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I Forge Iron

Can you reforge a hoe into something else ?


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Hello Everybody;

I recently got a box of these (literally a couple dozen). I handled 3 (long handle; medium and short) and parked them in the garden shed; but how many does anyone need ....

Goofing around I already made a warhammer from it, but this is more cutting parts off and grinding some.

But it's good steel (I guess C50, as it hardens in water and it's somewhat the standard steel of the supplier), so I wonder; can you forge this thing into an axe ? 




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On 4/26/2021 at 7:37 AM, Rojo Pedro said:

I wonder what the intended purpose was.? I have used a life time of digging and pounding tools but thats a new one for me.

I would cut off the blade and try to forge the hammer end into an axe. Have fun and post some pictures

That's just a plain old grubbing hoe.  I have one just like it, and my dad did as well.  The knob on the thing could be used to bust up rocks you uncovered.

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Me too Arkie. Started at 22 when I got out of the corps and became a ditch digger for a pool builder. 

Between building pools and surveying land, I have swung some type of tool most of my adult life. People dont realize how much hammer work is involved in surveying. 

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Tools with grainy finish like that tend to be low quility.   I've been digging for various reasons many years and never saw a tool like that.   I would call it a mattock and mattocks come in many configurations.  Most popular are pick mattock and cutter mattock.   Handle hole is oval in every mattock I've seen.  

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