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Well back in the days when my kids were young I used to put on a visible yellow/green set of coveralls and put yellow/green chem lights in the pockets to take them out trick or treating---oh yeah it had a radiation trefoil on it with an electric companies initials and was rated for "molten metal splashes".  (They had some great Thrift stores in Columbus Ohio!)

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51 minutes ago, Irondragon ForgeClay Works said:

I haven't dressed for Halloween since I was about twelve. Bah Humbug...:lol:

I think I was in high school the last time I dressed up for Halloween, but my wife has been bugging me to dress up this year to take our boy trick or treating, so I compromised and agreed to wear a jack o lantern t shirt lol, 


Maybe she'll make you wear a jack o lantern For a T shirt. Hmmmm, Anybody on the forum have her email address? :ph34r:

Frosty the Lucky.


Do it for the kids lol.

I still love costuming. 

Frosty,if he keeps complaining we'll tell her to cut the bottom out of a jack-o-lantern and plop it on his head as a mask. 

Hmm. That reminds me of some weird race or something I've heard of where they wear jack-o-lanterns on their head and run naked through the streets. 


I've seen the naked jack o lantern race on the MTV show, "Ridiculousness". Somewhere in Scandanavia I think. There's a movie where Bill Murrey I think stuck a turkey on his head as a mask. A REAL meat market turkey, he said it was one of the worst mistakes he'd ever made: cold, wet, icky bloody, smelled bad, bones poked holes and scratched his head up pretty badly. The med staff on the set really gave him what for while they used extra disinfectant to wash his face and hair. 

The scene made it into a movie though I don't recall which one. I remember the scene because of the interview.

Frosty the Lucky.


Lol y’all don’t be giving her no ideas! 

  we already went round and round when she made me go to a masquerade party for her work a few years ago, I wore the mask and the suit she wanted but I showed up with my work boots and ratty ol ball cap on to compliment that get up, 

apparently thats frowned upon at masquerade party’s and didn’t go over well, also my ordering a six pack from the caterers didn’t fit in well there either lol, 




Ill agree with you there. I do have dress shoes if I Have to but prefer my boots, but my ratty hat accompanies me Everywhere, and unless its in a church out of respect, my hat is On.  I Hate wearing fancy cloths. Prefer my regular work wear or even a halloween costume over that lol. 

The old goth/industrial music scene was fun for their masquerade parties. I'm not even sure what one is other than the ones I went to at the clubs in pittsburgh.  Maybe they are snooty ritzy masquerade balls haha. The ones I know are open and accepting of anyone going to have fun, no matter your attire. There was anywhere from steampunk, goth, cyberpunk, vampire, rave, punk, grunge, regular suits, everyday attire and any costume you could imagine, and a few I'd like to forget. Ugh the fun old days. 


I figure that dressing is like being a chameleon, you dress for whatever is appropriate for the place, group, and occasion.  If it is a formal, fancy occasion you wear appropriate formal clothes, e.g. church, wedding, funeral, business meeting, court, etc.. If it is more casual, like a blacksmith group meeting, you wear appropriate shop clothes.  To do otherwise is disrespecting the people who have dressed for the occasion.  If you wear a business suit to a beach party or cut offs and a rude tee shirt to a wedding or funeral you are getting in the face of the other people there and saying something like, "I don't like conforming to the group and I think of you as sheeple for dressing the way you do."  It's kind of passive-aggressive.

I've known guys who take a perverse pride in not owning a tie or even a sports jacket.  That, in its own way, is more conformist than wearing a business suit to the office every day because it locks you in to a certain way of dressing without a way to change even when it is appropriate to dress in a different way.

Dressing appropriately may not help you in say, a job interview or at court, but dressing inappropriately can hurt you.

I used to tell witnesses to dress for court like they were going to church or a job interview.  Then, I realized that many people don't go to church and have no idea what dressing for church means and their job interviews have been in jeans and a tee shirt.  For young women, I learned that "dressing nice" can mean looking like they are going out clubbing and that can mean WAY too much skin or cleavage for court.  I learned to keep a tie and a jacket (M-L size) at the office and a nice scarf can be used to cover excessive exposed skin.

All that said, one of the things I liked the least about being an attorney was having to wear a tie every day to work.  I had had too many years where as a geologist my work clothes were jeans and a flannel shirt.  Now, about the only place I wear a tie is to church (pre-covid).

I have noticed an odd social dynamic that if I am wearing a tie/jacket I get more respect and am more tended to be called "sir" than if I am in grubby work clothes.  Several times when I was in a hospital with my late wife I got mistaken for a doctor because I was wearing a tie after work.

