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Filing the pipe with the same pressure I use to rasp a red oak plank does not scratch it in the least, all it did was remove the last bit of dirt from that spot lol, this means stainless? Anything to do with that? I'm thinking of using it for the air intake for my forge

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What style of forge? Side blast or bottom blast? 

Might be a bit big diameter and a bit thin for a side blast inlet. I think you were planning on a side blast jabod right? 

For an air inlet for a bottom blast it might work. But need attached to a vertical pipe. Unless itll become the vertical pipe and another added for the horizontal. 

I have a bunch of pipe laying around in sizes suitable for either side or bottom blast if you need some. 


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Impossible to say without evaluating the individual piece. There are many different kinds of stainless steel for many different applications. Some can be hardened, some have greater corrosion resistance for marine applications, some are designed for easier machining, and so on.

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I've had some stainless that moved fairly easy under the hammer and some that was harder to forge. I'm sure it depends on the alloy. I was mostly working mystery stainless. I did buy some a few years ago to make drink stirring spoons for a bar but the deal fell through and now I forget what type it was. I jumped the gun on buying the stock for the job and they didn't like my price. I don't mind having the stock since I like making spoons.

Lesson there tho, keep notes and mark your known stock. Marks on the stock might come off over time so that's also where the notes help. 


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I had a lot of fun too, when I got home I finished the Box portion of my Jbod forge, it's very Frankenstein looking since I basically used the first scrap pieces of wood I found, but here we are lol

I think the piece at the bottom that says "test" on it is very appropriate for this little project, I bought a wood burning tool a year ago and tested it on that piece, it's been sitting around since.




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Haha, darn yeah we ran out of time. I forgot about the wood. We could have cut it quick but that works. 

It is just a container to get it up and off the ground. What you fill it with and how you shape it matters more. 

We'll set another time sometime when the holidays clear. Till then keep at it. 

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Oh yeah. For his second time forging at all he made a nice leaf keychain. Finished it well too.  Deffinately has the desire to do it and is not afraid to jump in and do it. I'm looking forward to a next time to work on the more needed tool projects. 


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