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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by C-1ToolSteel

  1. I completely agree with Lantern as long as it doesn't sacrifice usability. As much as knife companies may imply otherwise, they are A LOT more concerned about making money than getting you out of a desperate situation.
  2. I agree that the shower grate shouldn't be used for the plating issue, but something like that will actually last longer than you might think. I'M NOT SAYING YOU SHOULD BURN TOXIC ZINC FUMES, THOUGH!
  3. Exactly. "Tactical" is just something they stamp on the box to make it sell, as is that blade shape. Someone might come by here with a gruesome explanation, but that is my opinion.
  4. Anvils In America by Richard Postman is a VERY interesting book that will keep you occupied for the whole two months.
  5. Nice score JT! Very good condition.
  6. Yeah, I thought about securing it to a base, but decided it wouldn't be worth it. I do like the idea, though, of securing it really well to a solid base and making it into a YouTube video. Maybe I should do a video of hammering the "sweet spot" until it breaks in half. If I do that one, I'll be sure to post it here! A more scientific test would include doing the same thing to a forged steel anvil and a cast steel anvil.....but I'll let someone else do that one!
  7. Hey, if I sharpen the broken-off heel, I betcha it would last longer that my carpenter's pencil. Hmmm...
  8. For an extra 50 bucks, you could make a refractory fire pot. Just a thought.
  9. Feel free to PM me about donations for the next video...
  10. I've heard all the horror stories, and even preached against them myself, but this is the first time I have actually tested the limits. Sometimes it is hard to separate truth from people joking around, so the best way to find out is to do it yourself. This is the 15 lb one from Harbor Freight that I have held onto for the occasional rivet and the like. I used a 4 pound hammer to "do the business". I learned a lot from this. . ...and it was also kinda fun. IMG_0012.MOV
  11. Yep. That should do you well. Just mount it standing on end like the picture.
  12. It is my understanding that it is the extra high carbon content that makes sparks, not so much the hardness. Could be wrong about that, though...
  13. Oh, that reminds me... As I was blacksmithing today, I heard this wierd growl/..something. I looked around, and it didn't come from one of the cows. Just one of those things that you never understand...
  14. Some pipe wrenches are forged, and some are not. If you are able to forge it, then it is forged. Things that are drop forged have seams similar to casting lines.
  15. Posts vises are usually pretty old, so if it has lasted this long, it's probably good enough to last a couple more lifetimes.
  16. Very nice. I'd say that handle definitely does the head justice.
  17. I don't actually remember where it came from. They are just pics I saved as I was looking around.
  18. These are just some photos that I found to be particularly interesting. Enjoy!
  19. What I meant was that an anvil could be mild steel and need a faceplate.
  20. Cast *TOOL STEEL* that is. Just because something is steel does NOT mean it doesn't need a faceplate.
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