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Can this apron be saved.

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It is cocked to one side. I slit it down the exact middle up to about my crotch, but even though it was straight and in the right spot when on the ground, it wasn’t when on me. 

Should I have made the shoulder straps adjustable in the front and back?





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It's just fashionably asymmetric and askew.  It's kind of like cocking your hat to one side.

You can either accept it as it is or trim it as it hangs to a more even shape.  Either way it looks perfectly functional to protect you from hot stuff and dirt.

BTW, you might want to update your avatar photo.  I almost didn't recognize you. ;-)

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."


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If you connect the right side of the waist strap to the right shoulder strap in the back it should straighten it out. Might take some fiddling with it to get it right but I'm pretty sure it's doable.


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You could straighten it if you wanted to remove the rivets and cut the stitching or just learn to lean the right direction. Leg straps help a lot. 

The straps on my apron are really long and only attach to it at the top front. One has the buckle the other the tongue. There is a D ring at hip level on both sided, the straps go over my shoulders, cross in back, pass through the D rings and buckle around my waste. I have split legs with straps as well.

Mine always hangs cocked when I first put it on but it's easy to straighten, hold it where I want and loosen the tighter strap slightly, it drops right in place. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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On 7/14/2021 at 10:19 PM, George N. M. said:


BTW, you might want to update your avatar photo.  I almost didn't recognize you. ;-)



:) My avatar pic wasn’t taken that long ago. I liked it because my hair was dark again. I had been at the forge all day. I am constantly running my fingers through my hair. I hadn’t realized I had been coating my hair with coal dust each time I did it. 

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We should start calling you, "Laddy Coalairol."

How long have you been running your dirty hands through your hair before you realized the dirt would come off? 

I want t offer my sincere gratitude for such a great straight line. You've made my day, thank you.

:)Frosty The Lucky.

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I believe that coal tar was an active ingredient in some hair dyes.  Hopefully that's been changed out like the lead acetate used in some progressive dyes has been. 

I'm going white and bald and perfecting my "Santa's Evil Twin Skippy" act; my avatar pic is over a decade old now.


1186974268_frowningSanta(3).jpg.a9d560b188711704a45215855a4d0665.jpgYou are all getting CLINKER for Christmas!

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Men in my family don't go gray, we fade to white Dan and my Uncle's hair was more red than mine and they faded to pink then white. My beard is still a little pink but my head is what it's always been, just buzzed. Maybe I'll try perfecting Santa's joker nephew, Clippy. You're all getting stubble in your hose!

Bwa ha ha ha ha! Remember Clippy says, "Ha Ha HA!" as he hooky bobs away behind Santa's sleigh.

Frosty The Lucky.

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pnut was right. Moving the waist strap up to connect where the shoulder strap connects straightened it out quite a bit. 

Now to re-do the slit or the legs and straps for them. After that pockets to catch slag. 

I have been having trouble with sweat in my eyes. I’ve tried several hats, from ball caps worn with the bill in the front and back to a boonie hat. Nothing works. I am not quite ready to try a tennis sweatband like McEnroe wore. What about a welder’s skullcap or a doo rag?


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11 hours ago, JHCC said:

Judging by both my grandfathers and my father, I should have been quite bald several years ago. Yet here we are. 

haha I'm currently 15 if i end up like my father and his dad I have but 15-20ish more years with a full head of hair, bout the same for my mothers side so thing don't look good for me and my hair either way


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Uh . . . DOO rag? What are you guys trying to keep out of your eyes? Everybody I know with a sweaty brow wears a DEW rag to absorb those annoying little drops of water that run into your eyes. Dew like forms on your windshield on a cool morning or on an icy glass, you know, DEW.

DOO on the other hand is something else entirely. Sure you don't want it running into your eyes, who wouldn't? I just have to ask, what are you guys doing that has Doo running into your eyes? I mean . . . EWWWW!

:rolleyes: Gosh I love Iforge, I haven't checked the forum in about 5 hours, open it and am greeted with a truly irresistible straight line. Thank you guys, you're the greatest.:D

The micro fiber cloths like you use for glass can absorb a few times as much moisture as cotton and evaporates water much more quickly. I haven't cut one up to make a dew rag, folding or rolling one is too warm. I might not have to the temps are coming down, it was still a sweltering 80 today but I'm acclimatizing. Heck it's 67 right now and It's feeling nice and cool.

Frosty The Lucky.

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19 hours ago, Frosty said:

You're all getting stubble in your hose!

    I thought there for a second you wrote "stubble in your nose."....  Who does not love a good nosestache?  Or the bushes that like to grow out of some peoples ears?  I too am grey and now, after this move, I noticed it's falling out as well.

  When I was welding, we had headbands that we threw in the freezer and they kept your noggin cool for an hour or two and we would rotate them out.  They kind of got in the way of the helmet headgear though.  They had some kind of gel in them.  Maybe that's some kind of safety no no these days, being too cool/cold, brain freeze and all of that.  It worked back then...  Idk.

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7 hours ago, Frosty said:

Everybody I know with a sweaty brow wears a DEW rag

I believe that the original expression was “do rag”, the headscarf worn by Rosies during WWII to protect their hairDOs. 

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20 hours ago, DHarris said:

What about a welder’s skullcap or a doo rag?

I wear a kaffiyeh when I’m in the shop. The loosely woven cotton does a great job soaking up the sweat, and I’ve got extras that I can swap out if it gets too wet to be effective. 

Gandalfgreen wore a chef’s skull cap when he came over for an intro lesson a couple of weeks ago. 


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Wish I was back at Bell Labs and could have a Sikh teach me to twist a turban!

I use a bandana folded for a sweat band and like to roll up ice cubes in one to go around my neck to "cool the blood" however with high humidities lately I've just refrained from working in the shop when it gets "warm".

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