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4 hours ago, Irondragon Forge & Clay said:

"Too hot for wrought." ~~Frosty


I envision another T-Shirt.

Yeah, when I re-read the post for spelling and obvious grammar that brought an instant smile to my face. I can see a T shirt there somewhere too.

That's close Das but for me it's usually more like, There goes the old what I ate. Brother you make pulling your handle toooooo easy!. :lol:  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Frosty The Lucky.

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18 hours ago, SLAG said:

Herr Gote,

"Yup but Kant did not exist...." Herr Gote.

I must respectfully disagree.

" KANT could! "

Warm regards,


p.s. it is rumored on good authority that Herr Kant once espied his charming face in a mirror, so he must exist per se.

Herr Kant claimed that one could not know "das Ding an sich". (The thing as itself) Since he claimed that it was impossible to know the true nature of anything he must have doubted that he himself existed in the way he saw himself. Of course we can discard his ideas and believe he existed in the way we believe but then we probably must discard Herr Heisenberg as well. Somehow M. Descartes solved part of the enigma: I think (about my existence) Thus I exist. Question: Do we know for sure that Kant did think or was that just a quantuum fluctuation? Since so may claimed that Shakespeare did not write his plays, perhaps Shakespeare wrote the "Kritik":wacko:    

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Herr Gote,

We can resolve the question of Herr Kant's existence. We should ask Mr. Kant's mother in law.

SHE knows.

We should never forget that Herr Heisenberg WAS uncertain.

But Herr Schrodinger's cat was not uncertain.

(I heard that Mr. Carrol's Cheshire cat concurred.)

The question of SLAG's existence was determined in the affirmative, after he was assaulted by his imaginary friend.

The pain was palpable.


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Sorry for the typo, you are welcome to stop by and paint the letters on my keyboard again!  (and having walked around on solid ground at 16400' in Chile; why Vermont does seem rather "flat".....but coming from the hills of Arkansas I know the derogatory connotation of Flatlander)

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"Knowledge is just a place holder, until better knowledge comes along" Mark Aspery


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Spill Holder:

Thin sticks of wood or paper, used for transferring fire, and stored in a spill vase. So if you wanted to light a candle to light you to bed, you'd grab a spill and light it in the fireplace and use it to light your candle. (You could then toss it in the fireplace). They were not as common once matches became prevalent. The amount of strange and often useless information available on these forums is astonishing!  Thomas Powers

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2 hours ago, SLAG said:

And whom, pray tell, determines 'usefulness' and uselessness?

Who presumes to be that ultimate authority.

I want to meet that savant.


We do but we can only speak for ourselves.

The Ultimate Authority may explain it to you . . . later.

Frosty The Lucky.

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