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Everything posted by HWHII

  1. Sounds good. Do you do alot of high amperage aluminum welding for long periods? What alot of people don't know is you use to be able to order a Syncrowave 250 with a power correction card that will allow for safe operation on a 60 amp circut. It will not give you all the amperage the other will but allows you to operate it in lets say a garage where you might not have all the power you want.
  2. Running a welder on to small a wire can internal damage your machine overtime. As it was put to me think of it as a garden hose. The more pressure (current) you put through it the more resistance you will build up. Something some where has to give. I have a buddy call me up and he has a problem. He is welding aluminum on his syncrowave 250 and it keeps shutting down. I go to take a look. This machine should be running on 100 amp circut. He is running on 60 and the wire is 10 ga. and he is running 225 amps on this machine. It does work but he is exceeding his duty cycle, causing it to shut down to cool, because he is starving it for power and he does not know it. He replys to me well it has always been this way for years and has worked. Being currious I go over to the service panel and the breakers are so hot I can't touch them and they a stuck in the on postion. The circut breakers should have cut out before the machine shut it self down. Something to think about.
  3. Generic Rose? I don't think so. Thats a fine looking one there. I never get tired of making them. They all come out so different.
  4. Steve, After talking to you on the phone once. I truly understand your problem and would like to help. Unfortunitly I am not a speed typer. I also have a bad studder and severve stammer when tring to chat. :wacko:
  5. I have the Miller Trailblazer. I have it so you can plug the 240 right into the main service panel and a large waring label to turn of the main disconect before pluging in the generator. I have not had to use it yet and I hope I do not ever have to. But it nice to know Ican.
  6. I am a Pam man myself too. Smells good when the steel is hot. Better than the silcone based sprays which makes your eye water and your nose burn.
  7. Frank, I like the whole set, but I am interested in your broom. How is it made if you don't mind.
  8. All my grinders have guards except the most dangerous. The 9" maneater B&D. That is only because when I bought it, it did not have one. If anyone out there has a extra, I would gladly buy it from you. In all my years working grinder accidents have been the most and the worst of everthing I have seen. You will get use to them, but I know their are times I have to even take them off for access.
  9. I like it. Nice and clean looking. Thanks for the tip with the oxy-acetylene. I have always just used a flap wheel. This seems like this would be a better way to go.
  10. The amount of damage is amazing. I have never seen anything like it before. I wonder if it might have been a bad casting to start? Looks like it will work just fine.
  11. HWHII

    foot pedal vice?

    If it were with in a couple hundred miles of me I could not get there fast enought to buy it.
  12. Nice smithy Tim! You are lucky man. Around here in a newer developed subdivision the home owners association would be all over you. Have fun!
  13. Which way is the wind blowing today? I have found no two shows are a like even though I have not done that many. A little of everything like everone has mentioned here is good. There will always be a few that will ask for something you do not have. So you will go back and make it for the next time and it will not sell. Items under $50 always seem to do well.
  14. Nice video there Dave! You say you like your tire hammer. Compare it to your Kinyon style. Pros and cons. Which do you like better?
  15. Thanks Old N Rusty! It will be hung pintles, but I like to put a spot weld on the bottom to keep it from being lifted off. Thanks to you too Eric! The leaves are cut out om my CNC plasma then I do the veining in the flypress cold then throw them in the forge and run them under a spring fuller under then power hammer for texture.
  16. Well here is another couple of snap shots. The next post I will make will be finished and installed. This is basically it all there is left to do is clean up blendind welds and lots o hand sanding then the patina which will be a blend of copper sulfate, muraric acid and hydrogen peroxcide which will give it a nice old copper penny look.
  17. I do not but I am sure it will sell. We did post the event in our last news letter. I will get in touch with Pep and try to get some info. Thanks! :D
  18. Thomas, Did you mail out the preregisrations yet? I have been on your mailing list and have been to 3. I have not received one yet. I am planning on coming and look forward to meeting you in person.
  19. Only for fall hazards and swiming pools.
  20. You only get one pair of eyes. Your right, it's not worth the risk no matter how small the job.
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