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Show her patience with the name change, some dogs don't take to new names easily but I'm with you, I would NOT want to have to pick up Winnie Poo!:wacko: Of course Daisy Mae leave surprise presents too but . . . 

Give her a skritch for me please.

Frosty The Lucky.

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will do frosty! she only had the fist name for 1 day, and it just wasn't right! she already left some presents, though at least the kind you can clean up with a mop, which in my book is better than Winnie Poo!

she is taking some work. Its hard because you compare who to our last dog who was the most obedient thing. now were dealing with her....She aint bad, but just needs some training. really nice and energetic sweet critter. she was a stray, picked up by a family who we bought her from who weren't ready for a dog. She still has the signs of a stray, maybe abused.


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Rescues are the best, they never forget. She'll learn from your other dog so when s/he does what you want go overboard with the praise and approval Daisy will want some too and try harder.

Carry treats in your pocket, and speak in a low voice so she HAS to listen to you or miss out when you ask if she wants a cookie. Just asking if she wants a cookie for no good reason every once in a while will have her attention on you all the time. 

High happy excited voice and cookie when she does good and low disappointed voice when she screws up. If she gets focused on things she shouldn't say won't stop barking at the bird outside the window (for example) just drop something loud on the floor. Not LOUD, just sharp loud. sometimes throwing your key chain on the floor near them is more than enough. You're just looking to break their focus, not scare the Winnies out of her.

Frosty The Lucky.

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LBS - Congratulations on the new family member!

Well, while the Mrs was sleeping, I went for my fifth and final day at the estate sale. Among other tools, I deployed my one ton Harrington ratchet come-along. 

Tuuns out the chainfall I bought is a Harrington as well!

Gantry beam included: My Poor Truck!




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7 hours ago, arkie said:

That wrench next to the ball peen hammer is probably a Collins or Coes brand (Google "Collins wrench" or "Coes wrench").  If the wooden handle is in fine shape and the rest of the wrench is likewise, it can be fairly valuable.  I picked one up for $17.50 at an old shop and found one in identical shape online that sold for $160.  I now have two hanging in the shop, one a Collins the other a Coes.  If it's in bad shape, it will make a fine twisting wrench if you weld a handle on the fixed jaw.

I will check to see if I can find anything, I got for twisting as they are smooth inside the jaws.

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On 4/30/2017 at 1:11 PM, Zeroclick said:

Ahhh thank you now I just need to learn how to use it :D

Don't fee too bad if you find it a pain...I could never get on with a carbon arc torch...though mine was a scissor action rather than straight slide to bring the rods together.

I learnt to arc weld on a SIP 140. It is not the kindest of tools to a newbie. Though a good welder will get the best out of it.

I would advise going to you local adult education centre/tech college and do an evening class on welding. You will get good instruction on excellent equipment  and will save yourself much frustration trying got do it alone.

You will also learn to stick your rods in the bottom oven or on a radiator/night store heater so the flux coating is dry. Old rods can be a bit hit and miss.


On 5/1/2017 at 2:32 AM, Anachronist58 said:


Tuuns out the chainfall I bought is a Harrington as well!




Don't want to be too gloomy, but I would think twice about using your chain hoist anywhere near its rated load. The chain looks pitted in the photo. After you have got the rust off and oiled it you could have it tested, or test it yourself and then use it at half the load you tested it with. Might even be worth replacing the chain if you want to use it seriously.


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25 minutes ago, Alan Evans said:

Don't fee too bad if you find it a pain...I could never get on with a carbon arc torch...though mine was a scissor action rather than straight slide to bring the rods together.

I learnt to arc weld on a SIP 140. It is not the kindest of tools to a newbie. Though a good welder will get the best out of it.

I would advise going to you local adult education centre/tech college and do an evening class on welding. You will get good instruction on excellent equipment  and will save yourself much frustration trying got do it alone.

You will also learn to stick your rods in the bottom oven or on a radiator/night store heater so the flux coating is dry. Old rods can be a bit hit and miss.

Thanks Alan, I have been looking into a 6 week intro to welding course. It covers both arc and mig and looks really good.

