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Viking bottle opener

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We in Belgium have a compagny called "Mobile Vikings". They are an telecomprovider for phones and internet.

I just joined them for internet at my house. And received a care-pakkage of them. How nice. It included a bottle opener, viking style


Nope, no viking style. Thin sheetmetal covered in plastic.

But it got me thinking, since I made some bottle openers recently to make a challange here on ifi. To make the best viking bottle opener.

They can be as traditional as you like (mine look like they are actually dug up from a viking site) or just modern viking (whatever that is).

Time till Easter? I try to sent the winner something to use it on (if customs allow it).

To show I'm a real contender.


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If the concern is an alcoholic beverage, there are plenty of pop bottles that are made that require a church key. 

Guess i will break the ice though. Here is my offering. From left to right, more of a Celtic than Viking but a dragon, then some sort of spiral knot thing i tried, the 3rd is a troll cross. The troll cross, depending on who you listen to, is a talisman to ward off evil, or it is a fairly new creation from the 90's that is a misinterpretation of a rune on someone's farm.  The bottom one, come on, no self respecting Viking would use a bottle opener. They would hit it with a hammer and just knock the top off. 


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  Heres my Viking bottle opener.  It's two firsts for me, making an opener and carving letters.  I tried to follow VaughnT tutorial.  Obviously, I need practice.  I used a fine tip sharpie in the bottom of the chisel marks, to guage how deep I was getting.

   It's made out of the end of a miners pick.



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Well, here's my day.  First, I decided to go minimalist, since I don't have any brilliant, original ideas for how to shape a real viking-themed bottle opener.  I decided just to make a regular bottle opener and inscribe it with runes.  Which meant having some cold chisels to carve the runes with.  I only have 1/2" springs to make proper tools with right now, so I decided to try making some SuperQuench™ and using some scrap 1/4" mild steel, since Robb Gunter had shown us all about it at the NMABA meeting in December. 

Mixed up the SuperQuench and made those little chisels. 

Then I forged a bottle opener from 1/2" square bar and did the runes freehand with my new chisels after the opener was cooled.

I clearly have not done my quenching right because by the end of my rune inscription they were pretty dull.

Pictured are the opener and the re-dressed working ends of the chisels (1/4" and 1/8" working ends).


The runes are actually a reference to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and say "Beer Good, Foamy".




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xxxxxx you guys beat me to the runes idea.  Nice openers by all so far. All the submissions look great. I'm going to have to go with plan B.

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Looking good guys. I like the pick Scott.

Tommy, Super quenching mild steel will get it as hard as reasonably possible but it's still mild steel and you need to re-sharpen regularly.

An excellent source for good chasing chisels are garage / yard / rummage sale allan wrenches and old chisel / punches. We're talking a handfull for a buck or tossed into another buy. I stopped picking them up when I had 2 1/2, 3lb. coffee cans worth. Same for drill bits dull and broken ones are give away and easily re-sharpened.

Frosty The Lucky.

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15 hours ago, gewoon ik said:

Scott what does yours mean? 

It is just supposed to be my name.  I just grabbed the first rune alphabet graphic that caught my eye.  After the fact (as usual) I studied up on runes on wikipidea and realized how much there is to them....  Plenty of ways to use them uniquely.

19 hours ago, Daswulf said:

I like the ring on the point of it.

  It comes off easily, converting it into a Viking Stabbing Weapon....Lol.  

16 hours ago, Frosty said:

I like the pick Scott.

  Thanks.  And I still have the other half to make another....:)

  Awesome job freehand Tommy.  I traced mine out.  I just discovered sharpie metallic markers for dark surfaces like steel and iron and they work good for my eyes and shaky hand..... I was going to put a raven feathers on the sides but need more practice chiseling.



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