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I Forge Iron

Blademithing series on History channel


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Would you please post a picture, (pictures?), of the blades that you made during the competition?

Some members, here, do not have televisions, and others do not normally watch television.

Thanks and congratulations.


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Thanks, guys!



#snackbreak :D




I'm glad we had the challenges we did.  They were not easy by any means, but they were doable.

Rashelle -You fought hard for it and it was a close race!

John - It was my second push knife that didn't cut a lot on the sandbag, not Paul's.  I had about two minutes before time was up where I could have worked the edge some more, and I had to decide whether to try to get it sharper, or risk messing up the edge I had.  Probably should have gone back to the whet stone during that time, but hindsight is 20/20.

Nate - It was very difficult *not* to overheat with the forges.  I cut off the center burner and turned down the other two, used a pipe to muffle the heat, and it still was way hot.  That's why I went to the torch to harden.  Probably should have cut the two outside burners and turned the middle one down.  Watch the show for a while and you'll see a lot of folks quenching with steel that's way too hot.

SLAG - I don't have any pics, but I'll dig around and see if I can find some on teh Interwebz.


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Rashelle: You not only don't have anything to feel embarrassed about you did a heck of a job. Over heating the steel in those condition is to be expected you see it all the time on the show. I'm surprised more blades don't break.

I believe you're given W steels and an oil quench to help compensate for the crappy lighting.

Darn, I don't remember the name of the fellow who went to the hospital and trying to ask the History Channel is an exercise in signing up for every darned spam list they have. Does anybody know how he is?

You ALL rocked!

Frosty The Lucky.

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Frosty - It was Jesse Howard.  He's ok.  Several people have asked about him, so I asked what he'd like me to say, and it is a pre-existing heart condition that he didn't know he had until he started feeling dizzy on the show.  It was triggered by the stress, including heat and lack of sleep.  It's a good thing he stopped and sat down when he did!

SLAG - I found some pics and will try to get them posted up tonight or tomorrow.

On the question of time during the five days at home, you have 5 hours on the first day and 10 hours on the others.

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I'm sure ya'll did great! we don't have cable and so don't get FIF...I really wish we did for this moment though!

That seems kinda ridiculous that they have time constraint on the amount of time you can work on your piece in the last round! 5 hours for the first day? never heard of a 5 hour work day. it should be up to the contestants how long they want to work.


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20 minutes ago, ThomasPowers said:

Reality shows are known to have unreal rules to increase the "dramatic tension".

Tis true, but I actually think the time limit is a good rule. For one it promotes a little bit of safety because I could see someone pushing themselves too hard and long, and we all know tired is when the accidents happen. It also seems like it would serve to keep a bit of a level playing field where each contestant knows exactly what they have for time to work with.

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Fair enough, but the other time when bad things happen is when people are rushing to get done - even if they are well rested.  At least for me that's the two most likely scenarios for stupid mistakes or injuries.  I do find myself thinking that one more hour of forging could make a world of difference in the first phase and 7 days at home for the final challenge, but they didn't ask my opinion :)


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This is seriously the best part of the episode.  I laugh to the point of tears every time.  I had forgotten I did this until I saw it on international television. :D


What got left out was after I took a bite of watermelon and said this, I followed up with, "...and sharpening oil."


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Thank you Gergely. Glad to be here.

One thing I want to say to others contemplating entering competitions is that ..... "You can't win if you don't enter, you can't succeed if you don't try." This goes for anything you are interested in,learning a new skill or craft, sparring, competing, having fun. Everything you dream about to get there you have to go for it.

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23 hours ago, Stormcrow said:

John - It was my second push knife that didn't cut a lot on the sandbag, not Paul's.  I had about two minutes before time was up where I could have worked the edge some more, and I had to decide whether to try to get it sharper, or risk messing up the edge I had.  Probably should have gone back to the whet stone during that time, but hindsight is 20/20.

You're right, I watched it again last night and saw that. So it could have gone either way between Rashelle and you then! Oops, shouldn't have said that. :blink:

Thanks for telling us about the "...and sharpening oil." I think the editors missed a great comedic moment in not leaving that in.

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Newb here, Just on to say, I enjoyed the show and you both did a great job representing your craft. I've been mostly a stock removal knife maker for about 18 months now, but watching the show has inspired me try beating or should I say conjuring my steel into shape?

What you all do is impressive.


Again congrats.

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Thank you!

This is the last of my FiF stuff. It's dominated my week, but now I need to get back to working on Blade Show inventory.

A washed-out look at the push knives I did for the first challenge. They can actually be seen better in the reflections.


The katzbalger in its hideous glory:


My second take on the guard. Didn't like how the first one fit, so abandoned it before I finished out the quillions.


And my second take on the handle since I ground through the side into the channel for the tang on the last day. So many things had to be done several times on this that I named it "der doppleschwert".  The pommel was forged from a piece of pipe with the end cap oxy/acetylene welded on. The TeroTuf of the handle fits down into the pommel and the flared tube rivet goes through pommel, TeroTuf, and tang.


And finally, a YouTube video featuring myself and fellow FiF champion Tobin Nieto (season 2, episode 8, Cutlass) reflecting on the show, our experiences with it, and answering common questions and criticisms. It's as long as an episode of FiF, but I think it's both entertaining and informative.


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11 hours ago, Stormcrow said:

And finally, a YouTube video featuring myself and fellow FiF champion Tobin Nieto (season 2, episode 8, Cutlass) reflecting on the show, our experiences with it, and answering common questions and criticisms. It's as long as an episode of FiF, but I think it's both entertaining and informative.

OK, now that I've watched that, two things:

First, lots of really good information and background material. Much appreciated!

Second,  as envious as I am of Gunhilde, I know that such a machine is well outside my capability to afford, build, or use. Disposa-Hammer, on the other hand, looks very interesting….

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The Dispos-A-Hammer is something we're building for Tobin as a stopgap solution to him not having a power hammer.  We actually wanted to build a smaller guided helve hammer (dubbed "Gunnhildita"), but after spending a lot of time sorting out what material we had on hand and how to design it (I voted for slightly more complicated but more versatile, Tobin voted for simple and get it done), we struck on the plan of an unguided helve hammer as a temporary solution.  The plan was to get the Dispos-A-Hammer going quickly, then later down the road use components such as the tire clutch and the pivot, to build Gunnhildita.

And then for some reason we (by which I mean Tobin) decided to make the column supporting the tire clutch out of wood instead of steel tubing as we had already planned (and had material for).  And it flexed way too much, as I was afraid it would.  That was about the time we had a knifemaker gathering out at my shop, and then Tobin was ill for a long time with a respiratory infection and I was busy with Forged in Fire.  So it hasn't gotten finished yet.

But we'll shoot some video and pictures when it is ready to go.  Tobin is going to have a table at the Blade Show for the first time this year, and still needs a power hammer, so maybe it won't be too much longer.

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The first time I saw (Gunnhildita) I assumed a typo but you've spelled it that way a few times now and I know there has to be a story behind the spelling.

Thanks for the video re. FIF. It's good to know it's a relatively legit "reality show". They seem to have hit a reasonably good balance between accuracy and watchability.

Frosty The Lucky.

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