So I went to the other car boot and picked up the rest of the rods they are fully sealed so hopefully will be in good condition and of course while I was there I spotted a couple more hammers. :)


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And watch the sides!  I was carrying a powerhammer in my old Ford ex-Telephone Company van once and going down a steep hill on a gravel road had a farmer in a pickup  pull in front of me  using his granny gears.  I had an interesting  skid trying to keep from visiting with him and keeping on the road lined up correctly. I finally thought I had everything  worked out when I felt the powerhammer nudging my seat forward.  It was of course laid down in the back of the van and had rolled on the the flat belt pulley and flywheel to come see what was going on...I nearly laid the dust in my cab on that one!

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6 hours ago, Alan Evans said:

Don't want to be too gloomy, but I would think twice about using your chain hoist anywhere near its rated load.

Yes Alan, my first thought upon close inspection, was that the load chain will need replaced.

Oddly, the trolley is only rated for 1000#.

3 hours ago, Daswulf said:

Just remember to keep your brakes fresh and keep an eye on the spring hangers ;)  Trucks like the workout. 

Not a real truck "I wish I was a REAL boy!". But I will definitely check those hangers.

3 hours ago, ThomasPowers said:

I nearly laid the dust in my cab on that one!

Yep Thomas, had that beam strapped down hard high up on the lumber rack - talk about "high center" vehicles! That piece of steel definitely wanted to control the long ride home.

6 hours ago, Zeroclick said:

I have been looking into a 6 week intro to welding course.

Carbon arc torches were fun (for me) for heating and brazing 38 years ago, when I failed to protect my skin - got a permanent tattoo on my chest. Those things generate a broad arc and emit a LOT of UV.

So be sure to deploy adequate PPE.

Robert Taylor

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6 minutes ago, Anachronist58 said:

Carbon arc torches were fun (for me) for heating and brazing 38 years ago, when I failed to protect my skin - got a permanent tattoo on my chest. Those things generate a broad arc and emit a LOT of UV.

So be sure to deploy adequate PPE.

Thank you for the advice I will make sure to take extra care when I use it might have to invest in a welding jacket.

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Mel: Are you making the poor puppy wear a sweater to calm him/er down or is it a Bay area thing? Its certainly not cold enough to get a chill.

Cute pup. Breed, boy, girl, name?

Frosty The Lucky.

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2 hours ago, Frosty said:

Mel: Are you making the poor puppy wear a sweater to calm him/er down or is it a Bay area thing? Its certainly not cold enough to get a chill.

Cute pup. Breed, boy, girl, name?

Frosty The Lucky.

No she is not wearing it here in the bay area. That was in NV. It was cold at night and the little thing was just shivering so hard she did not want to go outside.

Her name is Sammy and she is a terrier mix. We found her at the humane society that my brother works at.

Thanks for looking.


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23 hours ago, Frosty said:

If she gets focused on things she shouldn't say won't stop barking at the bird outside the window (for example) just drop something loud on the floor. Not LOUD, just sharp loud. sometimes throwing your key chain on the floor near them is more than enough. You're just looking to break their focus, not scare the Winnies out of her.

This worked great today! we were on our walk this evening, and she got distracted by something out in the woods. So, I picked up a golf ball sized rock and tossed it on the ground. But, the only flaw with this was when she began to try and eat the rock.....She doesn't really bark much at all, only heard her once, buy boy, she'll chase anything that moves or makes noise and call it a meal. For example, she began to eat an ant pile, and than decided that wasn't such a good idea. one bite and she was done.


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Mel: Sounds like you're a good dog person. It's not uncommon for smooth coat dogs, especially small ones to be sensitive to cold. Some small breeds shiver when they're nervous or stressed and being in a new home is nervous time for any dog. Being driven out of the pack or shunned is instinctively a B-A-D thing for dogs. Changing homes is literally changing packs so they're going to try hard to fit in with the new pack. You. It's a good time to establish the rules for living in your home, they're more eager to please now than almost ever again. Don't be rough or it might set their personality on rough behavior. Remember, terriers are a hunting breed and instinctively chase, hunt and "kill" prey. Stuffed toys with squeaks are favored prey and the ones with plastic bottles mimic crunching bone in a most satisfactory way. Good toys and have plenty of chews so you can distract her from your slippers, chair legs etc. She's stressed right now distract her to good behaviors. If she's chewing something she shouldn't don't scold just tell her to drop it, give her a chew in trade and tell her want a GOOD DOG she is for chewing the good dog toy.


