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I Forge Iron

Jim Coke

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Everything posted by Jim Coke

  1. Greetings Derek, The drift is the same as a handheld except set up to go into your ram.... I use a fence that is split to support the stock when drifting because the stock bulges and is hard to index on the flip side. Round stock it is best to hammer a small flat at the pierce point to control shifting.. With the fence it’s easy to index the flip side just make a mark on the stock and the fence.. Once you get the hang of it it’s easy .. Have fun Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  2. Greetings Theo, I’m sure you did an excellent job... Looking forward to seeing ya .. Congrats keep up the great work. Forge on and make beautiful things Jimn
  3. Greetings JHCC, As memory serves, That band saw takes a special blade .. Longer than the Milwaukee.. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  4. Greetings all, I thought I would share a simple hold down that I designed... Works great for flat or round stock.. The offset design allows for longer stock .. Its a super beginner project and you will find it's your go to tool for many projects.. Have fun. comments suggestion welcome .. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  5. Greetings Page, No markings . The Fisher expert NJAM identified it for me.. I also thought it was a Badger.. Log on to his web there might be pictures or he might log on to help.. Super guy.. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  6. Greetings Gergely, I have been known to use my fly press to control the debth of the squish with the tools. My treadle hammer also works quite well. I taught a friend how to make them and at his last demo / sale he sold out at 40 bucks each.. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  7. That depends on the candles you intend to use.. Most like the little frameless battery powered ones.. The ring is based on how much edge you want on the flat stock. They are fun to make so have a ball.
  8. Greetings Zero /JHCC, Da tools to get the job done easy. One smack with the rounded end down on the ring than flat end down on the anvil. I have made many.. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  9. Greetings Wayne, Yep I like a clean shop but that's only my demo no power shop .. One of my other shops where the bigger things get done clean not so much.. I hope things are going well for you.. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  10. Greetings Street, Floor mount for sure... I have several including a Hossfeld... What many guys don't know is that you can weld a piece of square tube to the handle and use it in the vise vertical.. The forming dies are worth the price.. You can also make a simple bending fork for your Hardy that fits the dies.. Great tool.. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  11. Greetings Das, Slick set up.. Now for the good ol boys 2c... I would drill 1/2 holes in the gear feet for some drive in stakes .. Ya never know you might run into some clay or sandy soil and you might want a deeper hold.. Your anvil looks rock solid and probably won't need the chain. Next I. Would move the hammer / tong rings on the close side to under the horn than make a thinner tray for cut offs and chisels. I have made several set ups and found the hammers and tongs on the close side just seem to get in the way.. Wish I was there for the christening.. Have fun.. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  12. Greetings Dragon, How about a cast fence cap from Home Depot... Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  13. Greetings All, I decided to make a tool to hold items horizontally in the vise. A sheet metal Visegrip welded to an angle iron does the job quite well.. It works great for sharpening lawn mower blades and I am sure it will come in handy for blade smith work. It works super for holding flat stock for fileing because you can adjust it to verious angles.. I found another version at Tractor Supply that also works well . I think the original intent for the tool was to pick up heavier flat stock. Note the loops.. Just 10 bucks.. I have made up several because everyone that sees me use it wants one bad.. Great gift.. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  14. Greetings Randell, Just an old boys 2c.. It looks to me that you are working your metal to hot.. Bright orange to yellow and heavy brushing between heats would yield a much smoother surface.. Practice practice practice.. You will do well.. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  15. Greetings Chief, That anvil will serve you well for many years.. The best part is it was a fair price and will be worth that if you choose to upgrade. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  16. Greetings Dave, Next year take a bigger back pack and truck.. Sunday is always bargin day. I have been known to have a empty truck on Saturday and by the time I left on Sunday topped right off .. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  17. Greetings Marcus, If you build the jig it's easy to cut the stock longer than after the bends cut the joint flush . No math required .. You could also use simple shaft locks for the 1 1/4 OD bends. Easy just 1 hours work .. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  18. Greetings Duck. You can purchase a copper an oxidizer from a jewlers supply that will yield the surface color but the deep weathered look is hard to replacate to last in a outside Enviroment. No quick answer here.. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  19. Greetings Marcus, Sorry tried to edit... You could make a small bending fixture from 1/4 X1 welded to a plate . Just cut your stock to length and use a oxy ace torch at the bends holding the stock with vice grips against the form.. I would make the start finish point of the round stock at the 1/4 weld radius mark on your scetch.. This would allow you to just tack weld the bar. The finish plate welded in would bond the parts for strength.. I hope this helps.. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  20. Greetings Dave, You are indeed a craftsman... Absolutely beautiful.. Love the Hofi hammer.. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  21. Greetings 210.. Your new shop is kinda looking like my small studio FE26.. It will serve you well and a fun space to work in.. ENJOY Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  22. Greetings Randell, Glad the charcoal worked out for you... Just a few suggestions... Purchase a file handle and drill it out to fit your steel handle.. This would be much easier on your hands.. You could make a fish plate to repair your Forge bracket just 2 plates and a few bolts.. You might try cutting an area in your Forge to allow a pass through for longer stock... Comming right along keep up the progress .. Try a few hooks and make some chisels it's good practice... Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  23. Greetings C1, Not so wacky... Its kinda fun making a basket pineapple.. Give it a shot.. Forge on and make beautiful things
  24. Greetings all, For the first time in 23 years I will not be able to go to SOFA... Duty calls and I must wear a new hat. blacksmith/nurse. I wish everyone a great time and I am already looking forward to next year.. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
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