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That is a great gyroscopic design, Alan. very innovative.

As Das suggested, I have made only one park bench from the wheels, but would like to do more, and they would look good around the museum. We have 16 acres, and people like to stop for a rest. My design is a bit more traditional and straightforward:



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Aus, that's exactly what I had in mind. The ones that Alan made are innovative if not awe inspiring but these are what I picture. Darned if he didn't upset my mind on what a bench can be haha. Think it'll be a few years before I could even attempt something like that. Aus, you could make those benches like the one you did and have them out therefor people to "try out" as you could have a piece tag on em for people to buy. 

Or just do wheel park ;) with a play spot for kids with all the different wheels used in slides and walkways and swings/ springy rideable things and more...  My mind is in overload. I'll stop there lol

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9 hours ago, Daswulf said:

Aus, that's exactly what I had in mind. The ones that Alan made are innovative if not awe inspiring but these are what I picture. Darned if he didn't upset my mind on what a bench can be haha. Think it'll be a few years before I could even attempt something like that. Aus, you could make those benches like the one you did and have them out therefor people to "try out" as you could have a piece tag on em for people to buy. 

Or just do wheel park ;) with a play spot for kids with all the different wheels used in slides and walkways and swings/ springy rideable things and more...  My mind is in overload. I'll stop there lol

Yeah, a wheel park would be a good idea but we have to be very careful with things like that - Work Place Health and Safety etc. Those wheels are extremely heavy and I don't want to think of the consequences should one fall on a child. It would have to be carefully engineered to comply with safety issues. I think I might just stay with the park benches ... when I get time to make some. Not enough hours in a day. But you know that.

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Thank you for the kind comments, the starting point was looking for the forms which the link (sorry for the pun) trains and bikes.

Are the wheels on your bench functional or fixed Aus? I could see them either way.  Set forward, with a prop (sissy bar!) at the back....but great arm rests either way.

I have seen an elongated wheelbarrow design bench in a few places. Single wheel at one end (at right angles to yours) and a pair of handles at the other so you could move it into the sunny spot or into the shade as per your inclination and the weather.

@ WoodnMetalGuy well spotted! Handy they pack so small. Since a our recent garden shed burglary the Bromptons have been sitting in the front room beside my chair, in case they come back!


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Just in time for Memorial Day, someone left this beauty by the side of the road.

OK, it was missing its grill and the height adjustment for the charcoal tray was broken on one side, but some election sign wire, some rebar, and a couple of extra cast iron grills I had kicking around, and we are good to go!



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1 hour ago, ThomasPowers said:

Get some people wearing goggles to sit on them and have one hold an airplane control wheel and photo shop it in the clouds and you would have an 1950's science fiction magazine cover about "flying cars of the future"...

Don't forget to moose your hair straight back.

Frosty The Lucky.

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From my neighbor's garage sale, a 16 lb stonebreaker's hammer for six bucks (3 lb cross-peen for scale). 


The trademark is a capital "A" in a horseshoe, with a "CAST STEEL" stamp. Can't tell if that's a name inside the horseshoe, or just decoration. 


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The handle only about a foot long, but I can barely imagine anyone using this beast one-handed. I'm going to rehandle it for two-handed use and use it for upsetting anvil tools in the portable hole.

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On May 29, 2017 at 4:29 AM, Alan Evans said:

Are the wheels on your bench functional or fixed Aus? I could see them either way.  Set forward, with a prop (sissy bar!) at the back....but great arm rests either way

No, they are fixed. Sometimes I wish I had made them functional as it takes a lot of effort to move it! It is comfortable though and the arm rests work well.

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From one of my granny's barns, most of which was my grandfathers. They are moving, and it is quite sad, because it is almost like they are passing away. everyone going through there stuff, claiming what they want, getting rid of other stuff, selling some more, and it bringing lots of stress. Now for me it's easy, because no one wants "this old junk".

Some coffee cans for holding punches, chisels, etc., sandpaper, couple saw blades and some circular saw blades, Stanley hacksaw frame, bit and brace, couple crow bars, medium sized square, hooks and sinkers, trap, couple hammers and a hammer head, all of which will need new handles. also picked up some soldering flux, but that was just cause I liked the tin! Oh, and the book "Wrought Iron" from 1952, or somethin like that. I have begun reading it, it is quite enjoyable. Ok, I know I missed a lot, I will let ya'll see what the rest of it is.







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Ive been thinking about that too! making a new handle would be fun....

The brand is Buck something. Somthin like that.


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I've been told I will be the one mowing our property tomorrow, lets just hope I don't run out of gas and have the joy of using that mower! haha. this one though is much better than the wooden framed one that we picked up a while back. It weighed about 2 times more and was about 4 times more difficult to push! the wooden one was the one my dad used to mow his first lawns, and the one we just picked up was used by my grandfather.


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Ayup, that's a reel MANLY mowing mowing machine. IIRC 7 sheep per acre keeps it nicely trimmed to about 3/4" and fertilized. Up untill the invention of the reel mower everybody with a nice lawn had sheep, there used to be two full time flocks with shepards and herd dogs for the White House. I don't recall # & size of the Capitol flocks. 

Naw, you don't want any sheep Mark, a little oil and sharpen the blades and that mower'll keep your lawn spiffy nice. ;)

Frosty The Lucky.

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Just as a general point of interest, the lawn mower was invented a couple of miles down the road from me in Thrupp by one Edwin Beard Buddings in 1830...well patented in 1830 at least.

He also invented the screw adjustable spanner....A pepper box pistol in 1827 more advanced than Samuel Colt's patent of 1836, and divers other improvements to Carding Machines for the woollen industry and Chaff Cutters for the agricultural industry.

I knew about the local hero lawnmower invention but have just looked him up and found the other inventions.

They refer to him now as an engineer or inventor, I always heard him referred to as a blacksmith. Creative man whatever the description.


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