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Zombie Knives Ban in England and Wales


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Just reading on the BBC website about: " The legal change in England and Wales will outlaw selling, manufacturing, renting or importing zombie knives. "  The article does mention "There is no specific shape or style, but they are very ornate and intended to shock"   I guess a number of American bladesmiths are now banned.  I remember some pretty wild knives shown at the guild show 32 years ago...

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The law is an amendment to a 1988 law and states 3 requirements to be a "zombie knife"

1)  A blade

2) A serrated edge portion

3) Imprinted text implying violence of some kind

Pretty silly law.  Kind of like banning red cars because more red cars are involved in accidents.  

http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2016/803/contents/made is the 1988 law and the amendment if anyone cares enough to read it.

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/Me furiously starts googling Shawn of the Dead references... 


Shaun: I don't think I've got it in me to shoot my flatmate, my mum and my girlfriend all in the same evening.
Liz: What makes you think I've taken you back?
Shaun: Well...you don't want to die single, do you?



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could it be !

Could it really be !

A marriage proposal  ??  !!!


p.s.( I am already taken, maybe Liz will have you.) Will she be had.

Tune in next day. Same time. Same station. to find out.

(organ skirls & screen fades to black).

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What's "skirling" and how do you "skirl" an organ?

I'm thinking zombies may be becoming an endangered . . . (something or other) in Briton and they're just trying to preserve them for future generations to enjoy . . . No, killing isn't the right word. Offing them? . . . Ok that's a good term "Offing zombies, at least offing their heads.

Frosty The Lucky.

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14 hours ago, JHCC said:

And here I was, thinking that a zombie knife was one made from scrapmascus.

Excellent!!!  Well said!

Thanks for sharing.  Not sure if it was your joke or the wasabi on my dinner that brought tears to my eyes just now....

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Actually I consider this a side effect of the lack of gun crime in the UK. Blade crime makes the news!

Now to get rid of it-----I remember reading about a strong decrease in Icepick murders in New York City and how it correlated with the introduction of the Refrigerator...

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6 minutes ago, ThomasPowers said:

I remember reading about a strong decrease in Icepick murders in New York City and how it correlated with the introduction of the Refrigerator...

You can have my icepick when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers. Very, very cold.

If you outlaw icepicks, only outlaws will be chill.

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What makes me really wonder is that we have an elected body of the great and the good, all probably Eton, Harrow and Oxford educated to a high level - although that ain't no proof of intelligence - governing every move we make in this septic isle. 650 of them create laws and sit in judgement on us mere mortals and some lobbyist with a sense of humour has convinced the majority of the existence of the undead!


if proof were really needed of their existence, could I respectfully suggest a survey of the denizens of the house of both commons and lords?

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