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What did you do in the shop today?

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PB’s not joking about the people around here not knowing how to drive on icy roads, I live about 60 miles north of him and they closed all schools in our area today due to the possibility of ice on the road. You should see what happens when it rains, all major roads are shut down because of wrecks, and everyone in Louisiana should know how to drive in the rain. 

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What I did in the shop today. My first rose from a scratch pattern I made. I thought I remembered my high school geometry, but I had to look up how to make a circle evenly divided by 5. I can't believe I spent so much time on the rose and forgot to give the leaf some "life". 

Les gave me some tips on using copper sulfate to color them. The metal for the petals was harvested from old broken folding chairs.




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Thanks Daswulf. My every day carry is the first cable knife I made. It worked out that the blade edge and point were well consolidated, but back up near the spine I have a few incomplete welds. It doesn't really affect the strength, but really makes it apparent that it WAS a piece of cable. Etching doesn't work too well on this knife.

For my next cable knife (when I get a round to it) I need to find some left lay cable the same size as the right lay cable I've got. Consolidate them individually then weld them together for cable-feather Damascus.

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On 1/14/2022 at 11:35 AM, SLAG said:


In my experience, creativity was avoided at all costs and I.Q. was severely rationed, in the military.



That has likely been true at various times in the past, but certainly isn’t today. Creativity is an essential attribute of any successful leader as well as those they lead. It saves lives.

As for forging, it has been a while. We’ve been collecting at testing patients seven days a week from 0700 to 1900 since Omicron hit.  12 hour shifts or longer.  Short staffed.  

At first we had patients lined up out into the street waiting in their cars. The first few days we just could not keep up with demand, but now we are moving a patient every minute through our collection sites. The 7 day average positive rate is just over 43%. Hopefully it ends soon. If the wave here follows the same pattern as it did in South Africa, this will be in about two weeks.


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10 hours ago, Purple Bullet said:

So when it gets cold, what do you lube your LG with? Mine wants to keep hammering when I'm done when the temp drops. I'm using 30 W chain and bar oil.

How cold did it get PB? I lube my 50lb. LG with Oregon chain saw bar oil with about 1/4c of Duralube in the gallon. Mine stops when I let up on the treadle even below zero f.

I'm thinking you have too much oil on your clutch pads, that can make them stick and cold oil is sticky oil. 

I only give mine a drop or two per oil point and maybe 5-6 drops on the mains. The link arms are the only thing on mine that dribbles a LITTLE bit. 

I put a couple DROPS of 3 in 1 on the clutch every couple years or when it starts to slip. 

LGs do not need to be so heavily oiled they slobber and sling oil everywhere. Bar oil is sticky and stays where you want it, Duralube oil additive is really slippery stuff.

That's how I oil mine, YMMV.

Frosty The Lucky.

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11 hours ago, Purple Bullet said:

I thought I remembered my high school geometry, but I had to look up how to make a circle evenly divided by 5

This is one task where a set of proportional dividers really shines. Here’s a quick demo.

Draw your circle.


Using the “Circles” scale, set the number of divisions you want.


My dividers don’t have a setting for five, so I used the one for ten.


Set the wide side of the dividers to match the radius of the circle.


Using the narrow side, step off the divisions of the circumference.


Since I wanted five divisions, I just circle every other mark.


Easy peasy. 

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21 hours ago, Purple Bullet said:

Going below freezing is an event down here.

Nice rose.

When i was living in Denham Springs we got a couple inches of snow one morning, the owner of the AAMCO i worked at called us at told us to take the day off for the snow. This was after we had already got there, got the shop opened up and had started working. 

However, what made me laugh was the semi trailer that a guy was selling snowmobiles out of. 3 maybe 4" of snow that melted and was gone before noon. 

A balmy 14* here this AM, going to get up to a whopping 30*. 

21 hours ago, ThomasPowers said:

I was taught that driving on icy roads was covered by *DON'T*

More of a does not than a don't : 4 wheel drive does not mean you can drive like it is still summer. Still nothing done in the shop. I just cant shake this flu bug. Did get a test, negative, so my doctor says it is just a "flu", been out of work for a week now. I am about to go crazy from the boredom. At least i get plenty of 1970's kung-fu movies and bad sci-fi though. 

Edited by BillyBones
Post coppied itself.
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JHCC - That is cool. I'm going to have to get one of those. The method I found just used regular dividers https://crayolateachers.ca/framework/uploads/2018/01/DividingCircleFive.pdf but I found it only got me close. I had to adjust it to make it come out. Might just be lack of precision on my part.


Frosty - Confession time: After I posted, I started feeling guilty, did a search and found your method from about two years ago. This morning I'm going to start scrubbing down my clutch with diesel. 

Les - I have a long way to go to approach any of your work. I appreciate the pointers.

BB - I know the feeling. I just got over two weeks of the gunk. Might have been Covid, I don't know and I don't care as long as it is in the rear view mirror. Get well soon, Jason.



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33 minutes ago, George N. M. said:

proportional dividers are a cool gadget.

One nice thing about my pair is that it has two knobs: one to hold the legs in place, and one to adjust the pivot with a very precise little rack-and-pinion gear. 



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Those dividers look pretty cool. I'll start looking out for a pair. I got my layout by dividing 360 degrees by 5 (or whatever I need) and lay that angle out with a protractor. Close enough for my needs. Once I got that all figgered out,  I scribed it onto a sheet metal circle I cut out. I drilled a small center hole, saw cut on the lines with my bandsaw almost to the center and now have a pattern for making future flowers. Lay the pattern on the new blank, center punch the hole and use a scribe in the saw cuts, and bingo there it is. I paint and mark the pattern so I don't make something with it.


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I just checked the interwebs and while  there are some sellers who want more than $100 for a pair of proportional dividers there are a number on ebay in the $20-30 range which seems reasonable to me.  If I needed another pair that is the way I would go.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

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I managed to make a clinker.  And also an old style "church key".  It works on both ends. :D

Also started a dragon project. Got his head made, and started on the body. Decided I needed to upset so I can make his fat little tummy. Then I had a brainstorm, (got struck by lightening).  Instead of upset, why not just add to the section that will become the fat part of his body.  (wish I'd just upset)  Anyway, I had a piece of 2"x1/4" stock, I channeled it to fit the 3/4" bar, got both parts fluxed, and tied together, then set about the task of bringing to welding heat.  (without burning up the thinner material.) I took it real slow, moving it back and forth. (it's about a 5" or 6" section)  The "sweet spot" of the fire is about 3" around, directly above the tyure.  So to heat the whole 5"-6" I had to keep moving it back and forth. I guess I could have banked it up, and made it bigger, but it was getting late in the day by that time.  I just couldn't get the whole section up to heat all at once, so I took it in halves.  I guess the stars and planets were all aligned just right, because the weld set on the first go.  (that seldom happens for me)  After a few more heats to finalize the weld, I called it quits.  I'll start drawing and shaping tomorrow.  And get a couple of pics, as well.


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Scrapyard in the morning: large Al roasting pan, adjustable wrench, truck lug bolts for eyes for yard art and several livestock panels to beef up the fence.  Then into the Friends of the Library book sale and then back to the shop to boil some pinecones in scrap wax for woodstove fire starters.

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Thomas, love the idea of boiling pine cones in wax as fire starters. Any insight in general as to how long they burn? 

Forged down the cable billet some more and decided to attempt a boot dagger with half of it. Blade length is 8" so far unfinished.  Will see how it goes. I'm figuring its shape out as I go. So far it is going ok. Don't want to get my hopes up too high. 

I'm beat so it will have to wait to continue on it. 



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