Scott NC Posted June 28, 2022 Posted June 28, 2022 I will say a prayer. They are always heard. It's a blessing to have family near in times such as yours. Quote
George N. M. Posted June 28, 2022 Posted June 28, 2022 Boy, that is a mixed bag of news. Great for Deb to be making good rehab progress. Though to hear about your MIL. Your MIL will be in out thoughts and prayers. 90 is probably the new 60. I hope she proves as tough as you think she is. George and Madelynn Quote
JHCC Posted June 28, 2022 Posted June 28, 2022 Good news about Debi, but I'm sorry to hear about your MIL. Here's hoping healing runs in the family. 1 hour ago, George N. M. said: 90 is probably the new 60. If I may be allowed a slight tangent, this has been a subject of much discussion in the fundraising world. It used to be that it was enough to have a yearly campaign to get alumni to include an institution in their estate plans (wills and such), since they wouldn't usually live more than a decade or two beyond that. With lots of people making it to their 90s with great frequency, it's really shifted the focus from a one-time solicitation to a much more ongoing philanthropic relationship. Quote
Anachronist58 Posted June 29, 2022 Posted June 29, 2022 Continuing in our prayers, Man, is this stuff going around! Robert and Sheila Taylor Quote
Irondragon Forge ClayWorks Posted July 19, 2022 Author Posted July 19, 2022 An update after the first month since Debi's surgery. She is doing great and the home health folks are amazed at her progress. The physical therapy team have cut her loose saying she doesn't need them any longer as long as she continues with the exercises they gave her to do. They also took her off the walker and graduated her to just a cane, which she is familiar with after studying to be a Cane Master in Karate. The nursing staff have reduced their visits to once a week, got the staples out last week. She is off the heavy pain meds, unless she overdoes something like twisting wrong, then she only takes a half a pill. Tylenol works for the "little ouch" when she needs it. I'm still waiting on her hand & foot and sometimes have to help her get in and out of the shower or her office chair and put her socks on because she is not allowed to bend her new hip 90 degrees or cross her legs. Debie's mom is doing much better and the nursing staff at her assisted living quarters are great as are the PT team. She still has some pain but is getting around with her walker, and as can be expected, she goes through some periods of depression, but all in all she is getting back to normal. We have been to visit her several times and that along with Debi's sister visiting her when we can't has helped a lot. Quote
George N. M. Posted July 19, 2022 Posted July 19, 2022 Excellent news! Y'all arte still in our thoughts and prayers. G&M Quote
arkie Posted July 19, 2022 Posted July 19, 2022 Randy, glad the two gals are on the mend. Takes a lot of stress off everyone. Tell Debi I said HI. Some day I'll eventually make it to a meeting. We have a neighbor farmer who had hip replacement a while back. I see him frequently working on the farm, running the tractor, mowing and baling hay; all the heavy farm work. Didn't slow him down a bit. Probably in his 70's. Quote
Frosty Posted July 20, 2022 Posted July 20, 2022 Hear that, Randy? You can hire Debi out to do farm work in no time! It's good to hear she's coming along so well! Frosty The Lucky he's out of cane range of Debi. Quote
Scott NC Posted July 21, 2022 Posted July 21, 2022 21 hours ago, Frosty said: Frosty The Lucky he's out of cane range of Debi. It's a small, small world. Glad things are improving Randy. Quote
Frosty Posted July 21, 2022 Posted July 21, 2022 Do which arkie, farm work or beat the snott out of me with a cane? I'm not taking money on either! After studying the martial arts for a few years I realized Sensei was right, I should just hand them my wallet and surrender unless I think I'm going to die. I'd run but I'm too fat to get far. On the other hand perhaps the perps will succumb to disabling laughter! Frosty The Lucky. Quote
Irondragon Forge ClayWorks Posted August 11, 2022 Author Posted August 11, 2022 Update and a little humor. Coming up on 2 month anniversary with the new hardware. She is still doing great with the exception of when she forgets she has a new hip and over does some stuff. Half the time she forgets to use her cane and I have to gently reminder her. A couple of weeks ago she was hurting after stretching the incision site and having to take Tylenol. She hates to take anything. Well to say a foul mood had descended over the household. I went to get the mail and there was a card and book from Billy (TWISTEDWILLOW) when Debi opened the card she started laughing and said this has made my day. The mood was vastly improved after she saw this. The book is great too titled Family Maps of Carroll County. It has old maps of every Township in the county with homesteads & land Patents, Roads, & Rivers, creeks and Railroads. Again Thank You Billy Quote
