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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Anachronist58

  1. So sorry Tmomas, you and your loved ones will be in our prayers. Robert and Sheila Taylor
  2. Wow. Reminds me of a weighted staff I made years ago - I thought I was pretty good with it til I clocked myself on the head - I'm glad it didn't have spikes!
  3. Patented August 16, 1938 http://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.google.com/patents/US2127008&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwjRl6GnyfjUAhVP82MKHQaXBUEQFggLMAA&usg=AFQjCNEzX-X8YCrIe6M68LwOUWRC8lMGaQ Robert Taylor
  4. GooGoo Damascus nib pen. They got a nice mid price one for $250,000.
  5. Well now, here it is July, and Trimontasaurus has been walking west since January, from Pennsylvania to San Diego, and has FINALLY arrived Just in time, too! My geburtstag is Monday, so let the party start. I may be crawling on my hands and knees, but I am Chasing my Dream! And seeing your work on the top landing every day is quite the dose of whimsy and craft to charge the creative juices. Aric, looks even better in person!
  6. Mr Smith, I am sure there are other forums that would better suit your inquiries, no less your demeanor. Perhaps you are having a bad day. If not, a good way to enhance your self control would be to use the mute feature. Mute Frosty's posts, and preclude the risk of horribly insulting someone you don't know on an international venue. Since I am only three-fifths as knowledgeable as Frosty, Please put me on your mute list as well. Get well soon, Robert Taylor
  7. Good to see you posting. That thing is useless mail it to me in a flat rate box. You don't have any use for that. Mail it to me in a flat rate box. JHCC, I have been driving past a piece of heavy sheet metal for five days now, picked it up a midnight-thirty this morning - too shiny! Robert Taylor
  8. Well now, after re-reading all of the posts in this thread, and reflecting upon my place in the scheme of things, I wonder about my rodent-like affinity for the shiny rusty stuff, and: Thinking - If I were someone else reading Robert's post, would I tend to view this as a psychological disorder? Am I abnormal, because when my brother's mini chest freezer died with ten pounds of meat in it, while he was away for two weeks, I HAD to have the compressor, controls, and tubing out of it? In my defense, all other parts of the freezer no longer reside on my property. I have a third of a rural acre. Prior to this thread, I had hit an estate sale for four consecutive mornings before work, and then all day on a Sunday on the last day of the sale - 50% off! It's not Junk, it's INVENTORY!! However, I was thinking, as I stood out on the side of the road, looking up into my yard, that last trip is pushing me toward an abatement issue. At my back, across the road, is a FREE 57 gallon electric water heater, with brass fittings, and a steel tank! I went across the road and inspected it, touched, caressed it, and patted it and sighed. I left it there. Four days later, it is there, like a "Siren, Sweetly Singing" (Homer, Eric Clapton, Martin Sharp), it sings out my name. Just a two-minute jaunt across the road with a handtruck ! Heavy Breathing now. I am indeed well balanced, and not a rodent! The tank is still there. Robert Taylor P.S.: just looked again, thank goodness someone took it away er, ahh,
  9. That is stupendous. No less for a prototype. Robert Taylor
  10. Haha, I looked that term up, and as much as I am enjoying this, we are indeed skirting the precipice of the rules, shucks . Did not see the latest post, so please pardon the redundancy. Robert Taylor
  11. Google anvil weight iforgeiron. Many threads Specifically answer your question. See you back here in no less than 12 hours, and tell us what you have learned. Welcome aboard, and if you will add your general location to your profile, you are likely to find other members in your area. Robert Taylor
  12. I don't presently have a running business, but a friend of the family asked me to repair a compound bow damaged by saltwater fishing. After the grief I got, I said this one is free, and if you need anything else, that'll be $600 an hour. I haven't enough time left in my life to suffer tickytacky cheapsters. My sympathy, Robert Taylor
  13. Good to see you posting Sir. Are you well?
  14. Mr Bond, Remember please that you have posted this thread in the "Critique My Work" section of the Forum. l do believe that Members more knowledgeable than myself will soon be asking some VERY focused questions in regard to your design activities. Please be patient and understanding with us, some of us are very old and grouchy, and do not have the decorum to always handle people gently. Please take no offense from efficient, aggressive, scientific collaboration. That being said, how many watts do you intend to pass through that power supply. Just to note that a typical microwave oven is rated for 1.5 kw. Are you aware of the high current switching devices in tabletop induction cookers? They are called IGBT's (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor). These are commercially available at very significant power ratings. I may not be able to respond soon, but good luck. Robert Taylor Many ridiculed Elon Musk for daring to call himself a "Rocket Scientist".
  15. Mr Bond. Welcome aboard. If you will add your general location to your profile, you may find that there are Smiths nearby who would be Very Interested in your project. The system that you have outlined, with the capabilities that you have listed, has challenged and frustrated many who have come before you. Welcome, and I wish you a good outcome in pursuit of induction heating. Robert Taylor
  16. Nothing like finding out at age 45 you've been making yourself go blind with peripheral flash burns (not me). Robert Taylor
  17. All yours, Dale Russell. I myself would do well to wear boots, chaps, and a helmet at all times. Robert Taylor
  18. Not to bore anyone further, but the search term for chipping away at the base composition of the tool steel would ascertained after multiple googoo passes using the following term, as seen on the tool shank: ISO 8 R 20 20 K10 Which refers to the carbide once brazed into the end of the tool, but should lead to the composition of the shank. Unfortunately, I haven't time to be milling about. Yet another twist - this turn of a phrase be less boring than first thought! http://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.hahn-kolb.de/ORION-internal-lathe-chisel-carbide-D4973-ISO-8-square-20mm-x-20mm-K10-20-R/17641359.sku/en/US/EUR/&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwjSsKbQ-8zUAhUQwGMKHZzuDe4QFggNMAE&sig2=sH0xXE5qw_N7KO81jld-7g&usg=AFQjCNG6WA6I-WbZWFIazl-sPFihyQa89A Robert Taylor
  19. Man you really messed that thing up! Kidding! Looks cool, er, hot! Robert Taylor
  20. Imagine now, the router locked in place, and the stump on a furniture dolly. Had I not seen this thread, I may not ever have thought that up. Much appreciated. Robert Taylor
  21. Don't worry, your mouse hole is in no danger of being stolen - even LESS desirable than a Soderfors . Left Coast - INDEEEEED!
  22. I have only read the title of this thread, and I nearly died laughing. My spouse is looking at me like I have two heads. Glenn, before I read your post I have to ask, are you kidding? I deployed the TPAAAT for acquiring propane tanks. I plan on soon gathering them up for a family reunion pic. Many of these remain copiously endowed with propane, and thus, my next forge will most likely be a gasser. Maybe it's a mental illness, but farming and making do runs on both sides of the family. Now I will read your post, Glenn. Robert Taylor OK, I read, I see, I get it. You are no better off than I am. I find it somehow soothing, and at the same time, enabling. Thanks Glenn! Sheila reminds me, "that's what we call the scenic route!"
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