the cage and the tall flag pole. It was fun watching them cruise around at night. 

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My dad drag raced in the late 60's through till the 80's as well as most of his freinds. The street we lived on had provably 10 or 12 guys that all drag raced. Everything from rail dragsters to just hot rods.  Fun times. 

My first car i got when i was 13 was a '70 Nova. I used to go through the school parking lot setting off the rich kids alarms. They were new back then. 

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On 6/6/2023 at 1:12 AM, swedefiddle said:

Now, you can't find a 'Drive-In' that is working.

  Some intrepid entrepreneur's built a brand spanking new one in an old cornfield near where I lived by Omaha just before I moved in 2021. It's called Quasar and it says it has a 300 car capacity.  I noted the construction of it going back and forth to work.  It looked huge.  I wish them all the luck in the world.   

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Comes right up on a web-search Scott. It seems to be going strong though I didn't go to the page. 

Drive-ins had it pretty hard here, it doesn't get dark enough to watch a big screen movie outdoors and winter tends to be too cold. Even the ones with electric car heaters on the pole with the speakers are gone now. We used to take the pickup truck, park facing away from the screen, drop the gate and watch from under a sleeping bag in back. Mattress, pillows, blanket, munchies and unrestricted view. Good times. The cab over camper was good but not quite as good.

Frosty The Lucky.

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There's a drive-in near us that still going strong. They actually did decent business during the pandemic, as people could go to the movies without having to be closed up with a bunch of breathing strangers. Didn't make as much on concessions, though.

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I'd like to now how you did it too, Alex. You grow such beautiful plants, I'd like to have a small cabin down wind when it's all in bloom.

Were I to need to it, my first try would be to wrap the shrub in parachute cord winding it from the bottom up and slipping the support over it. Then remove the cord, unwrap or cut.

Any more ideas Guys? Let's call it a friendly brainstorming challenge!

Frosty The Lucky.

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