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I Forge Iron

Blacksmithing gems and pearls

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ohh isn't that a good one.

at my a few of my fairs that I go to and sell my stuff i made at

"oh, I saw on this show where they did this, and you should do it too, i think it would work much better"  or "I saw a documentary/youtube video where....."



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Uh huh. I keep getting the ones who's: grandfather, father, uncle, cousin,etc. etc. was a blacksmith and he did it like . . . It can be hard to be polite to some of these folk but I'm usually able to just smile and if they persist I ask if they have any of his tools. There WAS one truly obnoxious pompous oaf that wouldn't go away and behaved like the spectators were HIS audience and finally made me retort with, "Realllly, what did he do for a living?" Fortunately the other folk WANTING to watch and listen to ME laughed as he left in a huff.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Drove to the junk yard, unloaded my stuff, found and loaded up a whole bunch of better stuff, and had to pay the junk yard office in order to leave. Went out heavier than what I weighed when I came in. 

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On 2/11/2016 at 6:59 AM, JHCC said:

"Railroad spike knives are great knives, except for one minor thing, which is that they suck." -- Walter Sorrells

I just had to repost this one because it made my morning coffee squirt out my nose...

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The technique is mastery of "Failure Analysis." For example Try something. Observe the results. Decide what's not QUITE RIGHT. Do it again slightly differently. Observe the results. Repeat till it's good enough.

Perfection isn't in human's reach, we have to settle for good enough. We can make things better but not perfect. Human perfection isn't in our cards.

A little knowledge and a LOT of practice is how you earn the craft.

Frosty The Lucky.

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1 hour ago, Glenn said:

A little knowledge and a LOT of practice is how you earn the craft

did he mean to have an "L" before "earn" to make it "learn" or does he mean "earn"? I just think learn would make more sense.


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10 minutes ago, littleblacksmith said:

did he mean to have an "L" before "earn" to make it "learn" or does he mean "earn"? I just think learn would make more sense.


"£" + "earn"

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3 minutes ago, JHCC said:

"£" + "earn"



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Ok I see now. I guess that just goes to show that I'm not very old or British! :lol:


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