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2 hours ago, Lou L said:

That rice coal sure does pop like rice crispies.  They make me become zoning all over the shop area... Little Retina seeking demon missiles.

No idea how spell check does this to me when I'm on my phone......

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15 hours ago, JHCC said:

I think I've already recounted the great "Rice coal teaches JHCC that if you're going to blacksmith shirtless, don't turn your back on the fire" story....

Thanks.  THERE'S a visual I'll never get out of my head - An entire smithy full of shirtless blacksmiths....(If you knew the guys at the local blacksmith club, you'd shudder too...)

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Mel has the right idea for stopping bad behavior, not that the dog's being "bad" it's just unacceptable. Dog's bite each other all the time without being aggressive or trying to do harm. It's a form of communication. Pups bite it's normal and something that can't be allowed with people. UNLESS there's darned good cause say somebody trying to beat up one of her people then the gloves come off.

Say ouch and make a bid thing of how much it hurts, cry even. Turn your back on them, leave and shun them. Dogs are pack animals being part of the pack is a genetically founded need. A dog that's been driven out of it's pack is like a life sentence to humans. Make a deal of going and playing with your other dog and if she tries to join step between your dogs back turned to her.

If she nose bumps you to get your attention, make eye contact, cradle the hand or whatever she mouthed and back away like you're afraid. The nose bump is asking you politely for attention where a bark is a demand. Ignore barks but play the nose bump, it's a VERY GOOD sign.

If she nose bumps you and looks sorry, especially if she's gone through other attempts to get your attention or play then forgive her. No strong display of affection and certainly not approval, just forgiveness. A hand flat on her head and shushing to calm her.

Pup's are mouthy they all are. Mouthing you doesn't mean they're being bad, they're being a dog. It's just NOT acceptable to mouth a PERSON! The top Dog in your family holds a pack position lower than the lowest human but it's up to you to establish and maintain the order. 

Dogs are a LOT smarter than most people think they just can't speak English, so it's up to us to learn their language if we what to know what they're telling us. On average dogs will learn the meaning of around 200 words in whatever language you use. A long time school friend's Mother had her own language she spoke to her dogs. They understand short sentences composed of words they understand for examples: Ball. How many meanings does the word "ball" have for you? If you say ball? That will get their attention you just asked BALL? Once you have their attention: Get the ball, give me the ball, find the ball, take the ball, etc. all have a specific meaning and the dog will get it. And there you have a list of some of the words a dog will learn very quickly: Want, Give, Get, Take, Leave, Where's, Find,. Verbs, dogs are good at verbs. like: Go, Come, Stay, Down, Off, Sit, etc. You get the idea. They learn by example. Be consistent and do NOT have more than one meaning for one word. It's fine to have several words for the same command but not the other way around.

Of all commands DOWN! is probably THE single most important command you can teach your dog. Why? Your dog gets out and chases a squirrel across a busy street. If you shout they're going to KNOW they're in trouble or there's an emergency to react instantly to. Dogs read our emotions with vivid clarity, they know if you're happy, scared, mad, etc. So shouting at a dog that's out of it's territory can trigger an immediate response.

Do you REALLY want your dog to stop and come at a dead run? ACROSS a BUSY STREET? Nope, even if it's our instinctive response to shout come, it's the wrong thing to do. You want them to stop till you can get them yourself or someone else can get a hand on them for you. The DOWN command means they ARE TO HIT THE GROUND ON THEIR BELLY! PERIOD. Not stop, sit and lay down, hit the ground and skid fro a dead run. 

You know what's harder to do than teach your dog a hard down command? By "hard" command it is one TO BE OBEYED PERIOD! What's harder than teaching DOWN to your dog is teaching yourself and family not to shout COME when your dog's in a dangerous situation. It's natural instinct but it's the wrong thing do to.

Oh boy I got sidetracked again.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Just now, ThomasPowers said:

I brush my cats in the spring with a standard wire blacksmithing brush; helps a little bit with the hair load in the house...

Not a twisted wire cup brush in the angle grinder?

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One of my cats came into the shop while I had a file card in my hand and for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to brush the cat with it. It wasn't easy getting the cat hairs out of the file card. 

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1 minute ago, Daswulf said:

One of my cats came into the shop while I had a file card in my hand and for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to brush the cat with it. It wasn't easy getting the cat hairs out of the file card. 

Wave it over the forge flame. It won't smell pretty, but it'll take the hair out right quick.

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21 minutes ago, BIGGUNDOCTOR said:

We used to vacuum our Boxers. They loved it. 

My friend who worked in the appliance store used to box their vacuums. Being non-sentient, they didn't care.

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32 minutes ago, BIGGUNDOCTOR said:

We used to vacuum our Boxers. They loved it. 

:o Makes me glad I wear tighty whities and we're not neighbors! Well, to each his own I guess. Does Kirby make a skid mark attachment?

Frosty The Lucky.

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Road kill is good. I picked up a 4" wide trucker strap the other day to go with the 4" ratchets I have also found on the side of the road. I traverse 140 miles of roadway daily with most of that being highway, so I have found lots of items from straps, ratchets, a dozen ice chests, swings with chains, signs, a Cole vise, THULE roof compartment, semi truck rim, and several bed liners that I couldn't stuff into the Saturn and passed on literally.

As to the Boxers, they are shedding machines and their hair gets EVERYWHERE......the vacuum did a great job of collecting it at the source. No attachments needed ;) aaaaaaaaaaaaaand it took me this long to finally realize what Frosty meant by his remark on skidmarks......durrr.   The dogs would come over to the vacuum when it was turned on. 

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