That's a classic LBS, your pup looks like a terrier and they have a strong prey drive. They're hard wired to love to chase and kill the prey. Be careful what you throw her rocks will damage her teeth, get her a ball or throw sticks. A rattle can is a good focus breaker / attention getter. Just a couple few pennies in a soda can works a treat. Just giving it a shake is often enough to get them refocused on you on occasion tossing it on the ground near them might be necessary. Rattle cans are effective and light enough if you miss and hit them with it won't hurt them. They'll get so tuned to the sound just picking it up is usually enough, it's all it takes to get our dogs refocused now.


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Thanks for the tips. One of the things we have been using is a kong with some of her kibble jammed in it. This will keep her occupied for a while. It also gives her something to chew safely. Our other dog has started to play with her as well. 


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53 minutes ago, Melw45 said:

Thanks for the tips. One of the things we have been using is a kong with some of her kibble jammed in it. This will keep her occupied for a while. It also gives her something to chew safely. Our other dog has started to play with her as well. 


Yeah, jealousy issues aside dogs learn to get along pretty quickly. Kongs are good, peanut butter is a real attention getter for a dog and it's harder to get cleaned out so it keeps them occupied a long time.

Going to teach her to relieve herself on command? It's a real handy "trick" all our dogs know. Just don't make it a HARD command the dog must obey or someone will come home one day and say, "I'm pooped." Viola, carpet cigar! :wacko:

Frosty The Lucky.

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1 minute ago, Irondragon Forge & Clay said:

I thought she was wearing the sweater so whoever was wearing those house slippers wouldn't feel bad.:D

It's a good thought, noble even but I don't know what anybody could do to keep someone wearing those slippers from feeling bad.

Oh okay, I could post pics of me in my slippers but why make the humiliation public?

Frosty The Lucky.

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yeah, the vet thought she was a terrier mix too.

Got any tips on stopping her from play biting? she can kinda get snippy, and will mouth you, but not in an aggressive way, but more playful. when she does it we stop playing and walk away, but that doesn't do anything.

"Frosty The Lucky Dog Whisperer":)


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4 hours ago, Frosty said:

Going to teach her to relieve herself on command? It's a real handy "trick" all our dogs know. Just don't make it a HARD command the dog must obey or someone will come home one day and say, "I'm pooped." Viola, carpet cigar! :wacko:

Yep our words are hurry up.


18 minutes ago, Irondragon Forge & Clay said:

I thought she was wearing the sweater so whoever was wearing those house slippers wouldn't feel bad.:D

LOL I read this to my wife whose feet are in them she cracked up.

Then reminded me that my parents gave them to her. :o

Did keep her feet warm in the cold NV evenings.

The dog sweater was made form the sleeve of some good will pajamas. She was so small no coat could be found.

Worked the pup stopped trying to curl up in a ball when ever we had her outside. and only cost $3.99. :D



6 minutes ago, littleblacksmith said:

yeah, the vet thought she was a terrier mix too.

Got any tips on stopping her from play biting? she can kinda get snippy, and will mouth you, but not in an aggressive way, but more playful. when she does it we stop playing and walk away, but that doesn't do anything.

"Frosty The Lucky Dog Whisperer":)


With our other dog we would say ouch in a loud voice and stop having any thing to do with her for 15 to 20 min.

She eventually got the idea on how to play with out biting hard. 

She still likes the hand game but no biting at all. I just hope the new one gets it as fast.

But she is very young and seems to be just a bit hard headed. Has started to pick up stay at the door. Most times. Working on it.


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got some more pics, hop ya'll don't mind. taken in my brothers girlfriends yard, he's the one holding her (as in holding the dog).




13 minutes ago, Melw45 said:


With our other dog we would say ouch in a loud voice and stop having any thing to do with her for 15 to 20 min.

She eventually got the idea on how to play with out biting hard. 

She still likes the hand game but no biting at all. I just hope the new one gets it as fast.

But she is very young and seems to be just a bit hard headed. Has started to pick up stay at the door. Most times. Working on it.


yeah, we make a loud noise, and she stops, but then another hour can pass, and she'll be back at it. She doesn't bit hard, but we just don't want it to get escalated. She isn't always do it, in fact most of the time she's good, but she does do it. also doesn't want to sleep in her crate, and really enjoys going up stairs (we are trying to keep it "off limits").


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She's so cute! Keep the pictures coming. From my experience, just a NO! with a slap on the face the second they start to bite is effective. Be consistent and never miss an important training session, ESPECIALLY when it is REALLY INCONVENIENT. I've slowly followed my dog over a mile several times when he didn't come. 

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