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What did you do in the shop today?

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Thank you Chris and IFC! I put up a separate post with more pictures that goes into that a bit more. This is an ad hoc setup, more proof of concept than anything else. The first dream is to have a setup tailor to my height. The second dream is to have one that somehow accommodates my 5'4" bride as well. 

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I believe TJs statement translates as. My bride and I want our own kits. After a while you'll find out what what each is best at and make a good team. 

In a typically sexist biased example. You the big SMELLY man lunk beat the stock into a resemblance of a product and your lovely bride uses her artful eye patience and fine motor skills to refine the work into tasteful and marketable products people will be clambering over each other to buy.

Good luck moving HER tools once she gets you to put them how and where they belong. :rolleyes:

Frosty The Lucky.


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Finished repairing a set of retractable casters. I'd salvaged these from a dumpster (they were part of a discarded shop-made wooden base for some kind of machine), but one of the brackets broke as I was attempting a bit too vigorously to get the mechanism unstuck.

This is what it's supposed to look like:


This is what it looks like broken, after I ground off some protruding bits of sprue:


I made a fish plate to splice everything back together:


Drilled and tapped the bracket (NB: a hand drill makes a good tap handle when your regular one is too big):


And bolted everything back together:


Note that the fish plate folds over the top of the bracket to help make it more secure. There's a little tab that does the same thing on the bottom, so there's no appreciable shear force on the bolts.


Next step: bolt brackets to some pieces of 2 x 8 (formerly the top of the base that these used to belong to) and attach to the base of my grinder. More photos after that happens.

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Cleaned up the shop. Amazing how much scale builds up. I decided to clean up when i lost a peice of 1/2 stock in all the scale. Got things organized and tools put away. Benches nice and clear now. Even got room for another tool box. Still a few things to do but i have much much more room now. Will spend today doing a few odds and ends. Its is in the upper 80's or 90's and a bit warm to light the forge...maybe. Oh and my dad cant get the Mustang to start so i am going to have to go and see why today. My new job we work 4 day weeks and i am getting spolied with every weekend being a 3 day weekend.:D 

I would post pics of the clean shop but for some reason i can not get pics to load, even if i resize. Any tips on that would be appreciated.


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As for hints on photos.. Take smaller photos..  If running windows 10..   click on the photo to open it.  On the right hand side of the screen just below the close out is 3 dots..  Pick this and choose resize.   2MB or less.. 

At least this is what has worked for me.. 

This seemed to have started just about start covid time and there is also having to manually reload the page..  

Congrats on the 3 day weekends.. 


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Well, today was a most productive day, both in and out of the shop.

Starting out, I cleaned up and sheared two Llamas.  They will be a whole lot cooler with all that wool off their bodies.





BEFORE (forgot the AFTER)



This pile is 4' in diameter and about 18" high in the center.  I'm not going to send it off to Frankenmuth Mills for processing.  Costs too much and I'm no longer needing wool.  Besides, I've got too many balls of woven roving already and no place to use them.  Too hard to clean and process myself.  Lots of good wool.  The birds make really wonderful nests out of it.  The birds in our area have the warmest, most beautiful nests you've ever seen! :D


Then the post man brought my water mist cooling system for the grinder and my D&D Workrest.  Can't wait to put these to good use.  The work rest is built like a tank and I don't even consider it an accessory...........it should be part of every belt grinder sold on the market!!!!!  I like!


So all in all I had a pretty darned good day.

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7 minutes ago, Irondragon Forge & Clay said:

I would wager, if you listed that wool on some spinners web sites, you would have folks clamoring to buy it.

People aren't interested in it if it isn't pretty clean.  I know, I've sold wool for the past 30 some-odd years.  I don't think I could even give that nasty pile away.  But I do have a couple of sacks of balls of woven roving that I paid Frankenmuth almost $300 to clean and process.  Pretty valuable stuff.  I should probably find some of the guys here on the forum who's wife spins and trade wool for hammer, tongs and tools. :D

5 minutes ago, CrazyGoatLady said:

Chris, Tommie says you can bring your shears and shear our rabbits ;)

Now that would be a hoot!  Never tried to shear a Rabbit.  I had a friend who used to brush the hair from her Rabbits and would spin and use it in garments.  She had a beautiful felted Rabbit hair vest.  Tried to buy it for my late wife, but it wasn't for sale.

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We used to keep the pelts, but the breed we raise now have thinner hair for more heat resistance. They don't really make nice looking pelts. I always thought it'd be neat to make a blanket or something out of them, but that's not really in my wheelhouse of skills

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