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I Forge Iron


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    Lincoln, NE
  • Interests
    Poker, football....and football

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  1. Interesting, thanks for the responses everyone, you learn something new every day!
  2. This came in a small lof mini swages I bought at auction yesterday, trying to figure out why it's hollow in the center. It has a hardy shank of it so it's meant for the anvil, just trying to figure out why it would be hollow, any ideas? Measures about 3.5"*3.5"
  3. Finally got the liquor cabinet I've been working on forever finished today. There's a few spots that still need touching up but that won't take too long. Really like how the brass came out on this
  4. Got some drawer pulls done recently, really fun to make and they don't take a lot of time
  5. The pieces for the door are all 3/8" square bar, I slit and drifted them to size. I did 2 practice pieces with the lines and twist to see how much everything would move and did a little math to figure out where exactly the center that I needed to slit was
  6. This is going to be the door on the front of a liquor cabinet I'm making. I made a frame out of square tubing that will have finished reclaimed wood, have to wait for it to warm up a little so I can finish another back piece- I made a catastrophic mistake on the first one I'll post the finished piece when it's done
  7. O you from Nebraska?? Never fun when something unexpected comes up and annihilates your fun budget
  8. I'm a pipe welder and I worked at a chemical plant for 2 years, 95% of our work was stainless, and we ran miller 161s every day. We beat those things up and they keep right on rolling- not sure how many hours those 110s had when I showed up but we used em almost every day for 2 years when I was there and had no issues. It's actually why I bought one myself. You can probably get most of your welding done off 110 with it but in the rare case you need more amps it comes with an plugin adapter for 220. Just keep in mind that it's going to be exclusively for TIG unless you use it on 220. You can't really use it to stick weld on 110, it doesn't have the xxxxx for it I considered buying a welder off Amazon since they're about 1/2 the cost but based on reviews 1/10 was a lemon out of the box and an absolute nightmare to get sorted out. If nothing else at least I know Miller will stand behind their product if a board goes bad or something
  9. Got this coat hanger done last week, got some old barn wood a while back and have a bunch leftover still. I don't think it looks terrible but there's a few things I could have done better
  10. I'm going to be in Nashville for a few days in early December and was looking to see if there's anywhere I could wander and find a hot forge! Its always fun to meet others that do this, so just looking to see if anyone is around that area with a little free time that would be open to hang out with me
  11. Another candle holder, thought I'd try a simpler one this time. Candle holders are TIG welded on the bottom side, I've gotta get better at making small tenon's before I use that method instead of welding them on. I didn't leave quite enough on the bottom rivet holding the legs to the center piece when I cut it, 1.5 times the rivet material diameter doesn't quite work with a domed head, I'll play around with it later this week.
  12. I'm personally not a fan of the spikes. I drilled through the center of the candle holders and plug welded them on with TIG. It wasn't my intention for it to necessarily look like scales, this is just the design I had in my head, and honestly this was a lot of work for my admittedly limited skills this far
  13. Got a candle holder I've been working on for a while finished today. I see a lot that I could have done better but overall I'm happy with it- it was a learning experience to say the least (I wanted to post a pic of the center wedge joint but I gave up fighting the site..."problem loading the file")
  14. Thanks for the suggestions everyone, the hole goes all the through that piece of 1" but it's stuck. I've got some sway bar from a car I can cut down that should work just fine, I'll cut it to size then drill through for the shank. I just used 1" mild cuz it's what I have on hand but uh...yeah it doesn't work lol
  15. Got a couple of rivet blocks made. I used 1" square with a 1/4" hole drilled through it for my rivet, and the rivet is completely stuck. I drilled the first one out and took the time to clean the scale from the rivet before putting it in on the 2nd try but it's stuck and won't move as well. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?
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