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I Forge Iron

It followed me home

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These came to my doorstep

A friend works for the dam and they were replacing shims on one of the "units".  I assumed it means the outer casing of a turbine.  He brought 10 of the cut offs and a couple dead reciprocating saw blades.

He thought the shims were mild steel but we were both scratching out heads after I pointed out that one of them had a break where it was ground off.  So I will leave it up to the experts here. Will mild steel break?  Picture one shows the break.  Not well I am afraid.  Once the shims were all set they ground them to size.  This one broke instead of grinding clean.  All of them ground clean with no burs which I thought was strange.  All of my grind ends have burs and all I have ever used before is mild and stainless steel..  I asked it they had bee cleaned up and my friend said no; there were no burs.  I haven't done a file test yet to see how soft they are. 


Steel break.JPG

Steel 1.JPG

Steel 2.JPG

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9 minutes ago, natenaaron said:

This is weird.  I tried to post about another person's found treasures.  and it disappeared.  That is not the weird part.  Page 188 showed up but when you click on page 188 it is not their either.  I think someone stole page 188.

Either that, or it just followed them home.

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A close friend of mine lost her brother in a tragic motorcycle wreck.  He and his father were owners of a welding shop here in Billings.  They make a hot asphalt patch machine.  He also moonlighted making other things from metal.

The father had no use for a great deal of his ornamental iron pieces so they had me come look.  I offered a price and they accepted.  I went back a few weeks to haul it all away and got this load.

When I went to pay the father said it was all taken care of.  His daughter had paid because of all the items I have made her through the years.

A great deal of these are King Arch Iron pieces, but they can always be re-purposed.

A great deal is stainless and some is aluminum.  I need to learn to forge aluminum!

Trailer load.jpg

Trailer load 2.jpg

Pickup Load.jpg

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So I was visiting an old family friend yesterday getting new tires on the back of the truck and I noticed a heavily corroded chunk of steel with one end swelled up a bit.  Talking with Moises he tells me to take it and then Junior tells me that it came from under the slab of the old bowling alley---that was built over the old blacksmith shop and he had picked it up for me when it had turned up again...So not only do I pick up odd metal I come across I have folks doing it for me!  Looks to be an old rock drill end from the mining days out here.  Should be good steel for blades. (predates the hole down the middle type)

Note when I go to the next page on a multipage thread it will often come up blank and I have to click on the refresh button to see what's on it.

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This didn't actually follow me home - it was brought to my home. Friend cleaning out his shed in town arrived with this plate steel - 50mm thick, 400mm x 450mm which calculates out at 156 pounds (70kg). Not much less than my weight!

The guy had even welded rebar handles onto it so we could lift it out of his ute.

I don't know what it's good for but when he asked if I wanted it I had to say yes, rather than let it go to the tip. I guess it would make a good upsetting block, unless I think of a more productive use. I suppose if I was inclined to drill a few hundred holes in it and fashion a stand, it would be a great bending jig. Any other ideas?

steel plate.jpg

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10 hours ago, ThomasPowers said:


Note when I go to the next page on a multipage thread it will often come up blank and I have to click on the refresh button to see what's on it.

I do that too.  It said Error file does not exist.  Obviously it is back.



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Aus, I was thinking it would make a great griddle too. But you already have that awesome saw griddle plate. It would take a great deal of time to drill all the holes for a bending jig. 

Welding table?  

You'll figure something out before that one would rust away I'm sure. 

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12 hours ago, ThomasPowers said:

Ausfire; *griddle*!

A griddle!! Well, you wouldn't want to be in a hurry for your steak! But then again, it would hold enough heat you could cook your bacon and eggs for breakfast next morning.

Quench, a power hammer would be nice but I'm a teacher not an engineer. If I ever had the good fortune to get a power hammer it would be off the shelf.

And Das, I'm still leaning towards the idea of a bending jig. Don't fancy drilling all the holes though. Don't engineering shops have the means to drill lines of holes?

In the meantime I'll just keep looking at it. It doesn't like to be moved.

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It followed me home.... Over 4 years ago :rolleyes:

its a nice day and I need a welding table now. Got the tractor and dragged it out of the weeds. Nearly hurt myself getting it into the garage. It's 52"x34" of 1/2" plate. Now to get it cleaned up and get the legs level. I will probably weld more cross braces on it.  It is drilled for a vise but don't know yet if any I have would fit the dimensions of the holes. Might use the receiver trick of mounting a vise to make it more versitile. 

Oh yeah... It was free :)



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