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I Forge Iron

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I found some wedges that were definitely cast (casting lines visible) but with square ends, definately not be much good for splitting wood. I made a deal and said I would buy them as I could forge the ends to a point, or just grind them down to a point. We both agreed it would be a lot of word so we came to a price and I brought them home.

The fellow ask if I was a blacksmith or something and I said yes, I was always looking for solid bar stock, round stock, etc to work with. He mentioned that there was a couple of bent pieces of round bar in the back. Turns out they were 1-1/2 inch thick and definitely BENT. I told him it would take a big fire to get them up to temperature but I could either bend them back to straight or find some use for them. Cash talks and the metal walked straight to the car.

I think I can make use for both the wedges and the round bar. Ahhh the joy of scrounging.

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We used set punches just like that to drive coupler lock pins out of drill auger. That one probably got jammed in something and someone tried beating it out with a sledge.

Same tool different uses, they're still pretty easy to find and not very expensive if you look in the right place. Oh say a soil sampling drilling supplier; Diamond Drill or maybe CME, perhaps Mobile drill, etc. If they don't carry them they'll be more than happy to tell you who does.

Frosty the Lucky.

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I picked up a very large and heavy post vise yesterday from an antique store. I paid 120 for it, and once I get it cleaned up and my camera working again I'll get a pic posted, unfortunatly the cammera I have isn't working anymore. perhaps I will get a new one tomarrow

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Edge9001; how wide are the jaws?

Flea market report: 3.75" dia ferrous ball---for armouring stake: US$2, 12# sledge head in good condition: $2.50 Spike driver sledge head in good condition: $2.50 (fellow was telling me the spike driver was *old* until I pointed out to him that it was stamped "wear safety goggles" which as I recall didn't start until the 1970's...anybody else remember when that started to show up?)

Also someone was sell cheap chinese scythe stones and was giving away the ones that had broken; so I picked up a couple of those to "hide" in the tool boxes for when I need to clean an edge for demo tempering.

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Edge9001; how wide are the jaws?

Flea market report: 3.75" dia ferrous ball---for armouring stake: US$2, 12# sledge head in good condition: $2.50 Spike driver sledge head in good condition: $2.50 (fellow was telling me the spike driver was *old* until I pointed out to him that it was stamped "wear safety goggles" which as I recall didn't start until the 1970's...anybody else remember when that started to show up?)

Also someone was sell cheap chinese scythe stones and was giving away the ones that had broken; so I picked up a couple of those to "hide" in the tool boxes for when I need to clean an edge for demo tempering.

The jaws are 5 1/2 inches wide and open to over 4 inches. the threads are nice and square and it turns pretty easily except for the last 1/2 inch when closing gets a little hard to turn. i figure if i degrease it and then clean and regrease it, it should be fine.
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some time ago I scored many many tongs from a fellow, he also had this anvil he just decided to let go of, it is 300 lbs, and came with this stand, a big bridge tie wrapped in plywood, don't know the maker yet, it's painted and will take some time, but the heel is massive on this dude!! I'm probably going to resell it, but the boys at the all hands meet get the first go at it.

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I had a fellow ask if I would like to have a rod cutter. He would give it to me, if I wanted it. So I took it.(The price was right!!) It had a lot of gunk inside of the cutting area and A LOT of paint on it. So I took it apart and wire wheeled the whole thing, then painted it and put it back together. Then I mounted it on a board. It works pretty well, now. :D

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Good deal Jason. It looks similar to the one the I just got for $150. :D

Thanks George. They are pretty hard to get over here. $150 for yours sounds like a very good price. They go anywhere from $300-$650 here. I remember seeing the odd one sitting in a garden or in a back porch when I was younger. I new something wasn't right with that way back then.
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just got my new smithy 3in1 lathe drill press and mill home and unloaded. I will get pictures of it and the new legvise tomarrow. I also got my new camera today so now i can take pictures again.

the lathe I got by posting an ad on craigslist looking for equipment and materials. I got my new smithy 3 in 1 and a truck load of scrap metal(pallet strap, bedframes, antenna parts) new metal(alluminum brass and steel rod and plate) as well as the many many boxes of parts that go with the 3 in 1. my little s10 was loaded down with the springs were compressed as far as they could and all of it for only $200. after I loaded the lathe this guy started asking can you use this or this. my answer, of course, if you wanna add it to the pile, put it in the truck.

right now the lathe is in 4 major parts with 15-20 boxes of misc parts and a operators manual. I also got a copy of the book home machinist. so I guess as well as blacksmithing I will be looking for help with machining things now.
It is official I have outgrown my shop. I barely have enough room to hold all os the machines and tool much less work in there, time to rebuild once again

pictures WILL come tomarrow when I can get good pics it is too late tonight
in a few weeks(probably less) I'll let you all know how well I can mill or turn something useful.

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as promised, the pictures
first the lathe
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second the extra scrap metal I got for my pile
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I have several small pieces of new metal mostly brass and aluminum barstock from 1/8 rod brass and aluminum to 1.5 inch brass rod

and finnaly my new post vise
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the threads are excelent
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even the bolts to mount it to the post were included, lol
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