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It's funny, repousse is often more striking from the inside than the outside. I love the face Rojo, always have and am really looking forward to seeing what it looks like when you finish it.

Your tongs still look good David, I award you an attaboy! If you flux the hammer head it will prevent most scale loss. Be aware the molten flux will get on everything so wear appropriate PPE, NO synthetics!

Frosty The Lucky.

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Thanks everyone, I will definitely do more was really fun to make. 

Finally got some forging in. A handle for my chicken coop door and a little flux spoon or whatever. Thanks for looking. 


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Well, I was about done for the night after 15 heats and I was very close to dimension, when I went out of square… I’m now done for the night after 21 heats total:


It’s pretty close to square, but it’s 1/4” off my target size. I guess, I need to take a few more heat to upset it again… and keep it square!

Keep it fun,


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Accidentally double post
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Continuing my series of “shop projects with forged wingnuts”, I made a punch holder based on Carl West’s at Prospect Hill Forge. This is basically an eyebolt inside a piece of pipe, with a wingnut to tighten it against the tool. 


MOD NOTE: the details of this tool and its construction have been moved to their own thread in the "Slitters, Punches, Drifts, etc" section:


Edited by Mod34
Splitting details into their own thread
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4 hours ago, Ridgeway Forge Studio said:

attract the hummingbirds

I have related this before, but i used to have a house with an enclosed porch. One evening i came home and there was a hummingbird in one of the windows. I put one hand under it and another over it real careful like, so i could get it out side. I have held a hummingbird in my hands, kind of of a special memory for me. 

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Nice hook Billy. If you turn the Eye screw 90* the hook will hang so people can see and admire it better. Hanging the way it is it looks kind of 1 dimensional.

That is a major Kodak moment with the Hummer, almost totemic.

We used to have 2 feeders hanging on our deck back and developed quite a few regulars. If we forgot to keep them full the hummers would hoover in front of the porch door and I'd get buzzed by angry little birds when I went out. That they stayed when one of us went out was just conditioned response but darned if they didn't have different personalities, a couple were pretty friendly and would hoover close even if the feeders were full and one angry little stinker not only buzzed but would peck. 

My bird totem animal is the Roadrunner. Growing up in S. Cal. walking to school was the norm and there were roadrunners everywhere. One in particular lived in the hedges along the sidewalk a couple hundred kids walked on to school and back. She'd land on the sidewalk in front of you, wait till you were close then dash off and do a wing turn into the hedge. When you walked past she'd meep meep at you from the top rail of the chain link fence.

She obviously recognized individuals, trusted some and some not at all, most kids were nothing except to tease into trying to catch her. 

I started stopping and talking to her moving a little closer to her hedge window as I did. After a week or so I held out my finger like a perch and started bringing it a little closer daily. At one point I thought she was going to step on but instead she gave me a very gentle push with her beak. The next day I held my finger out to her a little closer and she touched hard enough to make the point she could probably poke a hole in my finger. 

Message received, that's close enough human. 

Having close encounters with roadrunners wasn't unusual, they're not skittish birds and seem to like to play games but I had one for a fence gossip friend.

Frosty The Lucky.

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After long absence to my shop, I finally finished 2 tongs I started.

Both for 6mm flat. A normal one and one for hoops (have to make one).

Was fun to make.

pictures only of the one for hoops. The other is the same but shorter and straiter beaks.

And on the picture i see that the reigns are wonky. 






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Looks pretty good Gewoon, you're turning out some nice work.

Oh yeah, Roadrunners can fly just not well nor far but they can easily land 30' off the ground on a limb or bluff. They make turns and stop almost instantly just like the cartoon buy using their wings. They like to toy with animals that'll chase them, slow down till the dog is almost within snapping range then the wings snap open and they bang a 90 or go up over and behind. The faster the dog the better the game. I used to run with them on Banjo my horse but never got close to catching up. You don't want to on a horse the runners like to startle the pursuer and that is a B A D thing at a full gallop!

Here you go, Frosty The Lucky.


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Another critter that will mess with you through speed is the pronghorn antelope.  They can hit 60mph full out.  They also use speed as showing dominance.  If they can show you their white butt they WIN.  Years ago I was out in central WY in my old 1948 Buick going down a 2 track trail and a couple young bucks decided to race me.  I got up to about 40-45 mph on the 2 track which was way faster than prudent and they were just loping along.  They then kicked it up a gear, cut in front of me, and showed me their white behinds and took off across the prairie.  

They are really cool animals and one of the things I like about where we live is that they wander through our front yard.


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A fire poker with a guard? If you turned the points forward it'd be kind of like a sword breaker. A bough breaker? 

I liked your last one better but I'd be proud to hang this one by our stove.

Frosty The Lucky.


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That’s a pretty cool concept you have going Jennifer!

I spent a couple hours in the forge working on the sledgehammer again:


It’s not perfectly square, but the pein is straight. It looks like I’m going to be in 6.5 to 7lbs range when it’s done. (Again! :()

Most of heavy forging is done, now on to the eye and facets. I’m thinking of keeping the facets smaller, so the face is only about half way to octagon. What do you all think of that? I was pretty happy with the last I made, but it almost looked like a cut down store bought sledgehammer…

Keep it fun,


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Got onto the shop to do a few little bits and pieces for a handful of different projects. The best part was my son joining me for the first time in a good while, to help out with some upsetting. 


(That’s his favorite hammer, a 16 pound stonemason’s sledge that he calls “The Mastodon”.)

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I should've known there was a good reason, you are a considerate soul Jennifer, always concerned with other's well being. :)

I might have to play with the basic idea.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Progress on a project to turn a spike maul head into a stake anvil: forging a tenon onto the end of a shaft and upsetting its shoulder against the underside of the head. Next step is to head the tenon, and then I’ll weld up a shank to fit the big hardy hole in the striking anvil. 




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Was yesterday. Needed to make a mothersday gift and since i was running behind it has to be a quick one



not bad, twists could be better aleigned and I need smaller stock. Smalles I had was 8mm round so making square 5 a 6mm twist and taper.

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Finished fabrication of the stake anvil. 

The shaft welded to the underside of the head before riveting:





Welding up the shank:


And added some heavy pieces of angle iron for the base:


Now to grind the working surfaces smooth.

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