TWISTEDWILLOW Posted August 12, 2022 Posted August 12, 2022 Lol that card still cracks me up! Y’all’s very welcome! Hope y’all find the book interesting! Quote
Scott NC Posted August 12, 2022 Posted August 12, 2022 Laughter is the best medicine! I got a charge out of that card too... Thanks for sharing. Quote
Frosty Posted August 12, 2022 Posted August 12, 2022 Hmmm, in the 60s we said, medicine makes the best laughter. Frosty The Lucky. Quote
Irondragon Forge ClayWorks Posted August 12, 2022 Author Posted August 12, 2022 The book is great. We have the original abstract on our property dating back to the land grants of the 1700s-1800s. I have looked for the Township we are in but will have to look at the abstract to find it. Quote
TWISTEDWILLOW Posted August 12, 2022 Posted August 12, 2022 2 hours ago, Frosty said: in the 60s we said, medicine makes the best laughter Jerry, I always wondered where you got your sense of humor! Randy, I’m glad y’all like the book, as soon as I saw it I thought about y’all an decided that y’all needed it in your library! lol Quote
Irondragon Forge ClayWorks Posted August 29, 2022 Author Posted August 29, 2022 Well just an update on the hip. Debi has been feeling so good that she wanted to get in the shop to start making a knife grinding template last Wednesday. We went out to the resource piles and found some steel that will work. Of course it is rusted and Debi wanted to clean it up with the belt grinder. She put an 80 grit belt on it and went to work. It was going a little slower than she would like so she asked if she could use the big belt sander on it. She was using a big magnet with a handle on it to hold the steel. I cautioned her about not letting the steel get jammed under the fence. She started sanding and I went back to welding on a table I'm making. I was kinda keeping an eye on her and sure enough the steel jammed under the fence and she was trying to yank it back and the motor shut down. She let me get it unstuck. Well the sander would not start back up so I checked every thing circuit breakers, reset button etc and found the extension cord had come loose from the wall with all the excitement. She went over to the other side of the shop and I went back outside to continue welding. I have the table set up on saw horses outside the big shop garage door. About the time I got all my gear back on, I hear her hollering at me she needs help. Went inside and she is standing there in so much pain she couldn't move. We both are thinking she may have popped the new hip out of the socket. Now how do I get her back to the house which is about 150 feet from the shop. I can't pick her up to carry her without doing more damage and causing more pain. I thought about the Fireman's carry but she nixed that idea. She said go in and get me the walker. I run in and get it she said it will work to keep weight off the hip. She made it back into the house and onto the couch. I got her an ice pack and Tylenol, she wouldn't take a pain pill. After twenty min. on the ice she said the pain was easing up some. She stood up to check her range of motion and she said she didn't think the joint had dislocated but she probably pulled a muscle or tendon while twisting trying to pull the steel out from under the fence. She took it easy Thurs. Fri., and Saturday. By Sunday she was back up to speed walking without the walker or her cane. Sunday we went to visit Mom at her assisted Living Facility and as usual Debi did a lot of stuff for her, checking all mom's stuff and some housework that she didn't like the way staff did it. I think she over did it a bit as today she was a little sore again but is walking like normal and insisting she get back in the shop to work on her project. Well a big thunderstorm is rolling in so I had better send this before I loose the internet. Quote
TWISTEDWILLOW Posted August 29, 2022 Posted August 29, 2022 Oh no! I’m sorry she got hurt but I’m glad she’s feeling better, I can hear the thunder from y’all’s direction and it looks pretty dark in the sky over yalls way too! hopefully it just grumbles a little an give y’all’s some rain with no high winds, I don’t know about you but I hate waking up in the mornin to be greeted with 2 hrs worth of cleaning up storm debris lol Quote
Daswulf Posted August 29, 2022 Posted August 29, 2022 Stubborn! Haha. A Lot of us are like that. Sorry i hadn't posted before but praying for her full recovery. Id tell you to tell her to take it easy, but we know that won't happen unless pain is involved. We had a big thunder storm roll through earlier today. Quote
Frosty Posted August 30, 2022 Posted August 30, 2022 What is it about women named Deborah? Deb's still overdoing darned near every time she does anything. Give Debi my best. Frosty The Lucky. Quote
George N. M. Posted August 30, 2022 Posted August 30, 2022 Anything worth doing is worth overdoing. If it is true for blacksmiths it is no surprise for their spouses to follow the same philosophy. GNM Quote
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