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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by C-1ToolSteel

  1. I like how you can clearly see the way it was made by looking at the feet.
  2. Cerakote was designed to be nearly invisible through infrared technology. Aren't there cheaper ways to coat blades? I'm no expert on the subject, but it seems a little overkill to me, for a utility knife. Very nice blades BTW. I like the subtle gimping you did.
  3. Nice progress! Looks like your hammer control is improving tremendously.
  4. Yeah, let me change that to, "definitely an English *style*".
  5. I think you guys are thinking of a *guitar* stool (Technically called a throne). Piano players use rectangular stools. Piano stool screws are about 2 1/2" long. Cool idea though.
  6. Nice anvil. Definitely an elglish brand. 203lbs if i'm doing my math right...
  7. Since there were two Wrights, maybe Karl signed his name for his first name.
  8. Don't even think about it unless you are VERY experienced with welding. All you "need" to beat steel is a flat spot that is the size of your hammer.
  9. Nope, not possible. Welding a bar to it does NOT make it a "blacksmith vise". It is cast, and the way it is made doesn't lend itself to heavy hammering. I wouln't modify it and just use it as is. It is perfectly fine for twisting, and really most of things I use my post vise for would be ok in a bench vise.
  10. Search the forum for "just a box of dirt". It's a great way to get started on the cheap. I would consider using charcoal.
  11. Yep, that's a Vulcan. A pretty big step down from what you already have. I'd pass unless it is next to free.
  12. It also wouldn't be too hard to taper one end if you so desire.
  13. CC is not throwing away our advise, but rather asking for more of it. Instead of continuing in his original thread, he tried to make a new more relevant thread. He even put a link to it in the first thread. As everyone is saying, you can't really improve cast iron. It just is what it is. Kudos though for seing if there is any way to make it better. That's called taking innitiative. Now that you have your advise, you can take it and use it. Good luck!
  14. Does it look like he is in need of any more anvils???
  15. Greetings CC! Like Das said, you would be better off buying a block of steel. My recommendation is to get as big of a chunk of steel that you can find, and use it for the majority of your work. However, I'm actually impressed with the horn on that little guy. I would keep it around for whenever you need a horn. Between that and a big chunk of steel, you will be adaquately equipped to start smithing. The next thing to start thinking about is a good vise or other way to hold your hardy tools. Of course, you should always keep your eyes open for a good anvil, but don't let it keep you from getting started! It will come. I thought mine never would... C-1
  16. I'm no Hebrew scholar, but I think the Hebrew pronounciation is pa-am.
  17. I've never bead blasted it before, but I have seen bead blasted micarta. Super grippy, but it holds dirt.
  18. That is one of the best second knives I've seen.
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