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I Forge Iron

What did you do in the shop today?

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I have found steel pieces that had rolling laps included in them before---error from the mill.

As for 3 blows: in the winter when it's below 0 degC in the shop and you are forging thin section like blades---3 blows may be one or two too many!  Preheating the anvil and hammer helps some.

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Nobody can tell you how long a piece needs to stay in YOUR fire to reach proper forging heat, Tom. As Thomas says a single blow may be all you get per heat. Good steal can be worked cold if you normalize it when it begins to work harden. I'm not formal about normalizing when the steel gets silly thin I only bring it to low red and let it "cool" in front of my forge allowing the Dragon's breath to prolong the cooling cycle. 

Working cold in a normalized or annealed state works much better when the steel gets thin enough. Trying to work it hot can mean just contacting the anvil face under the blow of a hammer can chill it fast enough to quench it into a state too brittle to move under a second blow without failing. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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14 hours ago, Frazer said:

CGL, hopefully you see this and it finds you well. Here is my tribute to what I'm going to call your "elemental line" of bottle openers. 

I saw it and I like it very much! I am doing well. Thank you. It makes me happy to have inspired someone. If you think of something else, please give it a go and show it off. I'm going to try and get out today and work out another idea and see how it goes

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2 minutes ago, jlpservicesinc said:

another beauty in the making. 


It will be like this, but larger in size.



4 minutes ago, ThomasPowers said:

Glad I won't have to change the lightbulbs!

I agree!

There is a solution.




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alexandr, there seems to be no limit to your skills. Very nice. 

There is however, a limit to MY skills... Frazer, if you read this, it was a big fail in the shop today. Usually I don't mind showing anything I make, but I don't even want to show this opener. I did learn what I need to do for next time I think, so it's not a failure, but a learning experience to be more positive. Just a design change is in order.

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Alexandr, really incredible work. Absolutely beautiful.

CGL, well now you have to show it! Unless you've buried it somewhere far away at this point! I do sometimes like the mistakes I make when trying something new. I even feel like I (sometimes) learn more from those disasters than I do when everything goes well the first time. Plus it makes the success all the sweeter right?? At least that's what I tell myself anyway.

I made myself a new strop today, longer and wider than my last one, and I bought the hardware that time. New one is much nicer.

IMG_2020-06-23_21-02-31.thumb.jpeg.b160dc450cfac2c17c1149bb86a1b9b1.jpeg IMG_2020-06-23_21-03-27.thumb.jpeg.41baf13648dd3f0bb8bab03e17b7aefa.jpeg

IMG_2020-06-23_23-37-35.thumb.jpeg.7b681391c89a68ca75843238d7d724dd.jpeg IMG_2020-06-23_23-40-29.thumb.jpeg.d488ad48cb5600c9afe3973b39a381e7.jpeg

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That thing is in the scrap pile. I'd spend more time explaining what's wrong than what's right with it. The ring and the tab were great. But from the neck down, it has serious issues! I've got to make a run to the metal sales and get some stock better suited for it. 

Good work on the hardware for the strop. I need to get one of those. I use an old belt to strop knives with

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Well I look forward to seeing the final product!

A belt is more than adequate I'm sure, I use mine for a straight razor so I like having it where I can leave it hanging in the bathroom and not look out of place for people when they walk in there.

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Another epic chandelier build Alexandre, you're a one man awesomeness factory! 

My only question is, was the bee hive hanging in the tree when you hung the chandelier or was it hung there to capture the swarm?

Perhaps be hives might make a nice light theme?

Frosty The Lucky. 

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I think that's called a "swarm box", designed to help capture swarming bees by giving them an attractive-looking home all ready to move into. The beekeeper raises it into a tree (either next to an existing swarm or in preparation for swarming season) and lowers it back down when a swarm settles in; the colony can then be moved to a new hive.

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5 hours ago, Frosty said:

was the bee hive hanging in the tree when you hung the chandelier or was it hung there to capture the swarm?

Bees flew in 2 hours after removing the chandelier.

I'm starting a new job. Spiral Chandelier.





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Got my son to help me make a deck for the bottom of the hammer/stock rack:

Which now holds all my long stock:


And folds back nicely against the wall:


And frees up a lot of floor space:


I’m going to call that a success. 

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When you say you're "Starting" a spiral chandelier I assume you meant ANOTHER spiral chandelier or you're the fastest maker I've ever heard of!  It's going to be another spectacular piece of lighting, I'll be watching for photos of it's completion. 

Looks good John, about what I was thinking. You might still want to put a sill across the stock rack side so bars can't kick out when you move or bump it. 

Frosty The Lucky. 

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