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What did you do in the shop today?

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I did have to smile a little bit when I saw the line "well, Phooey". I dont think I've ever heard anyone say that!


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2 minutes ago, littleblacksmith said:

I did have to smile a little bit when I saw the line "well, Phooey". I dont think I've ever heard anyone say that!


Well, it took a minute to think of an epithet that would pass muster here!

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1 minute ago, JHCC said:


don't think iv'e heard that either! sounds like something you'd order at one of those fancy restaurants where they give you a big plate with a little piece of food in the center with grass on top.


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I feel confident that, at the very moment he typed the word "epithet", JHCC thought to himself: "rosy-fingered dawn", "he who shoots from afar", or "sacked of cities".  He can't help himself....it's Pavlovian conditioning.

Nice save on that knife!

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I got in a couple of hours smithing after my wife left me yesterday.  (Just returning to our northern abode...)  Working on a couple more rasptlesnakes and you sure can tell the difference in alloys used for the different rasps---one was about twice as hard to forge as the other!  Memo to self---save those for hatchets.

I also worked on a couple of "wind bells" made from all recycled materials: the bell is a tank valve cover with a hole drilled through the top for a piece of the heavy wire used to transport rebar bundles.  A loop on one end of the wire holds some light chain found at the scrap yard---the older more worn and rusty the better!---which acts as the ringer. I add a forged from black gas pipe chili pepper on the end as the wind catcher and the other end is made into a loop and the extra wire wound around the shaft.

Each brand of tank valve cover has a different sound and the size, length and chili makes each one "ring" at a different wind speed.  I once had a half dozen of them in the Mesquite tree by my shop and lying in bed in the house I could tell how windy it was by which bells were ringing. (the ones I make take a good wind to make them sound and here in NM we get a lot of wind!)

In between heats I was wire brushing already forged rasptlesnakes and drilling and wirebrushing the tank valve covers---found in the scrapyard or cheap at fleamarkets they tend to be a tad rough...part of their charm.

Getting some stock ready for my Church's "Country Fair" day; a fund raiser for the church and fun---we have dachshund races!

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7 hours ago, Pupmaster said:

Image result for amuse-bouche

 "And that'll be $25.99..." :lol:

that's almost exactly what I was thinking of when I said that! 

I see Mr. Powers you changed your profile pick, will take a while to get used to. I like it though better than the Big letter that used to be there.


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Oh I really like your new profile pic now Mr. Powers! that is a sweet looking hammer. 


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Unfortunately not mine; but I was able to borrow it to forge some 2.5" stock---the handle was 1" sq stock! it is the shaft for a stake anvil.




This is a more recent shot of me smithing without the proverbial bigger hammer (funny thing the owner of that hammer has one 10 times that throw weight sitting in pieces outside his shop..._)

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I was going to mow today, but it wouldn't start. Spent part of the day trying to figure that out. Had to get a new battery and still wouldn't start. My father-in-law came and figured out it's a safety switch somewhere from the blade engage clutch. I'm glad he got it going but I hate it when I can't figure it out for myself. But I started dressing some hammers in the meantime. Still have to sand them. The one on the right had a pretty rough life. Flattened the handles yesterday. They need sanding also. Actually, they need new handles, but it's what I have right now. I like the picture of you Mr. Powers.




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2 hours ago, CrazyGoatLady said:

I was going to mow today, but it wouldn't start.

don't you got goats to mow for you?:P

Yes Mr. Powers, It is quite nice to put a face with a name. I hope to meet you and all the others some day.

Oh and Mrs. Hockett those hammers look good so far. the one on the right I would replace the handle, but the other one looks fine to me, How do they fit?

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Yes the goats eat a lot of it! I mow the ditches, and the really high stuff. We have been blessed with green grass all summer. Normally by now we are haying. The one on the left is a little loose. I didn't notice that till today. The  handles are much better. I already had one flattened some, but I just refined it some. Glen was kind enough to tel me how to do all of this easier than I was doing it. Yes I would like to meet abunch of the gang here too. Littleblacksmith ...I like the work you posted the other day. Especially the rams head. 


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I know what you are saying about the green grass all summer, kinda weird! have you tried soaking the head in oil to expand the wood, or just put in another metal wedge. depends on how loose it is. If it is just a little wiggle it can be fixed most times, if it is loose to the point where it is about to fly off, re handle. Thank you! That rams head was based off of a video I sent your Husband in a message a while back. I was surprised how simple they are.


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You don't have goats do you Mark? Goats are browsers not grazers. Sheep are for lawns goats trim the shrubbery, flowers, veggies, trees as high as they can reach, everything. They dearly LOVE spring/sprouting: Poison Ivy, Devil's club, nettles, thistles, and all sorts of noxious and toxic weeds they're great for weed control. Just keep them out of the flowers, garden, etc. and off your cars.

We have a one word solution for all the mischief goats will get into given a chance. "Fencing."

Those hammers look nice CGL. What are you doing to the handles? I buy, 5/4, clear, straight grain hickory from a local hard woods yard and saw my own. I love slab handles, mine taper slightly from the head to the end and don't slip in your grip no matter how loosely you grip. I put the knob on the end Pic so it wouldn't get away from me if it slipped. The taper causes a reflex tightening of your grip if it moves at all so the knob isn't necessary but it's sort of a tradition now so . . . . Pic follows. The first is a turning hammer Metalmangler helped me make from a broken Ford pickup axle. His Ford pickup unfortunately but waste not want not. The second started life as a 32 oz. ball pein and is now my light straight pein.

Frosty The Lucky.

Hammer1Wh.thumb.jpg.64ff10e0ecabf46c612626840263c75b.jpg  59b749237dd1e_Balltostraightpein01.jpg.2b99128859ba51cf281e3531a26faca7.jpg

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No I hadn't thought of soaking it in oil, but I was thinking about a new wedge. It's just a little loose. Think it will be ok for awhile? When Tommie gets back from work next week, we are going to start building a new forge. The one we have needs to be re-lined. I haven't been able to get to it. Thank you. He told me you sent a message about that video. I haven't watched it yet. Bad signal sometimes, so I don't get to watch a whole lot of videos.

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