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What did you do in the shop today?

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T. P.,  Effendi,

I was not aware of the light cattle density of your land. 

Thus, "my tongue in cheek" snide comment was ignorant and somewhat ill-informed.

I apologize.

Have a great day.



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Busy day today.

Got a few of these done, people seem to like them and they take maybe a half hour to make once you get a rhythm going


When i first got into smithing i thought i wanted to be a blade smith, well i have made a few knife shaped objects (KSO's ?) But i got tired of my crappy kitchen knife so i decided to make 1, that turned into 3. Just 1 coil of a rear spring off a Ford Taurus. Turned out better than i thought and they are wicked sharp. The middle one i blued. (ok these were started on Thursday and i just finished today)


And these bean poles. Love me some half runners but ya have to tie them up. I made myself a couple, my mom liked them, which led to my aunt and all their friends. Now i have back orders to catch up on. They take a while becuase i am running my gasser which only has about a 6" x 8" opening and getting the bends heated are a pain.


Time to open up that Smithwicks and get dinner on. Slainte to yall.



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7 hours ago, SLAG said:

I was not aware of the light cattle density of your land. Thus, "my tongue in cheek"

I don't know about offering such a lush straight line as calling a remark about cow droppings "tongue in cheek" Slag. You know what kind of jokers inhabit this forum don't you?

Frosty The Lucky.

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Well you sure got “the look”. Do you initially envision the final product and do your best to build it. Or is it more like a concept and it sort of keeps coming to you as you move along?  I am sure a bit of both but I am interested how you get “there”. You appear to be a very humble artist with a special gift. How heavy is it?  One of the things I have much admired about talented smiths is that they can produce massive projects that appear delicate and light. Nice work. 

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It is a bit of both. Most of the time it's a concept and it's driven along by parts that catch my eye to add to it. Sort of like knowing the pattern you want, but finding or making the pieces to fill in that pattern along the way. Sometimes I have a clearer vision of how I want the final piece to look, and make or collect the pieces to make it before hand. 

I haven't weighed it yet but I'd guess around 3-5# but I could be off on that. It was late for me last night when I finished up. I try not to make wall hanging pieces too heavy. I'll try to weigh it tonight. 

Thanks for the kind compliment. 

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16 hours ago, Daswulf said:

Jennifer, there's around 20 hours in this. A bit of that can be scrounging around for parts or fiddling over placement and stuff. There's usually a chunk of time in wire wheeling rust and welds. 

You knocked it out of the park..    all that in 20hrs.. You are my hero.. :) 

I"ve said it before..  I wish many a day I was talented in other ways just like your metal art..  There is such a huge market for it.. 

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Thanks so much Jennifer. 

The art market is a big curious animal that I'm still trying to figure out. First and foremost I make everything for me first. (Or for family friends if its a gift) Beyond that its always a total pleasure to have others enjoy my work. 



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Over the years I have been asked so many times If I do steam punk or metal sculptures wish I had a dime for each time.( every demonstration over the last 35 years).  I once did a commission for someone and got all sort of compliments on the work.. LOL.. I was like.. I didn't design it.. LOL.. 

I know fun is fun..  I guess being a funky kind of person myself I have never done anything in the name of moving forwards either in name or in money.. 

I think all to often I am allergic to money or receiving it.. I certainly can spend it well enough.. 

Anyhow,  What ever keeps you happy..  I'm on my out to do a frame repair on an S10 or something of the like..  It will pay well enough but i'd rather be in the trailer finishing up the next series of handle.. :) 


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