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59 minutes ago, BIGGUNDOCTOR said:

Would a thin kerf under the blade help in making a full cut and help eliminate connecting fibers? Or does it wear in after awhile on its own?

That question makes sense, but I can't give you an honest knowledgeable answer.

The only two I have seen in person were a different "industrial" type and did have a pocket the blade rested in. The base was cast (or at least appeared to be) so the pocket made more of a scissor effect since the blade recessed a little bit.


This one was based off of photos of a similar design with the wooden board. In the photos I referenced the board had marks under the blade from use, so I am assuming that it wears itself in after a bit. Neither myself or the gentleman it is going to have ever actually used one, so we are both pretty new to the concept and just going from photos.

He is going to give me feedback on how well it works (or doesn't for that matter) so if I make another I can adjust things as needed.

(Photos I referenced for the one I made.)



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44 minutes ago, jlpservicesinc said:

sfeile nice work indeed.. I had thought they were for making brooms and cutting all the strands to the same length..   Now I know..   Nice work.. 

Thank you!

31 minutes ago, BIGGUNDOCTOR said:

OK, that helps a lot. I was thinking these were for cutting tobacco leaves, not plugs.


They seem to be listed as either a leaf or plug cutter when I was searching for references. I believe his intention is to use it more for plugs from our discussions. Hopefully it will work ok for either haha. 

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Needing to cut some bowl blanks from 16 ga. sheet, I threw together a field-expedient porta-band stand out of a C-clamp, some 1” square tube, and my post vise:


2 hours ago, jlpservicesinc said:

I had thought they were for making brooms and cutting all the strands to the same length..   Now I know..   Nice work.. 

Broom cutters only had a table on one side, like an old fashioned paper cutter, because you wanted the trimmings to fall on the floor and out of the way. With a tobacco cutter, the whole point was to keep the trimmings together for sale and future use; hence, the table on both sides of the blade. 

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I got the vise in trade (with some cash) for my old rivet forge. It’s a frankenvise, and the screw isn’t in great shape. 

The square tube I picked up from the shoulder of an entry ramp to I-480 in Ohio. 

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Fired up the forge and got the crab legs made. Ran into trouble with the ballerina legs and got some legs started for Rakken. Those two I'll work on tomorrow. For now my first crab finished. 

Apologies if images are messed up. Still getting used to a new phone. 





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That's a great crab, Das. I would name him Sprocket.  I like the way you have him raised on the points of the feet as though he's ready to do a sideways scuttle. I'm working on the scorpion at present.

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Thanks Aus. The name fits. 

I really need to tear some engines down or something because I'm running low on longer bolts I like to use for legs. Time to up the TPAAAT on some mechanics for some cylindar head bolts. Store bolts just aren't as fun with the zinc removal...

Excited to see how that large scorpion turns out. 

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Finish the two mobile solid fuel forges. Can’t wait to light one of them up this coming weekend after coming back with the 150lbs UAT. No drawings, made ‘as build’ with only some referring measurement’s (diameter brake drum, height).

Try to listen to several advice of several wise men’s on IFI as by example the size drum (diameter of drum -10 till 12in is quit enough for a field forge) and the use of scarifying bars in de air inlet (double useful in combination with the spaces between and the fraction of your cokes ½ - ¾ )

Will handle the air intake again with opening and closing the ash scuttle (air escape) as I do on the other solid fuel forge for many years. Curios about the tube ventilator, after my opinion his is not powerful enough, so maybe I have to pimp the whole forge with a hair dryer (I don’t like the idea because of the look<_<)

Next project will be my first mobile metal anvil stand instead of the by me preferred wooden stands which absorbs the beats and are gentle to your wrists.  Got also some nice ideas from IFI regarding this project and maybe the guys I copycat will recognise their own stands.

Have a nice day :D

‘Der’ Hans





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Hey folks,

Recently finished my first "production" job. Made a set of these handles for a kitchen my dad is building. 22 so far, hopefully it is enough but the client keeps changing the design. 


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Das: That is such a cool crab, you're getting better at these all the time. I thought Cogsley  at first glance.  

Hans: I'm thinking those look more like high end decor than coal forges. They're just too pretty to get dirty. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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19 minutes ago, Frosty said:

Hans: I'm thinking those look more like high end decor than coal forges. They're just too pretty to get dirty. 

Those Are some Nice looking forges. I'd use one for sure. Infact I might borrow the design lol. 


Thanks Frosty. Lol. I was just thinking Salty, but I'm digging the name ideas. I'll be making more carbs after this one. I'm thinking I can improve on the forged legs. Once the first one comes about ( thanks to Ausfire getting crabs in my head. ) they start flowing.  Once I saw that it was in my head and once I saw that sprocket/ cog it was meant to be. 

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When I thought Cogsley the Adams Family theme started running through my mind drummed out by crabs dancing. Tickety tick snap snap, tickety tick snap snap. It's the Adams Fishery!

My thinking runs in themes too. I'm awful tempted to hit a transmission shop and see what I can bum from the scrap.

Frosty The Lucky.

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I'm sure you would acquire anything from forgable scrap to scrapart gold. 

Lol. I really like the Adam's Fishery. I have some fishy pieces I've been needing to get working on. 

Actually I have so many things I have a bit of and an idea for that it makes my head spin. I feel bad about the threads I've started that are waiting in the wind but I'll get back to them eventually. Sometimes things get sideways and sidetracked. And it's not always a bad thing. Always trying to up my game and always a few steps back. But always forward. 

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