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I Forge Iron

It followed me home

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  I spent the entire night in bed staring at the ceiling through the gloom, trying to conjure up a joke involving Frankenstein and big nuts and bolts, tossing and turning, my mind racing like an engine with no governor, but couldn't stitch anything together.  I'm heading back Monday for the other two! 

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There are quite a few books (such as this one) that I’ve been “reading” for the first time as audiobooks, and others that I’ve been thus revisiting after many years (such as Raymond Chandler’s The Big Sleep, which I finished yesterday). Great way to fill in the time when I’m driving, and also good for when I’m in the shop, as the parts of the brain that process language are different from those needed for action. 

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Today, while cycling home, I found this excavator tooth on the side of the road. 




Lucky I had a backpack and put it inside: " Jaysus! This thing is heavy ... well, only 6 Km more to get home..."

Wondering with my thoughts: "what can I do with it? I could forge a conus mandrel out of it but for that I need a power hammer!... Well, who knows next time I cycle home I will find a power hammer on the side of the road? But for that I would need a bigger backpack... :D

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2 hours ago, JHCC said:

The Big Sleep

  I have seen the movie (co-wrote by William Faulkner, much to my suprise after looking it up), which I'm sure doesn't do the book justice.   Which is why I said "thought provoking" about Frankenstein.  I might have said unsetteling.  I tried audio books and they just don't work for me.

  Have you a cutting torch for that tooth?  :).  Good thing it didn't go through someones radiator, or worse!

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4 hours ago, Frosty said:

Depending on who did the narration.

In this case, Anthony Heald*, Stefan Rudnicki, and Simon Templeman. I just finished it, and it was very good. 
* My wife’s grad school advisor’s son-in-law. 

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JHCC, good find on the sleeves and hard hat liner. When I was welding in a shipyard, back in the 70’s, I would get 1-2 months service out of sleeves like that. I did a lot of overhead welding, with flux core, and after a week the arms would stay bent up in my welding position when I took them off, but they did reduce the number of burns on me. 

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This Finally followed me home in my trailer from off the cornwell truck at work. Been waiting a few months to take delivery but no time ever worked for both of us so I took my trailer and met up at my work to get it. 

79" long, scratch and dent sale. Got it for a fraction of what they normally are. 

Now so many of my homeless tools will have a home to be put away into and I will spend Way less time looking for them. Plus I can unload much off the top of the other box. 

One of the kittens came to check out what was going on as well. Lol





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I'll figure out pics in a bit, but I gotta brag!

As I was hawking fire pokers and wall hooks at the Fair, a lady mentioned I should come look at her husband's tools. Next day I went over.

This trip (there will be more) I loaded up a bunch of steel, fullers, ASOs, a coal forge, champion 400 blower, and a Lincoln 140 mig in the box. 

Oh, and a 5 3/4 Wright post vice in restored condition. 

I'm the happiest clam on the island. Some of it was a gift and some I paid decently for. I'll be giving her all my disposable income for the next while, picking up tools as I go. 

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Bluerooster, in my opinion, cornwell is mostly reasonably priced for the quality. Mac used to be before their heads got fat from sponsoring the tv show Monster Garage, then their prices went up a lot. Snap on has mostly heavily inflated prices.  Matco is give or take. All of them have some good deals here or there but I only ever go on the Cornwell truck about every week. They, in my opinion, are still the most fair price wise and are consistent in my area. The local snap on dealer is consistent in my area now but back a few some years they left me hanging leaving a sour taste. They are consistent now. Each has certain tools that are unique or better than others and worth the price. As far as sockets and wrenches, I recommend Gearwrench for the quality and price.  Far as battery powered, I prefer Milwaukee most for the versatility and price, and cornwell deals them as well. All 3 of my toolboxes are now cornwell. My one big one at work and now two at home. To be honest, harbor freight carries some nice tool boxes now for the money. Might not be as deep but they are solid. Considering a top hutch box from them in the future for on the new box if a deal for a factory fit one doesn't pop up. It wouldn't be a perfect fit but would fit and function. 

