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It followed me home

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Well there is always a chance I'll get crazy and try for a stake anvil.  I've always admired Thomas's Y1K model.  Not 100% sure I can neck down 4" square stock though.  Need to fix my swage block stand up I guess (or find someone with a BIG welder...).

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Great find on the tool steel, Latticino. 

Meanwhile, in my own corner of the steel-that-that-followed-me-home world:

On 4/12/2020 at 2:59 AM, John McPherson said:

Leaded or resulphurized steel [...] cracks and crumbles when forged too hot or too cold, particularly prone to cracking when quenched in water. You will need to do a quench test on a small forged section to see what you have.

I cut off a couple of inches from the end of one of the hex bars, heated it to a light yellow, and quenched in water. File still bit, but no cracking. I then heated it up again and forged it down to square, with no visible cracking or crumbling.



I think we're looking at a regular mild steel, but I should still try quenching the forged piece to be sure (I set it down to work on something else and couldn't find it until this morning -- and that's after I cleaned up the shop the other day).

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I was headed back from the bank, turned down the alley behind the college‘s theater, and felt the dumpster calling to me. Sure enough, there was a bench with a cool old retracting caster mechanism. One side doesn’t seem to retract properly, but I’ll take a look later and see if it’s an easy fix. 



43 minutes ago, RogerrogerD said:

Couple of lovely old workshop bibles. Machinery’s Handbook from 1934 and Kempe’s Engineering Handbook from 1920. 

Nice find! Does the MH have the tables for proper sizing of tongs?

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19 photos,  warning photo heavy.


IT FOLLOWED ME HOME TOO....This is a very Sad story.As Sad as the story is true.I was working Casual for a mate (now deceased) who bought household Lots....Deceased Estates-Separations-Moving-Down Sizing....He was interested in Furniture-Jewellery-Collectables-Cars and so on...In terms of his business Grandads tools in the shed were useless time wasters...The Metal Merchant would not take anything with wood on it,so it would be separated into a skip  and then plain metal into another skip for the Metal Merchant-He now has a worker off other duties and 2 skips taking up room in the yard...To employ someone to remove the wood  to add the tools to the metal skip went like this-Wages+Insurance+Taxes/Duties/Charges+Sick leave+Holiday Pay+Overtime-what he gets from the Metal Merchant=the tip fee is cheaper...Grandads tools go to landfill....Taking the plain steel away simply becomes time wasting..He gets his workers back,his yard space back...The more I took away the more Tip space he had available.So all this Vintage gear Followed me home-Several Tons of it.All I had to do was clean it up and that's what I'm doing in My Retirement.The stuff I've seen go to lasndfill is Frightening....These Pics are a minuscule amount but good cross section of what I have....But the bottom line is This is a Sad Story.

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Our county would prosecute you for taking things out of the bins at the collection points. I watched folks dump whole rolling mechanics tool boxes and piles of yard tools when they cleaned out Dad's garage, because they lived in a condo, and could not be bothered to have a yard sale. I asked them why not just put in the front yard with a "FREE" sign, and they said they didn't want "those kind" of people sorting through it and making a mess in the yard. They just wanted to get the house sold.

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Exactly John,a very Sad and Ugly situation.My wife a Nurse in Aged Care for 22 years  sees this horror year in year out...Dad passes on,they put Mum in a nursing Home...The Family contents go to Landfill...and they are now free to cash in on the Equity of the Family property...What xxxxxx off my wife is the Family might visit once or twice a Year....Not Good.

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WOW, PWS, that's quite a collection.  As I went through all your pictures, I couldn't help thinking "I'd sure like to have that one......and that one........and that one, etc., etc., etc.  Lot's of mighty fine old tools.  You are fortunate to have all those.

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Before my grandma passed i lived with her for 2 years. Not that i needed to but she needed me there. She had a couple acres and a huge old farm house to take care of. I took care of the "men's" work while one of my aunts made sure she got to the doctors, grocery, etc. Anyway me and my aunt took care of her in her last days and time of need. After she passed the rest of the family came in like a swarm of locusts. Taking what ever they thought was of value and throwing away the rest. I saw a mirror well over 100 years old, silver backed, thrown in a dumpster broken. One of my uncles backed his car up to the garage and started loading every tool he could find into it. We almost came to fisticuffs becuase at the time i was working out of that garage and a lot of those tools were mine. To this day, almost 15 years later, there is still bad blood between me and some of my family. 

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I see this happening at the scrapyard where suddenly a pile of brand new unused nuts and bolts show up; or the old tools. I once took out a rather lot of auger bits where a RR shop cleaned house:


Or pulled out 100 pounds of old wrenches and sockets that were dumped with some Forest Service signs...If nothing else each grandchild can have a set to "lose" while they are young and so appreciate the new ones I give them as they get older. (Some of the ones not give away yet on the garden rake tool holders.)


After my Father died, my Mother started going through his stuff and giving it away to people who would appreciate it. I still think of him when I use a tool that used to be his.

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My scrapyard trip was mainly about pulleys. After grabbing the motors I couldn't let all the nice machined cast iron pulleys get sent to the foundry as scrap.  I'm also looking at some very nice heavy duty arbors...Maybe this is the year I get to make a tumbler too!

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4 hours ago, ThomasPowers said:

I still think of him when I use a tool that used to be his.

I have some of my grandpa's old tools. I love when i can use them. Makes me remember back when he taught me how to use them. My post vice was actually his, that he got from his dad, my great garndpa. lots of memories in that old vice. 

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5 hours ago, JHCC said:

(And yes, I know that's a lot more silica than I need. Happy to share, if anyone needs any.)

Lol JHCC, you have no excuse for overestimating as I can see it’s sold in Quarts over your side of the pond. When I bought some over here it was by weight, so ordered 2kilos thinking it would be as heavy as crushed glass. It’s very light:rolleyes: I have enough for everyone!

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