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That's a LOT of bees. I remember a few years ago I walked around the house and thought "what in the world is that buzzing sound?" only to look up and see that my girls bedroom window (2'W x 5'H) was COATED in bees. I turned around and walked the other way, quite briskly I might add. They had apparently been there a minute as they had started making combs on the window when the bee keeper arrived later that afternoon to remove them.

I am not fond of bees. Let alone a large mass of them. Comes from the nasty experience of being on the wrong side of a hornet swarm in my younger years.

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One of the more thrilling moments of my life was a few years back when I raided a hive (in a hollow tree that blew down near my house in a violent downburst storm) without suit, veil, or gloves. The bees had all huddled back in a corner out of the rain, and I had a clear shot at about half a gallon of honeycomb. The only sting I got was from a bee that I swatted when it landed in my hair, although I suspect that it stung me in self-defense and probably would have left me alone.

Best honey I have EVER tasted.

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We have a couple bee keepers in town that the misses likes to get honey from. I am not a fan of it and have an almost aversion to bees in general. The hornet mess was the worst of it, but I had been on the wrong side of many a mess of bees in my younger years. Mowing and finding the nest of ground bees (Bumbles? Carpenters?) that don't take kindly to you mowing over their hive was never fun. Was nice satisfaction to come back with a can of gas/petrol for retribution and a nice little fire though.

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The older I get the more sensitive to stings I get. I avoid them, I don't do the wildly flailing "Sting ME" dance you see so many people do when they see bees. I've only been stung one time just standing quietly and waiting. That sting was from one that landed on my wrist and my cuff touched it when I moved. I thought they'd moved on but missed one. 

What you really have to watch for around here are yellow jackets on lightly rainy days, they get aggressive for some reason. Those days will have yellow jackets climbing into your sleeves to get out of the rain and they'll sting at the slightest movement. Distressed stinging insects should definitely be avoided.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Covered glass or not, ALWAYS look before you drink.  

I had a bee crawl inside the opening on a pop can one time and found out once the drink got inside my mouth.  Spit ASAP but still got a trace of the venom on the surface of my tongue, not injected.  No way to clean it off the tongue, enough venom to make me uncomfortable, but not sick.  Now I use clear containers, plastic cups, etc, and do not drink directly from the cans, covers or not.

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Your rose garden is outstanding!!  You must spend a lot of time keeping your flower garden so beautiful.

And, in one of the shop pictures, I noticed the neat hole in the wall for pass-through long pieces of work...good idea.  Have the birds found it and tried to build nests in your shop?

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5 hours ago, arkie said:

Have the birds found it and tried to build nests in your shop?

Several cats live in the workshop, they walk through this hole. The birds won't survive there.


3 hours ago, DHarris said:

It looks like it had been allowed to decay till only the shell of the manor house was left. 

In 1917, after the collapse of the Russian Empire, the owners of the estates were kicked out, new owners began to appear after the collapse of the Union, after 1991 . Plus the devastation after World War II.


3 hours ago, DHarris said:

I’ve never really understood why Baroque architecture became so popular.

St. Petersburg, the capital of the Empire, was built by Italian architects. That is why the baroque was so popular. Now the trend is the Swedish, ascetic style.

3 hours ago, DHarris said:



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21 hours ago, Frosty said:

Does rain make your bees more irritable? 

When it rains, bees become aggressive. It is better not to approach them at this time.


22 hours ago, DHarris said:

Why is it people always seem to think some culture’s sense of style is better than their own?

Before Peter the Great, in ancient Russia, in its northern part, houses were built of wood. Only fortresses and churches are made of stone. There were practically no stone architects.





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Rain making them more aggressive sounds like it might be a trait of the "vespidae" family of insects. 

I'm all for leaving hives of stinging insects alone, especially if they're feeling aggressive. 

Beautiful buildings, thanks for the pics.

Frosty The Lucky.

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2 hours ago, ThomasPowers said:

I think that Baroque was more about showing off how much money you had and of course "imported" must be better than local!

But how beautiful !

Russia is a rich country. (alas, it was, until the Bolsheviks ruined) :(

Petrodvorets, Pushkin. I'll be there and take a photo.





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