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Goods,  the judge has the say..  It's interesting how they determine the positions (1st, 2nd, 3rd)..   Really depends on the judge.  Beth will eye things, shapes, measure to check for requirements..  Little things.. My bowl was the deepest and my twist was even from top to bottom.. 

There were only 2 professionals in this last forge in..    I'm lumped into the professional group though I only forge about 10 occasions a year. 

Once the school opens that will be great..  then I can get back at the forging on a regular basis. 

The hawks look great..   Is there a reason for such a high finish? 

Chimaera where will you get stenciles from? 

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JLP, I guess I’m just to picky for my own good!

Basically, it’s just my preference. I like the look. I put a mirror finish and blued a couple in the past and they looked great (to me), but I’ve backed off from that level of finish, at least. I’d really like to spend some time and chase or engrave some embellishments on at least one of them (whichever comes out best), but I doubt I have the time.

Keep it fun,


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I will probably order some online. I’ve looked into custom vinyl ones. Still trying to decide on a logo though. I think my last name is too long, so I’m trying to decide what they should be. I’m looking at my initials (AKM), AMON (first initial and first few letters of my last name, also Egyptian King of the gods before ra) mor a more abstract logo. I’ve been using a basic Sierpinski triangle as my touch mark. May continue with that but wondering if it would be easier to trace words/letters back to me. Open to any suggestions.





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I had to look that one up and it changed my thoughts. Inverted seems to be a requirement to the form. So the question here is, is inverted necessary to YOUR logo / touchmark? 

I haven't worked out the details but a M in a triangle might work. If you could reduce your initials to 3 letters arraigning them in a triangle, maybe? I can't envision 4 letters in a triangle, placing the O in the center makes it really cluttered or really large. 

Amon works okay though lots of folks will get it wrong unless you can point out AMUN is a more accepted translation of the ancient Egyption  "God King". IIRC adding Amun as the suffix to Egyptian king's names started with TutankhAmun

Even if it isn't strictly true, make it so. They are YOUR initials. No? 

I LOVE brainstorming things, who else wants to play?

Frosty The Lucky.


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3 hours ago, Frosty said:

AMUN is a more accepted translation of the ancient Egyption  "God King". IIRC adding Amun as the suffix to Egyptian king's names started with TutankhAmun

Yes, the egyptians loved to mix things. For example, Amun was a very old deity. Then they moved over to ra as the king of the gods, and eventually just mixed them together to form Amun-Ra. Some egyptologists have even suggested that it could be considered a largely monotheistic religion during the period of Amun-Ra, as he was so much more important than any of the other gods. Similarly they'd throw Amun on as a suffix, like you pointed out.

My initials are AKM but my last name starts with Mon which is why I was considering that. My understanding is that Amun is a more common spelling but Amon is also widely accepted. I have been exploring the M inside a triangle idea as well, I think it has some merit.


3 hours ago, Frosty said:

I had to look that one up and it changed my thoughts. Inverted seems to be a requirement to the form. So the question here is, is inverted necessary to YOUR logo / touchmark? 

Not certain what you mean by this. Could you expand?


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I guess reading more of the definitions I found caused more confusion. I was wrong I read "recursive" to mean inverted when in context with Sierpinski triangles the triangles that fit in the others are inverted and back. They are fractal sets and can be diagrammed in different ways.

Akhenatan is "credited" for changing polytheistic Egypt to Monotheistic by establishing "Atenism" The worship of Aten. Then after his death natural / poisoned ? the national religions were reestablished by his descendent/son Tutankhamun and . . . Oh HECK my head is beginning to spin. Trying to get any handle on the who, what, where, why and when of ancient Egypt always does that to me. Personally I believe anybody who says it makes sense is politician honest.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Yes, it was certainly a big mess. Many people don't realize just how long the egyptian empire lasted. The actual empire went for two or three times as long as the Romans and certainly had complexities throughout that entire time (nevermind the period before it was really an "empire")I read a book called The Last Man Who Knew Everything about Thomas Young, a polymath who was one of the people to really crack heiroglyphics. One other "egyptologist" translated a group of glyphs as such "The protection of Osiris against the violence of Typho must be elicited according to the proper rites and ceremonies by sacrifices and by appeal to the tutelary Genii of the triple world in order to ensure the enjoyment of the prosperity customarily given by the nile against the violence of the enemy Typho". Who knows what that is even supposed to mean. Turns out it was simply a cartouche, the name of a pharoah or other important person (don't remember who precisely). The previous guy had just made it all up.

I'd forgotten about Atenism. Fascinating period. My understanding is that Egypt was never truly monotheistic under Amun-Ra, but rather Amun-Ra was thought to be so powerful and important that the other gods were considered to be minor deities of little importance. 

Frosty, what are your thoughts on the triangle M? Just trying to get opinions on different options. I also tried a smaller M inside but I like this version more. I personally like either this or the AMON, but would appreciate others' inputs before biting the bullet. Both have some merits.

Aamon is also a demon described by Johan Weifer in the Pseudomonarchia daemonum in 1583. It is described as having the "likeness of a Wolf, having a serpents tail, [vomiting] flames of fire". The name is adapted from the egyptian Amon and/or Ba'al Hammon of Phoenicia.

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Today's attempt was a simple set of dividers.  Not fancy like some of the others I've seen here, just a pair of mostly identical forgings intended to be riveted together and held in position by friction (saw a video on Christ Centered Ironworks' Youtube channel that did it this way).


Starting stock was 12 inches of 1"x0.25" flat bar.  Forged down the pointed parts out of the 3" on either end, cut the thing to make two identical parts, and drilled a hole for the rivet rather than punching one.  In this picture I haven't riveted yet, just temporarily assembled it with a bolt and nut. 

They took a little cleaning up on the grinder, but not a whole lot.  The scribe ends were roughly sharpened on the grinder and then cleaned up with a file.

I'll rivet and try to harden the pointed ends with superquench tomorrow so they can withstand a little use as scribes before needing resharpening.


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Tommy, pretty cool. Are you running a coal forge. If so, bring the tips up to a welding heat and let the soak in toward the top of the fire. It’s pretty amazing how much carbon you can pick up that way on small stock.

I took a little time tonight, cut out the blank, and drew out the tang/handle on the blacksmith knives:


Now to work on the blade, but I have to take two days off for medical stuff…  woohoo :unsure:

Keep it fun,


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Just noticed they have the venom hp out now. Was curious about the difference. Apparently mine is 1000w, while the hp is 1800w. Might need to talk to my tool dealer and see what kind of deal I can get to upgrade. 

The price is a little pricey, but it doesn't produce flame, doesn't consume fuel other than electric and is portable and small.  It would easily fit in your carry on.

Might produce smoke from contaminants on metal being heated but seems very clean on clean metal. Just to say. 

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