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I Forge Iron

Feng shui in a blacksmith shop

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Feng Shui is a state of being, not a thing. Arranging your work space for efficiency, safety and comfort is a must or you're not a real tool user. 

Sitting in the obsidian pits up Davis creek way you can tell which pits or places in them where they just struck cores as opposed to where they flaked points. The work stations were just seats dug around the edges of the pits or spots near surface collection sites. However, if you've ever done any knapping you'll find there are ways to arrange your tools, raw materials and where you want the waste to fall. Cores have different waste and you need a place to put them when you're finished. Then there is the convenient place for the blocks you're going to strike the cores from, they're heavier so they're usually higher and closer. 

Blade knapping sites were very Feng Shui in their nature. Last but far from least, they were like large conversation pits. Group knaps so to speak.

It scales to everything how you arrange our pillow in bed to city layouts. I'll bet when we can see well enough we'll discover the Feng Shui of  the universe.

Frosty The Lucky.

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One step between vice, anvil and forge is enough feng shui for me.

(And since feng shui translates as wind/water we'll throw in the forge blower and the quench tub as well).

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Funny you should mention sweeping the shop...my smithy is right next to the property line and my neighbor planted a row of Cottonwood trees along that property line.  Since my shop has open gables the floor had "rafts" of cottonwood cotton on it when I visited it last weekend. I have mentioned from time to time having a shop with a dirt floor and metal walls and a metal roof.  Sweeping would be a pain with the dirt floor so I isolated a patch and then dropped a match...Quite amusing and much like wearing a flannel shirt and having the fuzz burn off it...repeat till most was gone.  A bit more soot in the smithy is undetectable...


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Not enough fuel density; take a cotton ball and shred it till it covers a square foot; amusing but not useful.

Daswulf---did you really make a suggest to NOT use fire????  Moderator! Moderator! Das is talking dirty!

(When I finally get to retire and move home I'm going to wait till a day with strong winds and rent a backpack blower and blow the dust, cobwebs and cotton out of the entire shops!)

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Got a big attic fan out of a dumpster and have that on my mind till I mount it in my shop wall. Going to have to make a cage for summer and shudder for winter time to close it off. Also got this blower from the scrap cleanup deal and its pretty powerful as well. Sorry, just have blowers on my mind and sounds fun to blow cotton puffs around.




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Well that first one is easy, hammering on the post vise of course. (The air hammering technique also works).

Second one is pipe held on a conical jaw inserted into it.

Now meditate on  "heat with no heat" (I'll answer this one tomorrow...)

Anyone else read Zen Flesh Zen Bones?  My Apprentice often comments on my "Grandmotherly Kindness"!

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12 hours ago, ThomasPowers said:

Now meditate on  "heat with no heat" 

Hmm... bending a piece back and forth quickly will produce quite a bit of heat... im sure if i open my car door at 60 mph and scrub my workpiece on the asphalt, i could produce some heat... angle grinder?

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