Bwoollcombe, sounds like an awesome once in a lifetime deal. Congrats. Look forward to pics. 

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16 hours ago, Daswulf said:

Bwoollcombe, sounds like an awesome once in a lifetime deal. Congrats. Look forward to pics.

It really is amazing. And he was a friend and fellow shop teacher with my late father - still waiting to find tools that my dad restored for him in the shop - I know he machined and welded some stuff for him over the years.

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Daswulf, That sounds about right. Matco, and Snap-itoff come by the shop regular. I haven't seen Cornwell Around or I would check it out.  As for tool boxes, they're nice boxes, but dang, they're pricey.  I prefer to spend the $ on what goes into the box, rather than the box it's self.  Boss bought a new box from Snap-on, to the tune of $12k+  after trade in of his old one. We need a R1234 machine more than he needed a new box. Oh well.  I'll stick with my old box, and keep it full of quality tools.  And keep an eye out for more of those $36 deals at the scrap yard. :D

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I Always recommend buying the tools you need before the box. There are Always cheap storage options. The box doesn't make you money till you have made money with the tools and more quality storage would benefit. Wish I knew or listened to that earlier off. 

I have seen Way too many young techs tricked by the tool guys into buying storage before the tools. Often times wanting to borrow certain tools but they have a fancy tool box. Don't get tricked. 

I had a storage problem not a tool problem with this purchase. I was many years fine without it. Tools, use and space has grown to where it was worth it.

Bosses at work often are guilty of paying big money for things that are less neccessary than things that are, even when the techs know what is lacking and say so. . I see that as well and deal with it.  Their shop... 

Often you can need to rely on the warranty, so why pay hundreds when tens of dollars offer you the same. While i wish I knew then what I know now. some of the more specialized tools weren't around then.  I also still have some of the cheap tools from back then still in use today and still holding strong. 

Also I bought a scratch and dent for a fraction. I Know it won't stay nice forever in my shop. Some bang ups don't bother me, when function is key, to save a bunch of money. Used is an option too. If you do look for one Make sure it will fit the type of tools you have. This one has deeper drawers. (Better for my storage needs) Mechanics might get by better with more shallow drawers. It is a tool but one you purchase after you have the main tools you need. 

Just don't need it, want it when you are ready and wait for the right time and deal to come around. 

Rarely does a toolbox appreciate in value. 

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It would take two or three of the boxes that you just got to hold all my tools, between work and home. ;) But the most used daily tools will fit in a tool tray from a carry box. :D And that's where they live on a shelf under the drawers. 

Here's a pic of the tool box that I've used at home for about 24 years.  When I got my current job last year I needed a toolbox for work. so I put doors that can be secured, and took it to work.  The drawer pulls are bought, the door handles/thumb latches, and hinges. are forged by me from scrap.  Top drawer is standard wrenches, middle is standard sockets, ratchets, extensions, and Torx, Bottom drawer is various and sundry items, screw drivers, pliers, punches, files, etc. Shelf holds various power tools, Bottom holds another set of drawers with all metric stuff. Most all specialty tools are in their own cases, and fit on the shelves on either side.  Hammers, dollys, etc, fit on the bottom left, along with battery impact, and drill.



Yes, toolboxes are like cars, they lose about 1/3 of the value before the ink is dry on the sales agreement.


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was years ago-----but they followed me home----and now on deck.........been downsizing and getting tools into younger hands which bring these 2 to light, embarrassed theyve been sitting so long......both in excellent condition other than surface rust.....#1  marked only "MADE IS USA" @ 5".......#2   one of my favorite designs------the Polish FPU where the front jaw remains stable and the rear slides-------the 3" and 4" are relatively common, ive seen 1 5"-------this monster is 6" weighs in @ 100 plus......not sure of plans, the FPU may get a restore......



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