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Frosty in the hospital (home Nov 09)


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I check here and pray for Frosty every day. Hearing about his daily gains just shows how powerful collective prayers and thoughts are. I know because they worked for me when I needed them last year after my stroke and now they are working for him.
My most sincere wishes go to Frosty for a speedy recovery and to his family for the strength to get through this ordeal.

Everybody, keep the thoughts and prayers going.

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I have a son who had a major brain trauma incident, the doctors were wrong every step of the way, he has come so much farther than they wanted us to think he could. Frosty will keep getting better, and over time, the brain will attache areas, or bypass damaged areas, and he will continue to improve. It is so good to hear he is re-establishing cognitive function, and actually, really fast, although it must seem like an eternity for De. Our son continued to improve for 4 years! Go Frosty!!

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Yikes !!! Prayers for Frostie !!!

It has been awhile since I logged on here and now that I take a look I find one of my old stalwart favorites has had a major setback in life.

Frosty my brother we all love you.

Always the sharpest knife in the drawer, always the most humorous in the wordgame and led the story keeping the rest of us chasing you.

Very good to hear you are doing well.

IFI without Frostie would be like a shop with no anvil and no fire...

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I log onto IFI most days and yet have missed this horrible news until now, I have read through all the posts which have become more and more encouraging. It must have been horrendous for Deb and everyone close. When he gets better and reads this he will see just how much affection he is held in by everyone else who only has cyber contact with him,get better soon Frosty

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De Frost:

Frosty ate almost 2/3rds of his lunch today ...and even better -
seriously - around mid-afternoon, HE WAS HUNGRY AND ASKED FOR A SNACK.
I found some pudding ... and he ate the whole thing. Now we are
waiting for dinner and he is IMPATIENTLY waiting for it. What a
turnaround in 24 hours. More prayers answered. Keep it up! :)

Dinner for Frosty was spaghetti with yellow zucchini and a side of
fresh fruit. He didn't *recognize* the spaghetti (couldn't come up
with the name) but liked the smell and taste - especially of the meat
sauce. He ate nearly half his dinner, which is a good improvement over
ANY day yet so a solid step forward.

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De Frost:

Frosty ate almost 2/3rds of his lunch today ...and even better -
seriously - around mid-afternoon, HE WAS HUNGRY AND ASKED FOR A SNACK.
I found some pudding ... and he ate the whole thing. Now we are
waiting for dinner and he is IMPATIENTLY waiting for it. What a
turnaround in 24 hours. More prayers answered. Keep it up! :)

Dinner for Frosty was spaghetti with yellow zucchini and a side of
fresh fruit. He didn't *recognize* the spaghetti (couldn't come up
with the name) but liked the smell and taste - especially of the meat
sauce. He ate nearly half his dinner, which is a good improvement over
ANY day yet so a solid step forward.

It's not his recognition ability, it's the hospital food. I dare anyone to figure out what their eating in a hospital :D:D

Kidding aside, it's great to hear about his progress and we will keep praying.
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Frosty is lucky, when my Dad was recovering from his brain tumor surgery, they fed him pureed stuff.... have you ever seen pureed meat loaf.. or pot roast.... or string beans? it has a little more texture than baby food.... or pureed spaghetti.. WHO DOES THAT????

On the up side he had lost a lot of the memory of what food was like so it worked out ok... after a couple of months he went back to regular food... but it was interesting the number of things that can be served pureed....

keep the healing going...

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Forwarded from late yesterday:
De Frost:
Hey all! It's only mid-day but I wanted to send THIS update ASAP. :)
Frosty's doctor appt. went well today. The x-rays of his neck were
clear (the neck brace is history!), the CAT scan shows healing/healed
of the original injuries and the neurologist has cleared him - no more
visits necessary unless something new pops up. I *think* this means we
move on to serious rehab.

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