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It followed me home

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I'm not a dog person (sister bred and showed American Eskimo and Golden Retriever dogs... Goldens were dumb but loyal, Eskies were smart but shed like mad) generally... love my cats though, they are smart and mostly self-reliant. My wife though.... 

We have a 50/50 Chocolate Lab/American Bulldog. He has the beefy bull jaw and musculature, the Chocolate Lab derp. He has eaten drywall, siding, entire socks, and entire underwear. But let me tell you, my 5-almost-6 year old son adores that dog, sooo.... yeah, he's alright. My wife's Yorkshire Terrier is much less destructive, vastly more needy. Oh well. He is a loving little turd though.... he has THE best dejected look ever I must say. We tell him to "GO" when we are eating, and his tail goes to his belly, ears down, head low with frequent sad looks back while slowly shambling away haha

So off-topic... where were we...? 


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I love the doggos but swore after the last two I wouldn't have any others. It's a dirty trick of nature that they have such short lifespans. I love critters in general and have had many different kinds but have always been partial to cats and dogs. I still befriend the stray cats around the house. My last buddy Basil Bob has been MIA for a couple months now. I fear the worst.


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Growing up in the mountains, we lost dozens of barn cats growing up. Several housecats too. Always liked the cats, hated it when they'd go missing. We had one, Tigger, a 15lbs of muscle orange polydactyl tabby that we had from birth to 16 before he just disappeared. Man, he was a scrapper- can't tell you how many wounds I had to dress on him. Watched him beat the crap out of a sizable coyote one day, then dressed his head wounds. But every time you'd get sick, he'd cuddle up tight on the couch with you and just purr away. Our oldest (Poody) was 23 when we put him down. 

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I had to put down my last cat that was actually mine. She was eleven. She just quit eating. I didn't have the money to pay for the testing so all the vet would do is give her a steroid and B-12 shot. She used to catch rabbits and climb the post up to our second floor balcony. I loved her. She was my buddy. I failed her though. I couldn't take her to be euthanized myself so I wasn't with her like I should have been. I regret it. 


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P-nut, sorry to hear Basil bob aint been around, hope for the best and that maybe some kindly elderly lady took him in. We had a cat, David Catslehoff, we had to put down when he was maybe 5. He was diabetic and it was not caught in time. 

My best dog ever, Ziggy,  died with me in the living room 12/29/18. He had cancer, but at least i was there with him to the very end. Just an old mutt but he was smart and loyal. 

We used to raise Norwegian Elkhounds when i was a kid. They were originally bred to hunt bear and of course elk. Brave and fearless dogs. If i ever get another i am going to get either an Elkhound or a veteran dog. As an old vet myself it would be nice to give one of them a good home. But the process is crazy complicated. Many of those dogs when their enlistment is up if the handler does not take them they are just put down.  

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3 hours ago, BillyBones said:

P-nut, sorry to hear Basil bob aint been around, hope for the best and that maybe some kindly elderly lady took him in.

I got sidetracked about the military dogs, but yeah that's what I'm hoping happened. I've had tomcats disappear for three or four months and then show back up out of the blue. I was just about to get him neutered. Maybe he caught wind of my plans and broke camp. I did find a coyote out back that didn't have any obvious signs of injuries so I was thinking it was poisoned. Hopefully Basil is sitting in some old lady's lap being all fat and sassy and didn't meet that particular end. Fingers crossed 


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It don't follow me home, in fact it's been here longer at least twice as long as I've been alive, and I've walked past it a hundred times without seeing it on the wall of one of our barns. It's the biggest dinner triangle I've ever seen. 1 inch hex stock, 2 foot long sides, and sounds like a church bell when it rings. 


Here it is in situ

Looking for a new place for it where we can use it

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I'd like to hear it too, from a distance. You have to be able to call the hands to meals on a large farm you know. 

We used to have a neighbor just down the hill from us who complained to animal control if our barn dog barked. Got her a ticket and $500 fine the second time. I was tempted to make a triangle wind chime from a length of RR rail but Deb said, NO:angry:!  Oh well, somebody has to the the adult. <sigh>

Frosty The Lucky.

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We had a WWII navy veteran that would go out and raise the colors and ring a ships bell every morning at 0800 hours. His neighbor would call 911 all the time complaining about him. I issued her a warning, explaining that he had every right to do that and the next time she complained by calling 911 she would be ticketed for abusing the emergency number.

I happened to overhear a conversation several days later from our dispatcher on the non emergency line, talking to her about his ringing the bell. The dispatcher was reading her the riot act, about if it weren't for him and the other vet's of the "Greatest Generation" she might not have the privilege of living in a free country.  Never heard another peep from her about that ships bell.

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6 minutes ago, Irondragon Forge & Clay said:

if it weren't for him and the other vet's of the "Greatest Generation" she might not have the privilege of living in a free country

Amen to that.  Most people in this country are "standing on the shoulders" of folks from the Greatest Generation and just don't know it.

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I believe it was made by my grandfather's uncle who died 60 years ago(unconfirmable, but highly suspected by the elders of the family). If it was, then it was made with the anvil and hammers im currently using in my shop.

I too like the deeper tone this gives off. I have a free audible spectrum analyzer app on my phone and the "loudest" frequency is 59hz, though the sound you hear is the 3rd loudest frequency of 357hz, which is also what my free instrument tuning app reads the sound as. Roughly an F4 note.

I like the idea of a triangle from pipe. Id love to see and hear it if you do make one. 

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