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Everything posted by C-1ToolSteel

  1. Not bad for a first go. If you have an angle grinder, I highly recommend using it for the bevels. I wasted A LOT of time fumbling around with the 4x32 when I started making knives.
  2. Very nice! I definitely wouldn't be ashamed selling them. The last one is a clip point.
  3. If you want to make hammers, you can use the eye of a large sledge over your hardy hole. I would be a lot more likely to buy one with depressions for forming ladles and bowls.
  4. Hey, I like that one! I'm adding option 3 which is "none of the above".
  5. I know, I know... I just thought this would be fun.
  6. Super deal! You've got a sure enough Peter Wright my friend.
  7. I think it's about time that we address a very important subject relating to no other tool than the one that we spend so much time hammering over, bending over, cutting over, etc. The anvil. I'm not trying to start a debate on the "best brand", "best size", or "best pattern", but rather taking a survey of how we are pronouncing the actual name. This is a subject that I am rather passionate about. How do YOU pronounce this word. Do you pronounce it with the second syllable rhyming with *hill* or *full*? I know that we are all diferent, so I will keep this as unbiased as a possibly can. Personally I pronounce it the RIGHT way which is #2.
  8. Looks great! Nice and symmetrical. The knives can wait. Do simple projects until a leaf is nothing. Then you can start thinking about knives. I would love to see a picture of his setup. Looks like he's off to a great start.
  9. Thanks guys! For the blade texturing, I used a spring fuller. I used a Dremel drum sander for the handle.
  10. Here's my latest blade. Made from 5/8" 5160 coil spring with white oak for the handle. I had fun with this knife, and tried a couple things I hadn't done yet. Personally, I don't like lanyards, but the hole looks kinda cool! What do y'all think? How can I make the next one better?
  11. First off, thank you for posting. It looks really nice! Secondly, be careful what you post. Your language is getting a little edgy, and I'm not the only one here that is picky. Please don't be offended. I know that what you say might not seem at all to you like something to make a big deal about. Nevertheless, I think we should all work together to keep this forum as spotless as we can.
  12. Gotcha. Thanks again for spending so much time explaining. I think you are making some good points. Not exactly sure what you mean by "big grain of salt", but I think I get the point. Being a woodworker, I can totally see how sharpening a full bevel wouldn't seem like a big deal to you, but for the average person, that would be pretty tricky. I guess that's one reason why there are so many kinds of primary and secondary bevels.
  13. Thank you for drawing it out. I see what you mean how it has a rather wide secondary bevel, but every knife (at least every knife that has been sharpened) has one. How would you try to sharpen picture 2 without creating a secondary bevel?
  14. I don't care how you pull paper towels off as long as you can clean up the milk in time that you spilled when you tried to pour the milk before the cereal.
  15. JHCC, can you expound upon that statement? By my terminology, the secondary bevel IS the edge.
  16. Wow! That is beautiful! Where did you get the scales?
  17. If you made it for the purpose of scaring someone out of their wits than you did a super good job! If you want to chop wood with it, your wrist will be on fire. If you have ever used a maul where someone got the bright idea to weld a steel pipe to it and call it a handle, you know what I'm talking about.
  18. Welcome Ray! That's a cool way to introduce yourself. If you're having fun, then you're off to a great start!
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