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I Forge Iron

Les Paul Guitar

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Thanks Dave, 58er. 

I almost loaded it up with bits and pieces, which would have beed fun to look at and identify but it wasnt working for This one. Perhaps another but this one I felt simpler was better. It does have some little less noticable bits. There is a "cable jack" and "strap pegs"

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Very nice Das. Sometimes an artist needs to know when to quit. Just as music has its pauses or blank spaces, art pieces sometimes require empty spaces to make them look better. There are of course times and styles when you cram as much stuff as possible into a piece so the observer can spend a lot of time noticing the details. 

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Daswulf- that is an absolute work of art! You have an incredible talent for seeing opportunities where others would see scrap. Inspirational.

I hope you're getting a seriously hefty pricetag if you're selling it! The right customer would pay a hell of a lot of money for that kind of work.

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