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I Forge Iron

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The handles aren't breaking from over strikes, good term thank you, they've just been breaking at the head. We're not taking big swings at anything either, I use it mostly on the swage block. Say setting leaf spring log gouges into the swages. Just heavy thumps, held across my waist and lifted less than shoulder high for a boosted thump. The handles should NOT have broken but I've gone through 3. A hickory sledge handle costs more than a new yellow plastic handled 8 lb. sledge!

I have a garage sale 8lb. sledge on a plastic handle and have swung it hard. It's not wood but it doesn't hurt and the plastic handled single bit axe is pretty nice to swing. 

Deb was out with Ronnie at a Barn Hunt rally yesterday and they go to an after rally diner party so I had a big salad. Tonight we're having moose tacos with refried beans and spanish rice sides. I haven't decided what for a veggie, maybe salad with a salsa based dressing. I'll see what Deb thinks. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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45 minutes ago, Frosty said:

The bed frame angle iron is NOT mild steel, it's in the medium carbon range and is tough strong stock. 


I found that out when I ground it. I saw someone made a pair of bolt Tongs by folding and flattening a piece of it. I might try that. Dont quench! I know that too. 

Yes, perforated sheet. Sorry I’ll try to use proper termination as best as I can from here on out. 

By “dump” I meant that someone dumped it. We have proper landfills in our area so anything dumped roadside is free for the taking and I usually take the other stuff to dispose of it properly. Make the world a better place and all that jazz, you know. 

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Does moose curry up nice?

A robust moose vindaloo might be a very tasty concept.

I wish that I was situated closer bye,  we could cook up a wonderful "extravaganza",  for the gang. 

I am aware that moose sausages are enjoyed in your parts.

Check out mountain climbing hammers. They have two extensions on the wooden shaft,  from and inline, with the head.

I do not know the proper term for them.

Help anyone?


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22 hours ago, Chris J Dixon said:

Yes, perforated sheet. Sorry I’ll try to use proper termination

Don't apologize! We're all here to exchange information and learn from each other, there's never anything to apologize for picking up something new. I know I've been trying to standardize some terms but this is a world spanning forum, more than 150 countries and about 50,000 members. Holy moly it's amazing we can talk at all. ;)

I thought you meant you found it along a road, it's good scrounging. That's what triggered the memory of my experience with our local Right Of Ways Dept. so I tossed it out as a potential money saver for others. We don't have trash pickup here, we have to make dump runs for about $15. ea. so getting free passes saves us $90. or more per sheet. 

Bed frames are always good stock, worth stopping and picking up provided it isn't too darned dangerous. 

22 hours ago, SLAG said:

Does moose curry up nice?

I don't know Slag, I don't make curry but there aren't many things you can do with beef that aren't better made with moose. Moose is even forgiving of mediocre field dressing. Well cleaned there's no game flavor at all unless the idiot hunter chases it wounded rather than letting it lay down and die. A fool can screw up anything. Moose is a lot like a richer if drier beef, a strip or two of bacon juices it up nicely. It's WAY better than venison. 

A lot of people make sausage but I prefer burger, I can spice it however I want then. I have friends who gift us with a little now and then so I don't experiment anymore. I used to make smoked moose jerky I was really fond of but I haven't hunted in a couple decades and nobody saves flank or belly meat, it all goes in the grinder. 

I need to find someone to harvest our proxy, Deb and I are old enough now we can harvest our bag limits via proxy hunters. A couple small roasts, a little back scrap and a % of burger would set us up for the year.  MmmmmmMoose. :wub:

Frosty The Lucky.


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It sounds like moose would make a wonderful "Beef Rendang".

I suggest that we use the original West Sumatra version. (Padang region). Dry fried, curry.

The recipe is involved, but it is well worth the effort. (the labor intensiveness is on a par with Boeuf Wellington).

But worth it,  for good friends and company.

Ausfire,  the chocolate mousse would make a great dessert for the grande Rendang repast.


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42 minutes ago, ausfire said:

I believe chocolate moose is quite nice.

Right you are, nobody's ever been stomped into a grease stain by a chocolate moose.

42 minutes ago, SLAG said:

It sounds like moose would make a wonderful "Beef Rendang".

Agreed, any beef dish is better as a moose dish. Are you trying to make me look up curry recipes? I mean seriously curry is a whole regional style of cooking it takes practice to become competent and we don't have enough moose left for me to acquire a palate so I could apply curry properly. 

Oh, I looked up climbing hammers and there are a BUNCH of them! 

Frosty The Lucky.

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Mr. Powers,

Yes  "langet"  was the word,  that I was searching for.

Thank you very much.


JHCC you have good culinary taste.

Jer.  p.m. me and I can supply you with many curry recipes from all of the world. Many of them are dead easy to make. And there are some lovely short cuts too.

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RR rail certainly isn't medium carbon steel, 1085 +/- a little I believe. I pulled medium C for bed frames out of the blue from my experience using it. No actual knowledge. Caught again, DRATS! :ph34r:

I might do that Slag but that'd be the end of my to resistance to making curry, I'd have to learn a new style of prep and cooking. Are you looking to blow my lazy guy cover?

Frosty The Lucky.

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"Then askéd he of her, 'Have you any onions? And have you savory?'

"But she answered him not, saying, 'Onions have I, but savory have I none.'

"Whereupon he scolded her, saying, 'Then thou art an unsavory rapscallion!'"

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Herr Powers,

Peter Schikelie  is/was a genius. For the rest of the I.F.I.  fraternity. He was the brilliance who discovered the fictitious P.D.Q. Bach. and many of musical works.

Your erudition is a marvel to behold. (that's a compliment).

Tonight's dinner will be jerk chicken. (Jamaica style).

Mr. Frosty We can put together a great curry in about fifteen minutes, by cutting many corners and using many short cuts.

They can be vary easy to do.

So it's off to the kitchen, and later on to the forge.

Regards to all,


Mr. Dixon, Don't be so hard on yourself.

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JHCC, just as long as it's peppered with G rated anecdotes we will dine on them.

MIchael, my wife & mother bought me that same saw for my birthday in 1977, it's still going strong. One suggestion is to open the gear box and lube it occasionally. Since you don't know how many hours are on it, that would be the first thing I would do. Oh and I had to build a replacement hand wheel for the vise. Great price BTW.

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