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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by C-1ToolSteel

  1. Interesting. If he used a flatter it wouldn't be so hard to keep it going. Kinda funny that he has such a huge disclaimer at the beginning. I'd like to see the disclaimer at the beginning of his blacksmithing videos!
  2. It is unlikely that anyone would use even a $75 knife in a crime. I'm just sayin'. I'm NO pro on this subject, but my recommendation would be to find your "niche", so that you aren't experimenting majorly with every blade. It doesn't mean your knives can't be somewhat unique, but I would suggest making mostly small simple blades.
  3. If it is in good shape, then you have a very nice anvil.
  4. Nice!!! ....Did you make them with the swage block that I almost bought???
  5. The anvil is a 100 lb Fisher. They are decent anvils. That one also appears to be in pretty good shape. You would probably be better off selling the vise and buying an anvil though. To me your vise is worth more.
  6. Think about it this way.... I refuse to yell at someone when I am angry. I will *resist* the urge to lash out at someone. No matter how much pressure you put on me, I will stay *straight* and *upright*. I am determined not to lose my temper. I will try as hard as I can not to sway to the right or to the left. If I do sway a little, I will *spring* back. Some people are easily swayed by their emotions. They are *annealed*. When life is a grind, keep cool or you might lose your temper.
  7. I'd buy one. ...and wear it every day. Lol
  8. Can you make me a bumper sticker out of the last line?
  9. Wow that's amazing! I've actually dug up a few anvils myself. ...then I woke up.
  10. Aren't we dodging the fact that SS is just plain too expensive? The objective of a fire pot is to hold coal. Enough said???
  11. Yeah, I had to take an angle grinder with me when I got my anvil. It was welded to an Ibeam that was in the ground. I wonder how many more anvils would show up for sale if they weren't "attached" to the shop.
  12. I will be praying for them. May they have peace through this time.
  13. These comments are entirely too lacking in exclamation marks!!! You have a Hay Budden!
  14. Yeah, I've seen a few personalized touch marks, but they always seem to get their name backwards...
  15. The B must be there to keep the parts straight. You don't want to weld two basses together...
  16. Welcome Floki! The best advise I can give you is to set that one aside, and learn the basics. Get yourself some 1/2" round, and make a fire poker, a leaf, an S hook.... Until you are ready to tackle something big. Keep it safe, and have fun!
  17. Oh, I just now realized that only one of them was Cerakote. For that little knife, I think it's awesome!
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