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I Forge Iron

What did you do in the shop today?

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Had a couple hours after school today. Forged two dinner bells, hangers for them, and their ringers. This was for one of the orders I got from the last fair I did. Then I forged a knife out of an old buggy spring, it's currently annealing in some ashes right now.




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I will be attacking that header with many nails till I get it right! 

It was great meeting JHCC tonight. hope he would come out again. I forgot something to give him something  :D


Just got done metal detecting in the old orchard. "Where does the time go?" Yeah, metal detecting on a hill with a head lamp on in the dark. Didn't find anything good. Thought I did for a minute but it ends up the non cans/ bottle caps might end up part of a sculpture. Ah well. Still didn't find my pocket knives or my great grandfathers gold ring. 

JHCC, thanks for hanging out and a great time! 

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Nice anvil stand, sand boxes are very effective and have few serious faults. One you probably didn't know about depeds on what kind of sad you used. Is it crushed or clean natural sand? Natural sands are made up of rounded particles and can shift under pressure like a bag of marbles. This isn't a big deal for keeping your anvil in place but every time you strike it the sand under it will move. Eventually it will push the sides apart and once sand starts infiltrating the joints it's not going to close back up for you.

Crushed sand is jagged like sharp pointed jigsaw puzzle pieces and will compact hard like concrete. A LITTLE bit of fines in other words dust sized particles makes it literally hard as concrete. Fines will help natural sand compact and be stable too.

The easiest solution though is band the box, once on top below the sand level and again near the bottom JUST above the bottom board of the box, I'm not talking about the bottom edges of the sides but the bottom that keeps the sand in.

A really cool thing you can do with the bands keeping the box together is making them hammer and tool holders. Something dressy is appropriate, scrolls, quarterfoils, fleur de lis, etc. just something to snazz it up a little is always cool. Spectators love that sort of thing at demos.

Frosty The Lucky.

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4 hours ago, Bearded Guy said:

Finally mounted my giant fishing hooks to a chunk of poplar i got from a neighbor. I rubbed it down with a couple coats of boiled linseed oil. I'm happy with it, and it looks good in my doublewide. Hahahaaa

Nice work, and good looking piece of wood! 

Can you guys help me with the language?: I have searched for the word 'doublewide' for couple of times, but I'm really not sure about its meaning. Is it a trailer of some sort or a type of house? (Or both, or neither... :) )

Thanks a lot!



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Thanks das.

Gergely, thanks for the compliment.

A doublewide is a trailer house that is basically 2 stacked side by side and attached in the center to make a larger more comfortable mobile home. Bigger than an average caravan/travel trailer. They put them up on concrete blocks to level the house and make a foundation. Most of the time they take the axles and wheels off after it has been placed on the foundation supports. Search the Internet (google) for a "doublewide mobile home", and/or modular homes, that might explain a little better. They are cheap to purchase and set up, compared to a traditional style house. 

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Exactly the picture searches got me confused :) I understand (I think so) what you wrote, then I ind pictures like this:


Using your keywords gave me some more understandable pictures, like this:


Maybe my confusion roots in the word trailer, which I think looks like this:



Anyway, this concept is clearly something we don't have here. A bit heavy to wrap my mind around it :) But nevermind! And thank you for the help. Sometimes the keywords of search are the most difficult to find when looking for foreign language terms.


And back to the topic: while working hard on Monday and Tuesday I must have inhaled something nasty - don't know what or when. I feel burning pain in my chest, not very hard but still. Checked by the doc and taken X-rays and it looks ok. Still I don't want to stretch it more, because I have to go to the weekends fair. Hopefully getting better til then. 

I'd say it's irritating when I'm being stupid, but in this case I don't recall doing anything like that...




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Finished the rough grinding of the knife and is now ready for heat treating which will happen Saturday. I don't really like it right now, but I'm sure that in the end it will be fine. In the back of my mind while i was making this I was thinking of the one C-1 gave me last weekend. I hope you don't mind that it is similar in shape Chris! I maybe should have asked first...:unsure:




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6 minutes ago, Daswulf said:

Oh! And you made it Bigger! Lol

generally emulating someone's work " not for profit or not taking away from their income, if they designed it, is ok I think. 

What do I know. 

Everything's bigger in Texas! Take it as a compliment Chris that I am imitating one of your peices, if I didn't line it than I wouldn't be.  If you would like me to I can send it too you and you can have it, I dont really care, I'll even pay shipping.:)


Oh, this is awkward, you already replied.....

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37 minutes ago, littleblacksmith said:

Everything's bigger in Texas! Take it as a compliment Chris that I am imitating one of your peices, if I didn't line it than I wouldn't be.  If you would like me to I can send it too you and you can have it, I dont really care, I'll even pay shipping.:)


Oh, this is awkward, you already replied.....

Naw, everything just looks bigger if you live in Texas.

Frosty The Lucky.

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12 minutes ago, Frosty said:

Naw, everything just looks bigger if you live in Texas.

Frosty The Lucky.



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