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I Forge Iron

Anvil saved from the trash with a crack ?

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Hello All;


Every since I made some railway guys happy with a crate of beer for taking an ugly hunk of old tar off their hands (which turned out to be a gorgeous anvil), I've been kinda known as "that guy who likes anvils".

Well; The railroad guys were taking apart another shop in the path of a new railway; and they found this anvil buried under the wood. They considered selling it; but didn't because it had a "crack" . They were considering tossing it in the to-recyle-metals container.

So they called me to have a look, and so I went with a fresh crate of beer. I left the beer there, and left with the gorgeous beauty below. What they considered a "crack", is under closer inspection actually a casting flaw; like a pebble making it's way to the surface of the liquid steel. You can even see the pebble in the foot below; right where the track leeds.  It rings a church bell - seriously WAY to loud to be usable in an urban area. We definitely need to tone this one down. It has crisp edges, even the holes seem hardly used. It's perfectly flat, rebounds in the 95-99% range; and seems to have a 1 inch thick hardened steel plate on top. it's 110 kilo's; which is 242 pounds. I can move it around for a couple of feet by myself; but it's killing my back. I cleaned it with a steel brush and rubbed some linseed oil on it.

What do you guys think of this save ? Usable anvil ? It seems like it hasn't seen much use at all .. It was cast 1970-1972 according to the UAT factory specs. 






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So don't worry about the "crack" (there's no trace of it on any other side, and the anvils rings like one piece) ? Has anyone ever seen a casting flaw like this ?

It's a real ear-buster, it makes a half a minute very high pitch resonant ring which is truly unpleasant. Anyone any suggestion for a mobile stand that deadens the rings of an anvil ?

greetz; bart  

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My steel tripod stand muted my Soderfors from dangerously loud to pleasant attention getter at demos. It's reasonably light but I should've paid more attention to making it hand truck friendly.

SWEET SAVE!! Good on ya!

Frosty The Lucky.

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Putting a thin flexible sheet of material under the anvil and then bolting it down tight will dampen the sound a lot.  On my old ones they sometimes had used old asphalt shingles or even lead sheet.  Just bolting/clamping it down tight to the stand may do enough quieting for you.

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On 10/15/2019 at 8:37 AM, pnut said:

I've seen a length of chain wrapped around the waist  used to make an anvil quieter but It's been on anvils with thinner waists

this is how I was able to live with my Soderfors that had a deafening ring. A long length of boat-anchor quality to the tune of probably 10 meters.

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I have used large speaker magnets stuck under the heel to deaden ringing. Some have used a pair of Vise-Grips on the heel, a bar hung through the hardy or pritchel holes, silicone caulking under the base, chain, etc... anything that interferes with the vibrations will work.  Just like the rubber bands that are placed around drum brakes when they are being turned in a brake lathe during a brake job.

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