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I Forge Iron

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The flatter hammer looks mint too... most of the tools are champion...one newer channelock..

I received a call today, guy said he will send more pics of the rest of the blacksmith shop....He said his mom bought a ranch and wanted to "toss" the stuff out or have it hauled away...

he said there is tote buckets full of hammers and tongs forge and some other misc. stuff ....

was a few other anvils...not sure if he wants to part with them...said "They are cool" and wants to put in his room.

Will report back if I hear anything.

I am still trying to figure out how to unload anvil and where to put it just yet....don't want to put it too low...hard to dead lift it.

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well total cost was $200

but I told him I would buy more stuff....

He said he found the base/stand of the anvil and metal straps...

So depending how cool it is I will buy that too

A friend and I will be going to the ranch...we are still trying to get a day picked out....

hoping its as good as it sounds..


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1 hour ago, b4utoo said:

well total cost was $200

but I told him I would buy more stuff....

He said he found the base/stand of the anvil and metal straps...

So depending how cool it is I will buy that too

A friend and I will be going to the ranch...we are still trying to get a day picked out....

hoping its as good as it sounds..


YUp you stole it.. 



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Got me another beauty..  


This is a rather strange bird Hay Budden in 198lbs form..  I have never seen a Hay Budden like this..  Also, has 2 serial numbers..  In the usual spot the number is Higher than the one on the back heel.. 165020  and the serial on the other side foot is 162702


It has no step from waist to horn, long horn, small pritchel hole 1/2", only 4" wide 1.125 hardie hole..   


Has nothing in common with another Factory standard dimensioned 200lbs Hay Budden..

Excellent width for colonial hardware..  :)






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4 hours ago, BIGGUNDOCTOR said:

b4utoo, how much are you going to be asking for the Sodefors? I have a friend looking for one. 

Sorry...at this time I won't be selling. 

Is your friend looking for a soderfors or a 300 pounder?

I know a guy in barstow that has anvils..."4 dollars a pound!" he always says. I have yet to see what he has, but older guy no nonsense...a friend introduced us....I don't like to pay that much...but they are around. I heard hay budden when he mentioned anvils....

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For those who like statistics thought I would post this for you. Measurements are pretty accurate overall might of shortened a fraction inch here and there.

32.5" Length

20.5" X 5" Top Plate

14.5" Tall

295.5 lbs on digital bathroom scale ( Marked 297 weight on anvil...pretty sure my scale was off since I almost crushed in process)

Marked 1930, 1933, 1935, or 1939 on corner bottom....reason for these dates is because I can't really make out the whole last number but these are the only possibities of whats showing.

Soderfors Sweden on side...some other stuff I can't make out yet.


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If you do a little wire brushing around the writing and rub it with chalk and wipe the surface it will brig out any stamped characters making them easier to catch in a photo. Oblique lighting also makes stamped characters stand out more clearly. Camera directly at the side and the light at as shallow an angle as you can arrange, sunset is a good time you can aim the anvil at or away from the sun and get excellent light angle.

A lot of Soderfors anvils have names rather than model #s. Mine is a Sorceress #5 and isn't the only 125lb. model Soderfors by a long shot.

Yeah, I LOVE my Soderfors, I've never used an anvil it's match let alone better.

Frosty The Lucky.

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21 minutes ago, Frosty said:

Yeah, I LOVE my Soderfors, I've never used an anvil it's match let alone better.

Frosty The Lucky.

That's just because you've never used my Mousehole. Pre-Bessemer rules!

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7 hours ago, BIGGUNDOCTOR said:

b4utoo, he would like a Sodefors. I was under the impression that you just flipped smithing gear.

Use them. Rookie in every sense, always learning. Even when I THINK I know what I am doing I learn something new. I attempt to get everything I can...sell very few things. I would rather to get them before the "re-sellers" get them and overcharge others or put them in gardens and walls. I don't mind the decoration, just on the stuff that has seen its last days...In my area all the local shops and sellers prices are nuts. Would think they believe the tools and anvils should be sold as if they were solid silver. So I make as many contacts as possible and pick up much as I can when I can if its cheap enough.

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I didn't need to add chalk....but here it is....guess the other date on base isn't right....says 1931 under the 297

Well I guess I was cheated out of a name like "sorcerous" or anything....at least from where I've been looking.


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What's on the other side? One side of mine is stamped the other cast proud. Different info on either side though I'd have to look to remember what is where. It's birth year and weight are stamped, that I recall. I'll have it out and wrestling it up close and personal loading it tomorrow I wonder if I'll remember to look.

Uh, what were we talking about? :huh:

Frosty The Lucky.

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13 hours ago, Frosty said:

What's on the other side? One side of mine is stamped the other cast proud. Different info on either side though I'd have to look to remember what is where. It's birth year and weight are stamped, that I recall. I'll have it out and wrestling it up close and personal loading it tomorrow I wonder if I'll remember to look.

Uh, what were we talking about? :huh:

Frosty The Lucky.

It says Soderfors Sweden Embossed on the other side...I definately need to figure a better way to move this thing. I did get a text from the guy who I got this from...had pics of the stand which is not too impressive...but said he has around 4 post vises among other things...Supposed to hear back this afternoon....and meet this weekend. We were talking about bring out the writing on the anvils...which I find has ton of numbers located everywhere.

So on one side it says soderfors sweden embossed...and soderfors sweden 297lbs 1931 7 ...punch on the other.

thumbnail_20160605_195617 (1).jpg

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Yeah...was that way when I got it...wear ear protection....nothing like my soderfors but good...I was pleasantly surprised. I thought about recovering the hardy and pritchel that was done over...

I need to rework my whole place and organize it....

The PW was "assualted" with spray paint (family member) the other day....my fault for letting family "use" my garage....

Was worried it would be DOA but was good enough to pick up...


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That's a beauty Soupy, how's it work for you? I have to say that logo is just BEGGING to be painted. I'd have to experiment to see if I wanted the background the brighter or darker color. Right now I paint hunter green as the field with gold as the pin strips, letters, trim in general. She'd look great in red on black or black on red.

Don't get me wrong, she's strikingly beautiful as she sits I just imagine in color, I'll be watching for her new stand.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Thanks Frosty. I had not even thought of painting it. It would look nice all dolled up. It works really well. Very good rebound and it rings like a bell. I am certainly in no position to complain, doubly so due to the fact that it was given to me for nothing.

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