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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by C-1ToolSteel

  1. Man, it must feel good to get that off your plate!
  2. From the way it makes all those sparks, it looks like he is using charcoal.
  3. Glad to hear it's just a cold shut. I don't think you will have problems.
  4. Like Arkie said, the large table is a huge plus. Not just for coal, but also for your project, tongs, and everything else you need to set somewhere.
  5. Yep, and it never hurts to give them all safety glasses. Get the cheap $2 kind and let them keep the glasses. Sometimes older guys get cranky over wearing glasses, but to a kid, it makes them feel like more a part of the whole thing. Also gives them a souvenir. Case in point, the only thing I remember about the field trip of a car plant I took when I was 6 was the fun of getting to keep the glasses!
  6. I'm thinking probably the leaves, not the roses. Learn how to talk to kids and you will keep them interested. Say "now this iron is REALLY hot" rather than "this process is called drawing and spreading".
  7. Good job. It can be tricky to get the blade to handle porpotions right, and it looks like you nailed it.
  8. Looks like it cleaned up nicely. I'm a little worried about that crack where the head meets the shank though. Can you tell how far it goes?
  9. Interesting. That's proof enough for me. Wonder how much it's worth...
  10. Yipeee! That's one chunk of iron! (With a tool steel face plate)
  11. Good catch JHCC. I think you're right. It's hard to tell though. I see about fifty potential 1s.
  12. Not sure about the "naval" thing, but it appears to be a pre 1830 mouse hole in really good shape. Definitely worth the $300 if you ask me.
  13. Looks to me like the second item was a decoration to stick in the ground. I think the points on the end are just a little bent in.
  14. If nothing else, you could sell it to someone who wants it for decor. Or decorate your own shop. I've seen people selling post drills on Craigslist that are missing more than that for $100+. ...and their still there.
  15. They could be bearings. Test them by doing a reverse rebound test. (No, not dropping an anvil on the ball!) ...you know what I mean. Can we see a pic of the tongs???
  16. Why would you post a boring side draft forge build on a blacksmithing forum??? It's awesome! Keep it coming.
  17. Maybe he means M&H Armitage Mouse Hole Forge. In that case, I'd say it would probably be worth it.
  18. Still praying for you and your family.
  19. Absolutely if it's in good condition. Wait a minute, I thought it was an A&H. Don't know anything about H&M. Sorry. Most any 200lb anvil is worth $300 though.
  20. I do know an orthodontist who has done some blacksmithing.
  21. Did you cut the head off the spikes?
  22. ...but it bet they cost twice as much as the stinkin' Dutch oven!
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