So, the advice for Uncle George is to dress up or dress down as is appropriate.  It helps you fit in and blend in.  Unless you specifically want to stand out.  Then, let your freak flag fly.


"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."


  Wow Jerry, my sister is having a halloween party and I would borrow that costume idea but I doubt I could pull it off as suavely as you.....  :)   I may work up the nerve. Idk.....  I'd have to find a willing Madame Endoscopy...

  I have dress clothes that I dust off occasionally for weddings, funerals or a fancy dinner.  I haven't found a church here yet, but back home the dress code eroded away and people just wear whatever.  I feel most comfortable in work clothes so thats what I wear everyday.  Work boots only in the shop, they hurt my feets.  Tennis shoes feel fine.....


Nodebt; perhaps a Madame Cathy Ter?   (With a 3' length of 2" tygon tubing as an accessory?)

I wore a jacket and tie to the wedding last weekend, for my Mother's sake.  Told my brother that I had thought the next time I was wearing a tie I'd be in a wooden box...Previous wedding I had been to; I wore overalls and an aloha shirt and got pressed into being an usher---it was in California and was fairly appropriate for the venue.


  I am stumped on this one: Madame Cathy Ter.  Maybe I can get my sister to play Madame Endoscopy but I doubt it.  She says I'm a loose cannon.... Maybe I'll just go as Grandpa Munster and forget about it.  :)  I used to wear overalls all the time.  Plenty of pocket space, somewhere to put your marking chalk/pencil and non-binding.


Catheter.   If you've not had the experience; GOOD!

Bib overalls are great to wear in the smithy; More armor in your front but allowing free air flow top to bottom.  Also if something does make it past it can be shaken out.  They are on my "find them cheap---BUY! list.  My Mother tells me her Father wore them all the time while Farming.


We weren't a trio Scott, somebody wanted a shot of the three of us together and I had Deb take a pic with my camera. Yeah, it was so long ago I actually used a . . . camera!

My costume was just scrubs, the pants came from the local value village, the top was new because it was covered with Frosties, I couldn't resist and it inspired the rest. I think the plastic cap is a shower cap but maybe not.

I prefer to do costume shopping at second hand shops and yard sales.

Frosty The Lucky.

  • 2 weeks later...


I'm making my version of stuffed peppers for dinner tonight. I was making them once and Deb insisted on FOOD before I'd baked the peppers so I gave her a stuffed raw pepper and holy moly it's WAY better than baked stuffed pepper mush.

Anyway, I picked up a couple orange bell peppers and we're having stuffed jack O lanterns for dinner tonight. 

Anybody doing anything special or cool tonight? PIcs of the little ones in costume is always a highlight of the night. 

Oh, it's my Father's birthday. Asking him if he was the trick or treat didn't amuse him for some reason. :rolleyes: 

Frosty The Lucky.


The same for you, all!

Regards to all.


Herr Frosty,

Same to  you.

Marg,   (The Marvelous). and I, (SLAG), shall be hunkering downstairs in the dark, Far away from the spirits and Kidlets.



How Gordous! 

Our patch of forest seems to be spook free. <sigh>

Deb and I'll have to celebrate on each other.

Frosty The Lucky.


Well we got buy without squashing any candy so I guess we’re good here lol, 

sorry y’all ain’t got no trick or treaters out y’all’s way, I’d bring him by but meadow lakes is a bit of a drive from Stilwell 


I will be getting dressed up and heading to Fabulous Las Vegas to meet up with friends. We walk around the Arts District and Fremont East street party as we bar hop and check out the costumes others come up with.  Some are quite inventive, while some are yearly go to's like the Hunter S Thompsons, Mario Brothers, Clockwork Orange, and various Super Heroes.  I have done the BIG JC aka Bling Jesus for around 10 years now due to it going over so well. That is one big reason why I have kept my long hair, and it even has some smithing to complement it. I forged out three authentic for size crucifixion spikes out of BeCu when i worked at the shop in UT. When polished they look just like gold.  I should have cleared them when we did the chem polishing on them as they were super shiny.  I wish the Halloween parade was still going on, but that is what happens when people get greedy and ruin a good thing. We had upwards of 1,000 people walking in it.  That was when we would start the night around 8pm and end it at 4am the next morning.


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Here's my little witches on halloween. They've been too hyped up on candy and this is about the best picture of them actually together or facing the same general direction that I could get lol 


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