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What did you do in the shop today?

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Got the assembly part done on my coffee table base. Everything all welded up. Of course there is tweaking to be done to get it all nice level and square and a coat of paint. I also need to put collars where the legs meet the braces. She's a coming along nicely. 


Here is the top. Hickory oiled then a coat of polyurethane. Still needs a coat or 2. Almost looks like a hand print on the one end. 


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Nice coffee table!  Remember to tell folks to take their spurs off before putting their boots on it!

Nothing done in the shop today; but I did vote at the county courthouse, (I work in the town that's the county seat), and got the fitting needed to install the new dishwasher tonight.

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When I lived in Ohio I once pulled all the studs out of a set of studded snow tires so I could use them all year around.

(Bought a pickup truck where the previous owner had tricked it out with wide rear wheels, big whip antenna, roll bar held in place with hardware store carriage bolts, it had a 4 cylinder engine and an automatic transmission...First time I put a load in it the wheel wells rubbed on the tires. I had a mounted set of studded snow tires I never used so...made it to the campout with my smithing gear!  Sore hands though.)

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Complaint department desk sign. Had a couple fake grenades I wanted to do something with. Redid the lettering on this 3 times. It's still not great but good enough for me. I'm certainly no sign painter. Might buy or make a stencil eventually but for now..  20201013_232026.thumb.jpg.2ad79b6a648497940d70fd3082830379.jpg

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I discovered a long time ago that stencils are your friend. 

I've always liked hand grenade complaint department signs. A surplus store I used to visit had several on the counter, #2 - 4 there was a red splash mark where #1 was supposed to be. I suggested to Tom it'd be more realistic if we gouged up the counter to simulate shrapnel but he didn't even think about before saying no. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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Went through all the tongs on the rack (and the pile under the rack) and sorted out almost a dozen to be gifted to a good friend who opened their blacksmith shop about 6 months ago. A lot of those were bigger than what I normally used day to day, but she's doing gates, railing and running a 25 ton press with just a couple small pair of bolt tongsIMG_3588.thumb.JPG.64dd40a51b9064dea22d69e0d3373dd2.JPG

The gifted pile, most from an estate sale 3+ years ago, $5/pair (couldn't just leave them there!)IMG_3590.thumb.JPG.e3c6eefe4027061b5345ab5afa481262.JPG

Top down view of the now roomy tong rack, 30 sets or so should be plenty!


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That is a most generous and I am sure welcome gift!

US$5 is my "buy point" too; I have one rack that is for rectangular cross sections, one rack for round cross sections and one rack for "weird stuff".  Generally I keep a couple of pair around for reforging for projects I am working on if they are a shape I don't have a pair of tongs for.  (I did break my "limit" at Quad-State where I decided I was willing to pay $10 for a set of Titanium tongs...)


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Needed a v-swage for my next set of tongs (v-bit) and decided to do some modern a.k.a. stick welding. Three pieces of 3/4 mild steel square bar, some grinding, some welding, and then A LOT more grinding later...


The tongs will help me forge my first set of punches as well as my first hardy.

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Holy cow....

Alexander, those last pics are simply stunning work. The question I have to ask- how in the heck did you get all that scroll work to follow the flow of the curves and bends like that? Is it done in process, or after the panels are completed- rolled/bent as one piece on a large machine?


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very inspiring work, Alexandr. I want to do what you do, make rails and gates. I would love to see your jigs and other setups.

Sweet table Billy. Tweeking for level can be a pain for me at times. "It's level but out of plumb", "it's plumb but not level", It's plumb and level but short/long. Which brings me to the door jam for the shop that took me half a day to install. I have never installed one before. I am proud to say it is level and plumb. The shop...not so much. But it is coming along. 8'Wx16'L, 


IMG-5392 (1).jpeg

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17 hours ago, Welshj said:

The question I have to ask- how in the heck did you get all that scroll work to follow the flow of the curves and bends like that? Is it done in process, or after the panels are completed- rolled/bent as one piece on a large machine?

I make a template from plywood. Sorry my english, can't describe.

I hope you can understand from the photos.










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