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I Forge Iron

You are selling a vise not a vice!

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Time to vent a tiny bit of steam. As I’m sure every single person on here does, I regularly check craigslist for things I might like to have like anvils, tongs, blacksmith related kit and of course vises. Every time I search for vises in my area only one or two show up. Without fail, if I search for vices there are five or six vises for sale. I’m not generally a grammar person or a spelling person but this misspelling stomps on my last nerve then squeezes lime and salt into the cuts. 

You are selling a device to hold things! Vices are sold by bartenders, hookers, bookies and drug dealers.


End gripe. 

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I'm past caring what they call it. If searching I do two. One for vise and one for vice. Ya Can't fix it so roll with the punches. On a one on one you can fix it but on the sale adds forget it. I'd say you might get a better price if there weren't so many that misspell it anyway. Better deals when you are looking to buy a bayonet on eBay looking up bayonett. Well, even they are asking too much anymore...

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Uh huh, imagine explaining a vise hoarder he has a vise vice. But be nice.

I just dropped in because this thread was one of the last ones that hadn't been hacked by a Chinese spammer. Called Glenn to let him know and I'm killing a little time before I check "unread content" and see if he killed the spammer.

Electronic death to spammers!

Frosty The Lucky.

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if you are writing in English then Vice is the correct spelling

if you are writing in American then it is vise

the English language comes from England ( the clue to this is in the name )

it was not invented in America, America copied it miss spelling many things and changing it

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The point of an ad is to sell.

In order to sell it has to convey a message in the local lingo.

It is expected that an ad for a vice in the US would be written in American English and use therefore the local spelling.

Having said that, spelling and grammar in ads are but a vague suggestion of sort and vice vs vise is the least of your problems.

The only thing that makes this an issue is that a vice in English has two meaning, and honestly they can not be mistaken nor confused since the said meanings are worlds apart. 

I can not think of a case of confusion ... the blacksmith's vice is to turn the vice's handle around and around in vicious circles ... :)

In order to obtain a bargain when responding to a vise ad, it is recommended to have a meeting vis a vis ...

The blacksmith was a vicionary ... :P

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One of my sources of amusement is see how bad things are listed on the local CL: rod iron and rot iron instead of wrought iron for instance.  Where I am surprised is that people trying to sell stuff can't even take the time to find out the correct terms they are selling it under.  I'm merely annoyed at all the mischaracterizations:  why folks thing think the antiques section is the correct one to post new items in, or cable TV ads, or live animals..... 

corrected the typo about typos

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I had heard that this "Craigs List" was used extensively for those seeking a bit of Vice in the US...... be careful if you decide to check for mispelt adds, you might get more than you bargained for :)


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