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I Forge Iron

Mark Ling

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Everything posted by Mark Ling

  1. meant to say roof-think yall knew what I meant. this isnt gano make any sense 'cause its going to merge my posts. Littleblacksmith never mind it didnt
  2. it said they were in a high school class- mybe a shop class Littleblacksmith quick question, where does all of the smoke go- I mean theirs no pipe going up out the roop
  3. found a picture on google desmato of the forge in action- actually quite a bit
  4. id be worried that the haybales might catch on fire. that would be pretty bad Littleblacksmith
  5. its not perfect but close to being. I know that I would be pleased to own it. did you just fold over the socket or did you also weld it. forge welded or electric? sounds like a challenging project not to completely melt it if you forge welded it. Littleblacksmith
  6. another POSSIBLE problem could be if a coal falls on the nylon strap than it might burn through it and everything comes crashing down-that would be a bad day. Littleblacksmith
  7. LOL Charles, Bhutton, looks very portable and simple. like the others are saying a side draft is better than an overhead hood, because the hood doesn't create as much of a draft typically, and if there is a breeze than the hood is almost useless. But if your forging outside than its not as neccisary to have a hood/side draft but it does/can help. Littleblacksmith
  8. if you could find a brake roder than that would probably be shallower. one thing that you can also do to make your fire smaller is to wet the area you don't want burning with some water. Just a couple suggestions. Littleblacksmith
  9. could cut it of and make it into a knife Littleblacksmith
  10. yea I saw the I beam "anvil" on craigslist ThomasPowers! like you said, terrible ASO. Littleblacksmith
  11. Mark Ling

    Box tongs

    looks nice-hey if it works for you it works.
  12. im sure that the hoes (im assuming that is what you meant) will be better than any of that Chinese junk there shipping. have thought about making a hoe but have never gotten around to making one-funny how that happens. will be interested in seeing how they turn out. Littleblacksmith
  13. thanks so much for replying, and for answering my questions. sounds like a good way to attach the handle, but than again i'm no knife maker. that sounds like a good mistake to me! Ha-ha something good out of something bad. again you did a real nice job, even though it was a "course'. I've always wanted to make a knife with an antler handle, but was never sure about the handle (drilling a straight hole, fitting it, etc.) thanks again. Littleblacksmith
  14. its always nice to see someone somewhat close to me looks nice. littleblacksmith
  15. amazing! that must have taken a bit of time to turn 3 1/4 by 3/4 inch into a knife. i realy like the handle you put on it. how did you attach it to the knife, with appoxy, drilled a hole in it and shoved it on,burned it on- gosh that sure would smell! just wondering. littleblacksmith
  16. i recently made a cable knife for myself just to display/experiment with. what i did for a handle was i left it as cable (mine was only about one inch in diameter) so that you can clearly see what it started out as- I and the public like to see repurposing of materials. as for etching i just used some hot/boiling viniger to etch it since heat speeds up chemical reactions, dont quote me on that it only took about 10 minutes. the etch wasnt the greatest but i used what i had. littleblacksmith
  17. Mark Ling

    Box tongs

    much better than mine! you did a good job making them. littleblacksmith
  18. you could think about making a spring for it. it wouldnt be that difficult to do though its not necisary. littleblacksmith
  19. congrats on spending only 85 on it. i think that i remember seeing the forge thats in the backround from another thread......ironman916 a very nice stand you made. oh yea, also a nice vice you have. littleblacksmith
  20. Is that a thin peice of rebar that you wrapped around it? Littleblacksith
  21. Pictures would be nice...... I love to see pictures of the old smithys. To bad I'm not near you or else I would be over there to help. Littleblacksith
  22. I found " the bad one" at our local scrap yard, but was missing the wheels or gears. Whatever you call them Frosty I brought it home anyways- only costed a couple dollars. Not sure if I can put it back to use somehow Evan though I don't have the "wheels".sorry frosty for the bad terminology Littleblacksith
  23. I like the farriers rasp in the front Littleblacksith
  24. Could have been, never seen one like that one. Maybe it was to mark where to puch four holes on a peice of stock? Littleblacksith
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