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I will deffinately be using adhesive. The screws aren't a bad idea. I has thought of using small brass tacks in undersized drilled holes in the wood with a dab of adhesive before tapping them in. ( hole in the brass plate would be to size)

I'll see if I can find some small brass screws that won't look too tacky.

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A little dollop of silicone in the center of the plaque would be good: strong hold and enough flex to keep it from working loose. 

If the plaque is thick enough, you could countersink it for flathead screws and then file them flush once they're in place. Oval-headed screw are nice, too. Another option that occurs to me as I type is to countersink the holes, screw in regular flathead screws that don't go all the way down, and then file off the grooved part of the head (at the dotted line in the top drawing).


It's not removable once it's in place, but the threads would make it secure as all get-out -- much more so than a smooth-shanked nail.

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I'm pretty set on a 2 part epoxy of the whole plate. I really dont want anything getting behind it. I dont think the wood will move that much to pop it off. These are obviously not machine washable and if they did it would be like anyone taking any other item and abusing it beyond its intended use and care. (I will reiterate to the commissioner to inform the recipients.) That's all I can do then it's out of my hands. 

The countersink screw is probably the better option. I'm really leery to be filing the heads down as I'd Really hate to mess up any engraving After they are attached to the mug. My best hope is just a light polishing on the brass once affixed. I'm engraving them off so if I mess up i can start a new plaque since I only have the number of mugs I'll be doing with maybe one or two spare. 

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Mr. Mouse came from LA. My dad gave me a gang box full of tools, tool boxes and some misc. items. (most of the tools an the boxes were my grandfather's.) I found him just as he is with peanut and all in the back corner of one of the old tool boxes. He is thoroughly dried out. I did think i ruined him one day when he went for not 1 but 2 dips in my slack tank. But except for a little dirt, dust and soot he is no worse for wear. He mostly just hangs out on a shelf watching the happenings in the shop. 

Das, if they are made of wood you could burn into the bottom "not machine washable" or "hand wash only". Or something along those lines. 

Anywho, looking like no shop time today. Please give a warm welcome to my newest apprentice Chloe. May be a day or 2 to get her at the anvil but it's alright. Just over 7#, (0-0-7 for you old smiths) at 14", told them that was under the limit and should be thrown back but the wife and daughter insisted we keep her.


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Boy you like to live dangerously!   Both of my daughters managed to grab my beard and pull when they were less than an hour into the world---4 years apart.  I figure it was fair warning of what was to come!  (My oldest is a Veterinarian, my youngest is in Okinawa with her husband and their 4 sons.) 

WPAFW: Wright Patterson Air Force W? Works Progress Administration FW?


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Billy, I'll have to see if it isnt already on there. If not It may be something I do. 

Congratulations on your new apprentice! :lol:

Thomas, it's Western PA. Furry Weekend.

It's a weekend event held at and around a building a park for fans of anthropomorphic animals/cartoons (Furries) and the like. It started as a small event focused on friends, fun,beer and food, and has grown pretty big over the years. Elizabeth always helps out in the kitchen preparing food. Last year they had me as one of the featured artists and had me make branding irons for sampling glass paddles they gave to all the super sponsors at a special dinner for them. They sampled a local company that made different hard apple ciders. I got to partake thankfully. I also set up my forge at the event and did some demos. They have a outdoor bar setup and had a lot of high end beers ciders and mead.

It was a good time. This year they only did some online stuff and asked me about doing the mugs for the people that put on the online event. 


Thanks John. Appreciate the ideas. 


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Been to SF cons since the mid 1970's; so I am aware of Furries; I'd think that would be one of the more interesting groups to demo for.  I hope the crowd line is out a few more feet as fake furs/fleeces are generally quite flammable in nasty ways.

(I once consulted with a fantasy author on how to work smithing for an anthro'd race based on Beavers...)

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It was really fun. I thought ahead and had caution tape around the forge area and there were enough people around (also keeping an eye out myself) for those in suit that might not have the best or wide compasing vision. It went really well and there was a ton of interest. I was actually asked to bring the forge this year as well but it ended up being a virtual event with concerns to covid. 

The fur isn't so much flammable without serious flame but will easily melt and some of the costumes are in the thousands of dollars range so yeah, don't need to be messing those up. 

I won't pass on an offer to attend next year. 

Were the beavers tails utilized in working bellows? Then again I doubt long durration would wear them out.  I'm sure they used charcoal, and had a water wheel powered hammer. 

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Das:  "branding irons for sampling glass paddles'???  I think you are talking about sampling glasses for taking part in the various beverages available but I cant work in the branding irons or the paddles.  Glass paddles?  Please expand.  this is making my brain hurt.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

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Haha sorry George. I didn't really know what they were talking about when I was first asked to do them. The paddles are wooden (theirs were bamboo) and have round divots where the glasses set in. Like a base for carrying out the sample glasses. The proper term is "flight board" or "flight paddle"

Yeah, sorry, I was digging on my phone for an image but it must have been cleared off when I got a new phone. 

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BillyBones, congratulations on the new edition! She's precious. 

I was cleaning out the loafing shed I'm thinking of using for my smithy the other day and I found a mummified rat in a plastic bag... made me think of your awesome little mouse. My rat would not be as cute as your mouse though :wacko:

Nice work from all you guys. Y'all are getting better and better all the time

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Oh my, don't get me started on finding chipmunks in containers.. I worked at a horse barn 2 summers ago and we kept some grain in a metal garbage can. It was almost empty and we forgot to put the lid on one night. Next morning there were 6 chipmunks in the can.

The two... victors.. seemed to have formed some sort of truce and were sitting calmly on opposing sides of the battlefield. The other 4.. Well lets just say they didn't make it.. 

I love chipmunks, they're adorable, but after seeing the inside of that can I have learned that they can also be very, very mean to other chipmunks.

Okay, that took a dark turn. How about a sharp pivot!

Congratulations Billy! She's adorable, I think your wife/daughter made the right call on this one.

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